Maybe you’re just obtuse, but it has more to do with preference of being able to consume certain content at my own pace, not a slow trickle that i’m required to log on daily to complete it.
If i’m on vacation for 2 weeks, I come back and have no catch up for this gated bullshi*. If it’s all available at my own pace, I can come back from that 2 weeks and sit down and grind what I missed. Being told how much I can consume a day is nothing but a carrot on a stick to keep us subbed.
how many alts do you want to raid on? how many 12 hours shifts of doing content “at your own pace” do you think you have in you before you nope right out of your sub?
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Why dont you let the players decide that for themselves? If i want to competitively raid mythic on 3 alts, then it’s gonna take a boatload of time.
As it exists, the necklace makes multiple competitive alts near impossible.
Then I guess it’s too bad that weekly lockouts have been in the game since the very first raid opened. “Who is Blizzard to tell me that I can’t grind Molten Core and Onyxia every day for two weeks until I’m 8/8?! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!”
i am asking YOU a question. how many alts would you grind on to let them raid mythic? because as it sits they put catch ups for more casual people such as myself that make a lot of this pointless. my rogue was 34 on his neck until he did a couple of 3k azerite emisarries and a few other emissaries in the next couple of days and now his neck is like 54? the catch up is amazing. but being “competitive” has always taken work.
Einstein alert. I have no problems with raid lockouts, it’s the rest of the content.
That’s my issue, is gating feels forced. Like the other day I picked up my Naz dailies and lo and behold, no pearl quests. So no progress that day. It’s not doing a very good job of retaining me because the upgrades trickle in at this point, I have to repeat the quests for at least a week, if I’m lucky, just to get one upgrade. It feels bad even though theoretically I could grind into 430 benthic “too soon” and have “nothing to do,” but the way it’s implemented I feel more like “there’s nothing to do in a timely manner so screw it,” if anything I’ve been playing more classic lately and just neglecting my retail character. Working as intended?
Even with the added delays of eating/drinking and corpse running those hindrances feel more organic like someone said, so ironically the older game is holding my interest more now. I’m sure that will change as I max out my character (I plan to go for pre-raid BiS and call it a day), but for now I’m enjoying that there’s always something to do anytime I log in.
Posting in “Retail bad Classic good” thread #87342569375628375683745629837456109284561
Now don’t get me wrong, I think flying mounts pretty much ruin the world for most making these wonderfully created vast areas pretty meaningless. But the idea of after leveling up in any xpac, doing the questlines etc then only to find that you need weeks if not months more of grinding to be able to fly is beyond ridiculous. Hell in Legion the xpac wasn’t almost done before I could fly but by then who cared? Right, no one.
I continuously feel like WoW is currently run by somebody who is a massive control freak. Somebody who, if they had the power, would stand over the shoulder of every person in the world playing WoW, to make sure they were playing it the way HE wanted them to.
okay mr tewa what great ideas do you have to improve wow, then?
looks at which reps I’m still missing
Yeah, i think my reps or lack thereof adequately expresses my loathing of classic reps.
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You want a list?
It’s gonna be pretty long.
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i asked you. so yes. wall of text me.
Does the alliance not have to do 10 days worth of follower dailies to be able to access the eternal palace without a summon?
Pretty sure they removed that requirement for everyone the week the raid opened…
Yeah no. I couldn’t get in on my own until i finished the questline
In no particular order:
Use people-matching technology from other industries to help people find guilds and groups of people that they will have fun with. (Seriously, blizzard knows WHEN we each play, WHAT we do, and HOW well we play. They can give us guidance to find other people in the same categories that we match up with.)
Remove Pathfinder OR leave it in but have it completeable in the launch patch.
Remove all war mode bonuses so war mode is restricted to those who just want to PvP. Stop bribing people to do it who don’t want to be there.
Undo all 3 rounds of class pruning.
Bring back Artifact Weapons from Legion and make them permanent so we get away from the “did a weapon drop” lottery.
Restore looting options for guild-only runs.
Remove automated queueing for PvE.
Reduce ilvl inflation by skipping the massive ilvl jump between expansions, and by toning down the ilvl of each new tier (each difficulty goes up 15 ilvls per tier, for example, instead of 30).
Remove titanforging completely.
Adjust warforging by bringing back ilvl upgrades (VP upgrades) from Pandaria, so that people can slowly work towards improving their gear. If something drops and is warforged, it’s already upgraded so you get it FOR FREE and immediate. That’s the new warforge perk.
Bring back reforging.
Bring back profession perks.
Move gem sockets to standardized rather than tertiary, so people can customize their gear. And bring back the removed enchants.
Spread some dailies around the old world, like Cata did with the cooking dailies (they were in old zones, not strictly in the new expansion zones). Remind people how big the game is.
Reduce RNG and grinding. Artifact Power is fine, but additional RNG elements like Azerite and tertiary sockets and titanforging all have to go (see above).
Bring back tier gear. Give people a reason to do grouped content again.
Overall, they need to give people a reason to make friends and be part of the community again. And they need to design the game around their current players, people who WANT to play, rather than follow their current design model which is to instead focus on rewarding people who have quit.
Classic is about the leveling experience because once you get max level, there isn’t much to do.
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i haven’t completed the campaign even on my main but my alt who hasn’t even done the 3 days of dailies ended up at the meeting stone the other day.