Classic Update - March 1

You guys are playing with us now. :wink:



Human male paladin…

Why though?


The dream, the dream is dead.

You monster.

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Please give us a generous open-beta period to go over your work with the insane thoroughness only fanatics can manage.

Speaking of Warlock pets, I’m itching to mess around with Enslave Demon. That had some very specific quirks in vanilla. Very, very specific. I remember all of them with total clarity.

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What does it all mean!? I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed news!

You’re killin’ me, Smalls!

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Allow me to ask, why? It would significantly cut back ticket times and make a problem before fixable by yourself. You would’ve gotten the same effect back then without having to contact a GM. It’s no even like “It makes the game easier” it saved GM time

looking forward to Vanilla B4 there were to many cooks .
use the KISS principle… just make it VANILLA .
thanking you in Advance ,

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Need more. Gives us one more.


More information will come out tomorrow. I can feel it! >< brb bio.


Now i,m all confused.

I feel like a mana-starved nightborne waiting desperately to be fed more classic news. Hurry, heroes, for I fear I do not have long…


Meh. I think he raises a fair point. If you go by sales Destiny was a smashing success. It outsold vanilla wow in fact. What it didn’t do was maintain a playerbase over time. A huge percentage of players quit very quickly and never returned, which killed the game before it even had a chance to get going. I think that Classic wow will probably be similar (minus the sales part) - it will have a short lived spike of players who want to reminisce, then it’s playerbase will drop to a few hundred thousand if even that and stay there forever.

We all love reminiscing about how games used to be much better when we were young, especially games we have special memories playing with friends/family. That doesn’t translate into us wanting to play those games non-stop nowadays. They’re painful to look at, listen to, and in most respects to play. Sure there are diehard enthusaists, just like the tiny fraction of people who still play diablo 2, but it’s not going to be enough to call the game a ‘hit’. You’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Are you playing Classic?

Can we report Borny for trolling us? Lol.
We’re hungry here man and you’re psyching us out! Good troll though…

Wod models confirmed?

I hope not…

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Even if they were, you guys don’t realize it’s a client side thing.
It’s not breaking the game and I wouldn’t care if it is added

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