And you’re pulling this statistic from?
I sat in a 2k queue just 2 days ago.
So stop spreading misinformation.
Private servers have been going strong for a decade for a very good reason, and it wasn’t because they were free as the retail gooers claimed.
Classic WoW is no different.
From the people in my guilds - they hit 60 play for a week or so and then stop logging in.
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Alright post on your 60 let’s see what guild that is.
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I guess you don’t believe me oh well I am just heartbroken :(.
Cringe, just go back to retail and stop spreading lies/misinformation thanks
firstly, I am not 60, secondly this is a second account, thirdly, what you suggest would be a terrible idea for the guild involved - hey look ‘guild x’ is dying…
you go back to ganging lowbies, on PvE servers after you get to 60 and gear up there IS nothing to do unless you want to make an army of alts. Well I guess it could be that they have stuff to do on retail too, because I am seeing some of them on there now
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I enjoy how things are progressing. I am late to the game (literally) as I just started back at the beginning of the month (October) and had a bit of “what do I play as” funk as well.
The only thing I really want, which was available in vanilla, is paid character transfers. I want to be able to transfer my character to be able to play with friends. I have a few friends whom have stuck it out and I’m leveling with them currently but we have other friends all over the place. I’d love the ability to consolidate that a bit so we get more friends on one server - or at the very least - when I do hit 60 be able to transfer into a guild who raids at the times that fit my schedule.
I don’t see that being difficult and I’m surprised they haven’t put it in yet.
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Zelthius thinks the original Warcraft III models are better than the Reforged ones.
Dude just exists to troll, or really likes Disney style graphics.
Footman looks great.
The majority of the rest looks like Disney inspired furry trash though, with dull bland colors.
Exactly like retail wow models lmao.
Just sharpen the textures, right? Rofl, if you like your Disney style graphics just admit it man.
Are the updated models also used in the pop up dialogue windows that appear at the bottom of the screen in cutscenes? In WoW terms it would be considered the same as the “Talking head” UI element that was put into the game during Legion.
I loved playing WC3 RoC and TFT…really wish they’d make another, but I don’t see how that would happen since WoW is what it evolved into and was the continuity of the WC series in terms of story line. Unless or until WoW ends, WC4 won’t happen I’m afraid
WOW I really need to see more of these…The WC3 HD Remaster looks awesome!!!
The models are easily the best Blizzard has ever created.
Look at Grom:
Because really nice graphics, high polygon counts and hi-rez textures, do not make a game great. So many utterly garbage games try to just use nice graphics and high-rez as their primary hook.
Why is a game with outadated graphics so popular? Because it was a GREAT GAME. That’s what so many video games executives and marketers simply don’t understand. That while nice graphics might generate a bit of buzz about your game, if the gameplay is trash then people won’t be playing it for very long.
Then again, maybe that is the whole point of big game publishers these days. Trick audiences with flashy graphics into buying an unfinished product. Then get people to pay more for the rest of the game they should have gotten to start with. Then it becomes Abandonware just a few months after launch (ahem, Anthem, ahem…).
That new Arthas straight up looks like prince charming from Shrek.
Or how do you like this scuffed “Magtheridon”? YIKES.
But you know what’s better though? A pregnant flying chicken called “gryphon” ahahaha:
More furry portrait over here:
Oval-Shaped Rexxar with his fat insect aka Misha:
See? How could anyone take anything this guy says seriously?
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Ok but none of what you just stated applies to the HD Remaster of WC3. The game has ALWAYS been great, and I highly doubt that the gameplay elements would be all that different from the original. So having the RTS style WC games we’ve all come to love and enjoy playing over the years along with the newer style graphics just makes a great game even BETTER. Yes what you say may be true for some other games, I highly doubt that the WC3 HD version falls into that category
Probably my favorite model update is the Shaman.
Look at this, what a mind boggling improvement:
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lol. OP is using what’s called hyberbole. I doubt anyone expected EVERYONE to quit playing after a few weeks or months. Just that the die-off would be huge over that period and beyond. It would be safe to say that the number of concurrent users has been cut at least in half and likely much more since launch.
But no doubt that the part where Classic has exceeded expectations is true. A tremendous amount of players are still excited to play a 15 year old remastered video game. Pretty amazing.
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Have the cinematics in the game received an HD revamp as well? Like when Medivh attempts to appeal to King Terenas to urge his people to flee to Kalimdor shortly before the Scourge were created through the distribution of grain from Andorhal. I’d really love to see some of this stuff in-game