Classic WoW BG Spectator

Hello all, I’m here because I would like to advocate for a BG spectator to be built in to classic. While currently the game does not have a finished product, it does support arena. However In classic arena does not exist, BGs are the only form of instanced PvP.

If we want classic esports to be a thing, I believe this feature to be absolutely essential. It would foster new communities and bring about a level of competition perhaps even eclipsing the original classic experience when many of us were wee little lads and ladettes.

I hope you all agree with me and voice your opinions, I think the twitch numbers this could bring would be phenomenal as well


Benjamin “Conq” Rubinsten.


It’s got to be deliberate… surely.


no ty


No. If people can spectate live BGs then pre mades will use it to spy on the enemy team.


Even live doesn’t have a built in Arena nor BG spectator (afaik).

I can’t see why they would, nor why they would want to.
Classic is not designed to be an esports haven, the aim is that the game will be true to it’s original form, that includes all the obvious balance issues that Classic WoW had.

I’m not sure anyone is interested in seeing t2 geared Mages literally one shot players across a battleground. Nor sit through an entire 8-24 hour Alterac Valley match.

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Live has a built in arena spectator as well as an unfinished BG spectator, there are script commands which enable them and send Wargame requests to team leaders on your Battletag.


That’s cool. I was under the impression that they had developed them for ease in tournaments but I wasn’t aware that they were accessible to the public.
Thanks for the knowledge.
Do you happen to know the commands out of curiosity? Would love to check it out.

No, I don’t think that needs to be in Classic.

I think Arena and RBG is fine, but they are for a different era of the game. Another problem with them as an e-sport, is that nobody who isn’t an expert on the current state of PVP and classes has any idea what is going on. So its a feature for people who want to spy on Reckful and Hoodrych (examples) and learn pro tips?

My primary concern, the big nope, is that this will somehow be used by cheaters. Sadly the players killed WoW e-sports, not Blizzard. I can’t think of a single big name from BC-Cataclysm that wasn’t involved in some kind of cheating scandal.

Let us just murder each other repeatedly in BGs and not have it turn into “e-sports”. Is it really going to be that interesting to watch me two shot rogues in an Intercept Stun once I have Dark Edge of Insanity? No, no it won’t.


Never said it happened in 1.5 sweetheart. I said if they used 1.5 AV in classic it would be zerged (or as close to it as the NPCs allow).


lol no

The classic community needs to be better at flagging troll posts. Thats a change I’ll get behind.


We don’t. It was not in vanilla and has zero place in Classic. This is way too obvious troll bait.

This is not a troll, as a twink would you not want something like a Twink Cup on Vanilla?

You don’t want to watch me grind to rank 14 in my mom’s basement?

Your loss I guess. :slight_smile:

Absolutely not.

It was that character’s first post on the forum. Pretty good indication.

We don’t. Case closed.

To be fair, when I came to WOW from Guild Wars, one of the things I missed was the separated PvP and the ability to spectate games and get an idea of maps and objectives before ever setting foot in one.

However, WOW Classic isn’t for eSport, isn’t for driving Twitch numbers. It is for playing and enjoying an authentic vanilla WOW experience. Retail is where all eSport and third-party “content” creator stuff belongs.

If WOW Classic is to be good for Twitch(y) people, it will be good as-is.

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I’m going to start calling them that now. Twitchy people instead of streamers lol. Just sounds better. :grin:

Also agreed on all points.

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Please no.
Keep E-Sports out of classic and leave that stuff to retail.