Classic will be entertaining...unless you're a Paladin

You’re mixing up some elements of BC with Vanilla. Both Spellsteal and Avenging Wrath weren’t part of Vanilla, they were added in BC. So you didn’t have wings, and mages can’t Spellsteal freedom. Freedom can be purged or dispelled by shamans, priests, or lock Felhunter though. So you can use freedom against a mage without worry though.

You’re right about the lack of gap closer. But being able to spam cleanse frost nova and other mage slows was nice though.

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gosh youre right. I forgot wings wasnt added till later. Its all a blur back then lol.


It was a long time ago. I’m sure we’ve all forgotten more than we remember. :wink:

A time before Spellsteal was implemented looks pretty nice in my nostalgia goggles.

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The guy is a literal Troll :joy::joy:

Caperx is either the only person who was good and made ret viable back in Vanilla, or he delusional.

The sad truth is that Class imbalance was apparent with Ret and a lot of other dps specs being a lower tier. Nearly every game has tier lvls.

Does it mean you can’t raid as them? Of course not. Raid as any class you want as long as your guild permits it. A good player is always worth more than bad player. But don’t expect the player to have the same results when playing an A tier class to a B tier.


The thing is that one of the best ret paladins in the world can do as much DPS as a very bad mage. This is not a problem if you are one of the best ret paladins in the world and your guild has very bad mages in it.

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Thnx even more reasons to play my old Lock that I still main to this day

Unless spelladin becomes a thing. Which is yet to be determined based on classic tuning. Could surprise some folks. But basic ap ret is very low dps. Now it can still be an asset if played properly

… no.

mana being a finite ressource ( as opposed to rage for warrior) basically meant pally couldn’t pump aggro after a few minutes… then you’re limited to whatever threat a mana pot/ dark rune will give you over it’s duration, which is not much… and never mind the gearing issues trying to find + defence gear with int, spell dmg or mp5.

not having a taunt also made you totally worthless on taunt-swap fights, like 4 horsemen… no, using sanctuary on the other tank isn’t a reverse taunt…

Stop pretending prot paladin was fine - it’s by pointing out it’s flaws that the class will get fixed ( well, not in classic cause #nochange… but you get the idea).


Welcome to hybrids in vanilla. Heres your healing gear.


I played a paladin in Vanilla. No strikes, no snares, no interrupts, no distance-closer, no ranged abilities with short cooldowns, it was pretty garbage. Our buffs helped the raid a lot, and our healing was pretty good (too good before you take talents and gear into account, which IMO was part of why Blizzard couldn’t give us strikes at the time), but it wasn’t fun to play, and we couldn’t tank.

I even did a whole series about it on youtube that Blizzard very nearly banned me for making back in 2007 or 2008 or so; I think they would’ve banned me if the community wasn’t behind me nearly 100% at the time.
Search youtube for my screen name if you want a look at it.

Paladins are fine in Dungeons, if fact i’d Say they can be better than warriors and druids given their ability to AOE. They don’t work in raids but that (believe it or not) is just a fraction of what classic is.

It was refreshing playing a game where not every class had a tool for every situation. Where classes weren’t balanced for 1v1 and had character and flavor. If you think they were weak you weren’t paying attention

A lot of specs have little to no place in high end Classic raiding. That’s just the nature of the game. If you dont like that maybe classic isnt for you.

My two mains in WoW atm are Balance Druid and Ret Paladin so I do get your frustration. But thats just how the game goes. If end-game raiding is a priority for you I would recommend choosing a class around that. I’m leaning toward Fury Warrior personally but still considering the Paladin. I don’t hate healing.