Classic Wow Instance Lockout Cap

While playing Anniversary Servers, I did 3 deadmines lockouts on character A, and 2 stockades instances on character B and now I receive a notification of " You Have Entered Too Many Instances Recently".
Previously I had experienced a 5 lockout per hour per character, but now it seems like its account-wide.
When reviewing Blizzard support Article ID: 10994 … It states:

WoW Classic and Classic Progression

In WoW Classic you can enter up to ten individual instanced zones per hour.

Is the article by blizzard wrong, or is the game capping me pre-maturely?

The number of instances for the threshold doesn’t magically drop off after an hour. The first instance will drop off, then the next and so on.

We’ve seen this before, if someone is running several in quick succession they’ll hit the lockout cap that seems early.

I’d give in 10-15 minutes or so then try another run.


Its also not like clock hour (or at 2pm it all refreshes). Its any given hour long stretch of game time (ie 1:35 to 2:35). But it’s also always been account wide I’m almost certain.

If you’re absolutely positive that there is no way you’ve run 10 instances in the last hour (ie, those five are the only ones you’ve done today on the account) you can make a post over in the Classic Bugs forum.