Classic WoW BG Spectator

Just to throw my 2 cents in. Being able to invite someone as a spectator to your side of a game does offer some value, people can coordinate guild vs guild games and stream them more easily. And streaming is good for any game at this point in time, more eyes means more attention, means more players, more revenue, more support, ect.

There is some chance of abuse as people could use a second account to queue as a spy and get full intel, but honestly queuing as a spy already gives you all you need and more importantly is bannable. And if you just had the game announce when a spectator joined then players would know, and if someone on the team didn’t know the person everyone could easily report (:

Just to throw it out there the OP Conq owns a forum dedicated to twinking. He enjoys tournaments and organized play, and his request is real :slight_smile: Although it’s the community and Blizzard’s call whether a spectator mode is of interest and worth the cost to add.

At the very least I’d like to see back end changes to the game so people like myself can have add-ons developed to support our tournaments.

Wouldn’t this go against Blizzard’s vision of the game? I don’t believe such addons existed in 2004-2006. I understand your request and see how it’d be cool for your style of play.

But I don’t believe it existed in Classic to such an extent of having an MLG type following of Battleground matches. They don’t even do that today for rated BGs do they?

Maybe this is my fault for wording it improperly, I’m not asking for any ol guy to be able to view his friends BGs. I’m asking for tools to be intergrated to support private groups creating content.

“We are proud to show to you for the first time, actual footage of player just about to hit rank 14!”


Why are the CDs so neatly stacked? AND THE BLINDS ARE OPEN? ARE YOU INSANE?

We don’t want this.

The end.



That’s it. Now that’s some rank 14 action.

What some critics seem to be missing is that vanilla esports are inevitable.

Anyone can organize a tournament, force each team to have one person screen sharing to a broadcaster, slap some shoutcasters on it and call it a day, it’s just a huge pain to do this work-around.

No, they’re really not.


That’s not eSports. It’s a group of people showing off their little tournament. It’s little more than the hundreds of PvP montages out there, except instead of some sick metal and the best scenes, we’d get blathering heads trying to sound smart and stretches of nothing worth watching.



no just no


It would be fun and would be nice for teams to practice strategies and such. But if it wasnt on some sort kf delay it would be the wow version of spygate. I wojldnt mind lettign people see replays or something.

you’re a clown

Retail has rated battle grounds (something classic does not) and RBG’s aren’t even a topic of discussion for WoW esports.

What are you smoking where you think vanilla BG’s will transcend to esports? Rated-bg’s have been out for almost 10 years with no recognition by blizzard compared to 3v3 or their new MDI’s .

Classic is bringing us back to a real MMORPG that’s not diluted by years of feedback from fast-food gamers who have given us the current state of WoW.


This guy is your average Cereal killer, 2 weeks ago he almost sold xpoff for the second time, this time for $3,000. after a change of sudden thought he declined the offer and returned the payment to the buyer, his only intention here is to profit from 1. A failing website, 2. by means of asking blizzard for something that was never a thing in Classic WoW, and Profiting off of the stream revenue.
3. if this isn’t enough he also made an attempt to sell his account on xpoff around 6/1/18 of last year. This guy is your everyday Jewish accountant you wish you never had. Before you defend your website

it is a known fact, you’re the one person deliberately who has sabotage xpoff. Simple check of Google Analytics, shows a decline in the websites revenue, while Ripduck was profiting $9,000-11,000 a month, this months results are a whopping $6,700 and the month is nearly over. JUST GIVE UP ALREADY.
Signed; William Daniels Charles Adams Julius IV of America. :slight_smile:


Gave XPOFF away for free yesterday…?

Topics like this, make me wish for the downvote button again.

No sprinkles, no extra’s, no sauce no nothing else than vanilla, just…No!


Im not asking for a replay or spectate feature that normal players can use in game. But im kinda shocked by the amount of hate towards e-sports.

There seems to be a lot of hate towards e-sport that doesnt have to be.
The private server scene for classic wow has proved over and over again in the past that there is a demand in e-sports for wow classic.

The game has an extremely high skillcap that people do like to watch.

Its not like the usual arguments against e-sport will have effect here. There wont be balance changes to classes and pruning and making every class feel the same.

Cause this is a finished product.

And if people decide to make an e-sport out of the game, there could atleast be some support blizzard can give for those selfmade events that allow for a smoother showcase of whats happening than swapping between playercams? Maybe.