Classic WoW has exceeded all expectations

I don’t think the drop off was much smaller than they thought… most servers had like 5+ layers and now they are down to 1-2. That’s a 80% drop out rate and it was very expected that’s why layering was created.

They said the max number of layers was 3.

i thought the server could hold x players with no layers, 2x with 2 layers, and so forth.

No they didn’t, they only ever said that the number of layers was in single digits ie; max of 9.

I reread the blue post and you may be correct. They said the last time there were “more than three” layers was the first.week of September.

I played every retail patch up to and including this mess we currently have. Unless changes are made in the next expac i doubt i’ll log back into any retail that is out there not as long as classic is online and or TBC gets dropped next. Retail just seems to be a zoom zoom game with no real purpose. But that’s my opinion and we all have them some the same some different.

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yes and the dropped the layering as players fanned out… during launch you had 3 starting levels for each side. If you have 20k players loggin in to 1 server layer it would blow the servers up… now that the players are… @60 / @50 / @40 who all started together… having 5 layers is no longer needed… since the population is already spread out through the realms. So you can logistically lower the layering without affecting game play.

Why is this so hard for people to understand.

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I honestly never even thought about it this way.

Seriously? There is no way any server has 20k players on it at a time.

Maybe 6k at best. The game was originally designed for approx. 3k.

In fact the population levels are not even vanilla its a #change.

Get real.

Seriously… ya know that servers from 98-2004 were not as powerful as 2018 servers… Seriously …

Learn to Evaulate hardware upgrades… Do you still play on a 486 pentium 1? with your wow subscription? I highly doubt Blizzard is using a WinNt box utilizing NT40 with Pentium 2 hardward and 800 MG of ram.

So yes i think they can run a server with 20k on it now… just like you can run 3D VR on your pc/laptop now that no way you could in 2004… why is this hard to understand…

Has nothing to do with what the server can stand and everything to do with the actual design of vanilla.

Servers did not host most than 3000 players. Any servers hosting more than 3k is not Vanilla.

They clearly indicated they would be capping logins to maintain the authentic vanilla experience. 20k players is not even remotely close to vanilla and they are definitely not doing that.

Layers with a controlled limit allowed for those populations to exist on servers.

I feel you may be a familiar undead player who was posting the same Twitch nonsense.

See now you just making things up to serve some other goal of #changes that your looking for.

But because a server limitation in 2006 capped the server at 3k, that does nothing to the playstyle of 2019 wow classic, again they never said they were giving you Vanilla. They said they were giving you as close as they could to what Vanilla was in classic 2019.

With the advancement of hardware over the years they made the smart business decision to not cap each realm at the 3k that was the limitation of wow vanilla, but to have a higher cap that only they know.

Since it doesn’t affect game play nor game mechanics thats what they did.

As populations moved out across the server. They lowered the layers but on the most packed servers you will till seeing layering due to the need still existing.

To relieve this issue they have begun to offer free ream xfers… that in itself should tell you how healthy WoW classic is and the expected drop off has not occurred.

You are just plain wrong.

There is no way a single layer is supporting that many people.

The zones would be unplayable. Particularly in the 40-60 range.

This is just a troll thread.

And finally, nope not a troll thread, just plain truth of hardware scaling in the last 13 years.

I am sure the servers could host 100k players doesnt mean they are.

Its delusional to think a single server hosting 20k players is occuring.

Also that would be the furthest thing from an authetic Vanilla experience.

Keep dreaming.

Classic is absolutely everything I wanted. Thank you Blizzard!


Lol @ people talking about servers and hardware. Theyre on the cloud and running microservices. This isnt monolithic wow all on the same machine anymore.

Given how spread out the character levels are now, I find it amazing that the Barrens, Badlands, and Hinterlands can be as crowded as they are right now. You are right though, server populations at this high a level are a change and is very different than vanilla wow.

I remember someone tried posting that meme for bfa a couple months after launch on reddit and everyone downvoted it into oblivion.