Classic to Live Collection unlocking?

If it was just a matter of scarcity I would agree but a lot of people including myself see how it could impact the game negatively. Its why I recommended asking at the end of classic when naxx has been out for a few months. Talk of whats next will be abuzz then an inflation will of made the effects of such systems less noticeable.

make a list and ask Blizzard to put them on the BMAH, the Faire, or tie in with an anniversary celebration.

Well said.

While I don’t agree with the guy below you often this is one thing I do. There are many rare things you can no longer get in Retail and trying to bring them back in any way greatly diminishes their value/worth as a whole. Why show off that cool mount you got pre Wrath that doesn’t drop if it now easy to be farmed on Classic? No. Just a giant no. I also have things I wished I had gotten but I don’t want to take away from people that did get those things just so I can get it too waaaaaaayyyy after the fact.

No. It was already stated by bliz that anything you collect in classic will NOT mover over to retail.

It would devalue those who earned the items in vanilla and have them in retail now.

And it would ruin the classic community with all the visitors trying to get those loots and then leave to play retail.

I’m so mad, I had opportunity to get that in TBC and WotLK. I put it off figuring I had time to get it eventually, then Cata happened.

Forever sad hunter.

ya I got it during Classic (although was during the pre-BC patch I finished it and got the quiver) .

There’s only one logical and sensible response to this post:


This would have a negative impact on both games. People would start classic characters just to farm for cosmetics (which is effectively adding transmog to classic), and the current rare old items in retail would be devalued.

In a perfect world, it would be nice if items I equipped in Classic were somehow added to my Appearances on Retail.

However, it’s easy to foresee all of the negative consequences that would result from such a linking of the two games, so it’s best that Blizzard never go that route. They should keep a hard wall between the two games so that changes in one doesn’t ever negatively impact the other.

Your negativity is unappreciated. Be nice or kindly remove yourself from my thread. Thank you.

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Blizzard has already said that’s not going to happen.

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GO BACK TO RETAIL :clown_face:

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How original. You have a total of three posts and all of them are shouting at people to go back to retail.

How about you go back to the bridge you crawled out from under.

I would like to thank the people who engaged in polite discussion (unlike Broscience who was rude) and I respectfully ask that this thread be locked.

Thank you.

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Go back to retail. Thanks.


Great idea. Gives retail people a reason to play classic. Thanks

Blizz has already said no.

Not that there’s a problem with asking but why someone had to revive this thread three years later to get the last word is weird.
There is a current thread discussing this. If Mr BroOrc wanted to talk about it they could have responded to the current thread. Oh well.

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Go back to Retail.

Another day, another “Go back to retail” reminder. Thank you.