Classic to Live Collection unlocking?

I’m going to try this again because it gnaws at the back of my brain like a rabid gnoll.
Disclaimer: I want to be super clear here, I’m NOT asking for Collections or Transmoging or anything to be added or changed in Classic. That’s not what I want and I’m absolutely certain it would not happen even if it was.
If you think that’s what I want then you fail to understand the topic. Please actually read my post if you want to comment on it. Don’t TLDR this and make assumptions, you will very likely make the wrong assumptions.

With that out of the way, let us continue. I would like to have a nice, respectful conversation about something I’ve been hoping for since Classic was announced; the ability to go back and collect things to my account-wide collection that were lost to the Cataclysm. Yes, I am talking about transmogs, pets, mounts, even Legendaries that are no longer obtainable in “Modern” WoW… but not in the way people keep assuming every time I bring it up.

It would be nice to have some way for my progress in Classic to be reflected in my account wide Collections, maybe even have the ability to send my “Modern” alts unlock tokens for Legendary items no longer obtainable in “Modern” WoW. Collecting various things is something really I enjoy. Especially mounts, pets, transmogs, and Legendary items with nifty use effects.

For the idea of a Legendary item unlock token to be sent to a Live alt I’d expect it to be limited to one token per Legendary obtained in Classic. I mean, if someone wants to build up several alts to get several copies of “Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian” more power to them, but I just want the opportunity to collect it in Classic and send a single unlock token to my main. That would be fun.

I’m not asking for Collections in Classic, I’m asking for Classic to provide an opportunity to unlock items I can’t get anymore in Live. This assumes such a feature is not currently part of Classic or Live WoW and that there is no way or will ever be a way to transfer a Classic character to Live.

Why do I want this? Classic gives us all the opportunity to participate in content we may have missed 15 years ago. Content that has been removed over time. It’s an opportunity to explore places that have changed and collect things that have been lost to us.

Having those things on our Classic characters is nice. However, it would be even better if the progress we make in Classic could carry over into Live. At least for those of us who may enjoy both version of WoW. (It would also play nicely into a personal fantasy that my main character in Live and Classic are the same individual who is secretly an agent of the Bronze Dragonflight, able to travel back and forth through time and participate in events to make sure things happen the way they were supposed to.)

So that’s it, that’s my dream. If you wish to participate in this thread please be respectful and fully understanding that this is not in any way about changing anything in Classic at all. Please don’t make me say it again.



Just because classic is back does not mean it should diminish rare items people have on retail by having people able to get them again.
Classic and retail should keep seperate characters.


My main concern is the unintended knock on effects. Lets take transmog for instance. On the surface it seems as a benign harmless change. In practice it would play havok with the economy as what would normally be near useless green,blues, and in rare cases epics would suddenly become extremely saught after.

I am extremely hesitant to open pandoras box on this as a pebble can quickly start a avalanche.


Basically this. Scarcity adds to value. For the folk who have items in retail that are no longer obtainable, they are that much more special and should not be diminished.

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I am one of the few still playing that transmogs Rhok’Delar on all of my hunters.

The singular problem with this, not discounting the other issues folks have mentioned, is it simply changes why people are playing the game.

Simply, folks will be coming in to Classic to get that singular item. They are there for the item, not the World, or the Game, or the Community,

They’re there for the item.

And that mean they’re going to be impatient, willing to take any shortcuts necessary, etc. They are fully willing to compromise the Classic game and environment to suit their needs.

And that’s a slippery slope we don’t need to stand on at all, much less creep down.

Folks should be coming for what they can get here, not for what they can take out to anywhere else.


I understand why you want this, but I think it’s a bad idea. I don’t think accomplishments in Classic should poor over into Retail. Many Retail players abhor the idea of returning to Classic but the hardcore Retail collectors might feel it’s mandatory if it meant they could collect X, Y, Z by pushing through Classic. I already feel bad enough that those poor sods are stuck with the Azerite grind, lol.

You can still do quests for several “Rare” legendaries. People being able to obtain items that have become unobtainable would not diminish them, you still have to go through the ordeal to get them, at level even which would preserve their value as opposed to Legendaries still in the game that have become much easier to get over time.

I fail to understand how transmog unlocks would disrupt the economy. everything I’m talking about would be entirely account bound, there would be nothing to sell.

Me too!

/10 char


I would have bought that argument, until Blizzard decided people could get the PVP ranks and gear appearances again.

Can you please just leave this alone? The community has expressed itself many times that this is unwanted. No means no!


It would effect the economy in classic by the prices going up because they can be used in retail. It would change the way people play in classic by players wanting to need on items they don’t need or intend to use for their retail collection.

Simply by having more of the unobtainable items diminishes the current ones people own.

What if Da Vinci came back to life and started painting exact same copies of Mona Lisa’s. Is the one in the Louvre still the same value then?

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This is the essence of the argument. Its is 100% valid and true.

Why does this keep getting ignored? Your request will cause harm and damage our game. Please stop asking.

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People have played games that way forever, this wouldn’t change that. I expect there are plenty of people in Classic now who have goals of getting particular items. It’s part of the adventure.

I was assuming transmog would work the same way but even then if the system worked with BoP that would effect retail darkmoon faire rewards and the bmah when it comes to tier 3. I know the naxx weapons the 2 handed mace , wall of the dead and corrupted ashbringer are also held in high regard.

I understood the want a small part of me knows I would love a linked transmog system and I would love to have access to my old sets in classic to wear cosmetically.

I just don’t think what would be lost in the trade off would be worth it.

Of course they do, but they know that whatever those are, they’re “stuck here”. So, odds are, folks on that path are there for other reasons. Since it doesn’t make a lot f sense to collect something that can be shared with others. They have an investment in the game and community.

Retail Looters, however, have none. Once they get their shiny, they’re gone, with little concern to what they may leave behind.

And that’s essentially what this is, Looting of Classic, like Indy Jones and the Golden Idol.

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I don’t agree with items you’ve earned in retail being able to be used in Classic…

However, if you manage to get a rare mount or item in Classic, then you freaking deserve it. There should be some way to show that off in Retail. For example let’s say you get the ZG tiger or Raptor in Classic. Why shouldn’t you be able to use it in retail, the amount of time commitment to obtain one of these rare items versus buying it off the BMAH is certainly comparable if you ask me.

In other words, I agree.

Some of these items only sell for a few million gold. You’re gonna tell me(Directed to everyone in this thread) That’s easier than leveling up to 60 and running ZG 200 times? Both would require a massive amount of time. The reality is a lot of items that are ‘unobtainable’ are still accessable in some way shape or form in retail.

Another example: the tier 3 set can often be gotten for a few hundred thousand gold. That’s chump change. I’d say getting to 60 in Classic and getting a full tier 3 set is a hell of a lot more time consuming than camping the BMAH for a few minutes a day and collecting the gold required to bid on the items.


Completely agree.

I have no ‘rare’ items that are no longer available so don’t have an axe to grind here but I definitely agree that such items should not be ‘leaked’ from Classic to Retail.

I kind of like this idea but on the other hand it would make my Anathema transmog on retail less shiny-and-awesome if others could start getting it again.