Classic WoW has exceeded all expectations

No idea, I hope so but so far the only cinematic revamp that’s been revealed was the opening one.

The point is they’re having fun. We get it. It’s not a carbon copy. Get over it.

Blizzard expected this to happen, which is why they were so slow on making new realms those first few weeks…then they realized that people facing massively long login queues would just give up and quit, so they finally started making more, but then went and made too many, and after the free server transfers, realm pops are now a mess with regard to faction balance, and some of the newly created servers are low pop.

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Absolutely, If blizz is smart and really listens to their customers, the lvl 60 classic experience can go on for an indeterminable amount of time. (Who really enjoyed lvling past 60 anyway? I certainly didn’t, it was just to get to more endgame.)

Vanilla is the only enjoyable, real lvling experience in WoW and 1-60 quests and world should be preserved in Classic, not just smeared over with reworked old Expansions.

Outland was the beginning of the end for the quality WoW experience.

They can tell by looking at the numbers connecting to each server which one is more popular.

They get this information from their network administrator, not the subscriptions.

They can tell which accounts are playing what and for how long. It’s called server metrics.

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I was following a particular matchup on the NFL website a week or two ago, and one of the intermission ads was for WOW Classic.

I don’t know where else they’re advertising, because like you I don’t watch TV and normally I have adblock in any browser window, but seeing that tells me they aren’t just advertising in the launcher to current players.

Assuming the game is still using an SQL database, they can perform a call function to bring up the relevant information. I have no doubt they are watching the number of active accounts on Classic very closely. I just hope that they will sit up and take notice as to just how popular and fun the game is for so many, and go ahead and put out TBC and Wrath as separate servers later on

The Arthas on the right looks less manly then the one on the left even though the graphics and detail are 1,000x better.

Hm, i am on Stalagg and have definitely noticed a steep decline in players. Very few in leveling zones and people raid log now. So many are only one 1 day per week for 3 hours. Still alive, but a different experience from yours

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The leveling zones on every server have less people because more people have hit 60 or are reaching it now. Leveling zones are always packed at the start of any new launch as everyone levels up in a huge cluster.

And there will always be people who raid log. Likely they have farmed out their bis and only raid log now for raids and have started an alt or something else. Doesn’t mean the game has declined in activity. Expect them to log on more when PvP is relevant in phase 2

It’s not even remastered. I would call it patched at best.

Wrong. It’s down to around a 1/10 of what it launched at. You can still /who manually with lots of filters to get accurate prime time estimates of the number of players and it’s usually around 2k on full pop servers. Try it some time…

Though come January, I’d say the game will sit around 150-200k worldwide, which is still plenty successful.

Why are they always where I’m questing then!? I think I leveled with the herd and even now anytime I log in during primetime hours there are so many more people than I remember during the launch of the new realm I played on back in 2006. My alt faces less competition in the Barrens, its a little harder to get a RFC run, but that is so useless to do anyways I was happy to get one going.

In short, on a moderately popular server there is still a good number of low levels, in fact its probably much better now to start a new character than at launch.

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A lot of those are people playing alts.


Never said Blizzard did not know, specifically said you would never know and that is the way the want it to promote both games. Classic will always be an museum piece and retail the main game if you like it or not.

Idk about that Synthor. It seems pretty clear, even to us who still play retail, that Classic is becoming the main game and retail the side game very similar to Runescape 3 and OSRS where the old game is more popular by far.

It’s plainly obvious in fact. The attention and the nexus of focus and player interest is all on Classic. Nobody gives a flip about BFA even after they released all the goodies about 8.3

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I’ve been wondering about this too. Is Blizzcon too soon?

I do expect this to affect their future plans. But maybe it is too soon for them to make solid, announceable future plans.

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You do need to take in consideration that Classic is still relatively new while BFA is over half way into its cycle. Classic numbers will die down over time. Hype doesn’t last forever.

BFA/9.0 is going to be the focus of WoW at Blizzcon.

Plenty of people are looking forward to 8.3

Plenty of people are playing Classic to fill in the gaps between patches.

The forums aren’t a good representation of the WoW community. Most people don’t pay any attention to the forums.


You do realize classic sunk faster and harder than BFA right?

The twitch metrics dont lie btw.

Also layers are gone for the most part meaning a massive decline in players.

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Are you saying layering has nothing to do with concurrent users?