I don’t really agree with this and I have a full collection of classic quest items barring mail armor. I get the argument earning something in classic should be rewarded the effort and luck required is the same as was to get originally.
I just think it will have nasty effects beyond that. I do understand the want I truely do.
What? No! I didn’t say that… where did you even get that impression?!
Thank you!
Ok… lets get something straight here. Legendaries (true Legendaries as they were up until Legion ruined them by throwing them out like candy) take a significant investment in Classic to obtain. Time and effort and community, joining a guild and doing the content… you know, playing the game.
And frankly, I kinda feel like your comment is disrespectful. I’m a returned player, I missed out on a lot of nifty experiences. I learned about things I’ve missed from stories of other players.
To me this is more than just loot… I’ve done the Taracgosa’s Rest questline on several characters. I wish I’d been around when it was current content.
Collections are meaningful to me because of community, not in spite of it. I know not everyone is like that but I don’t let that ruin my experiences. If I team up with people to do content in Classic I want to carry a reminder of those experiences forward with me into Retail, the same way as people who had those experiences 15 years ago have been able to.
It isn’t that we don’t understand how you feel or your perspective on it… it just has repercussions you are not seeing or are willing to personally accept that the community is not. I would wait to ask on this request till the end of classic as we see what blizzard decides what to do moving forward.
I see and understand the issues this can cause with tradable BoE items. I’ve always hated the auction house… it’s actually a big part of why I originally left the game because I gave a rare drop item I couldn’t use to a guildie and they turned around and sold it on the AH. Trust me, I understand that aspect of it all too well.
As for people who got things and feel more people having them will cheapen their worth? That’s selfish… seriously. My brother and I got the original collector’s edition. My new characters in Classic get the CE pet gift… my brother… he doesn’t get to experience that anymore because he passed away a few years ago… I’d give anything to see more people running around with mini-Diablo.
It’s just a game… sometimes I feel like people lose sight of that in trying to preserve the perceived personal specialness of their virtual collections by defending artificial scarcity.
But we’re not just talking about legendaries. We’re talking about everything. From green gear farmed in Searing Gorge, to the ZG Tiger Mount, to Quel’serrar.
We KNOW from experience how transmog has affected the market of low end greens cuz they’re purty. Classic has those as well. So, no, we’re not just talking legendaries that were difficult to get, we’re talking about everything.
If you want a reminder, log in to your Classic toons and reminisce.
I’m sorry you weren’t here for Vanilla, or that you didn’t get to the stuff you wanted in Vanilla if you were, or whatever it is that keeps getting in your way.
I was in the Blood Plague during Vanilla, but I have no memento of it. I got my toon nuked by Ye Olde Living Bomb Warlock trick, and I have no memento of it. I got to experience the gate event. I have lots of fond memories of Vanilla, and other expansions. Such things that even Classic will not rekindle.
No doubt, there are things I have missed in the game since then. I didn’t pursue that content, I didn’t log in that week, whatever. C’est la Vie. I actually managed to miss one of the anniversary achievements. Really dropped the ball that week.
But, now, you know the importance of being in places of fleeting experience. Whether it’s here in Classic, or any other event: a rally in a town square that effected change, a concert of a favorite musician, a sports event, that magic sunrise, or when the cat did that funny thing.
If you want some shiny thing in Classic, go get it. But it’s as closed system. Just because you may have good intentions, doesn’t mean others do. If we know anything about this game, is that the road of good intentions is littered with skulls. Bad actors permeate every aspect of this game. So, because of said bad actors, steps and boundaries need to be put in place.
So, don’t blame me, blame them. They’re why you can’t have nice things.
If it was just a matter of scarcity I would agree but a lot of people including myself see how it could impact the game negatively. Its why I recommended asking at the end of classic when naxx has been out for a few months. Talk of whats next will be abuzz then an inflation will of made the effects of such systems less noticeable.
While I don’t agree with the guy below you often this is one thing I do. There are many rare things you can no longer get in Retail and trying to bring them back in any way greatly diminishes their value/worth as a whole. Why show off that cool mount you got pre Wrath that doesn’t drop if it now easy to be farmed on Classic? No. Just a giant no. I also have things I wished I had gotten but I don’t want to take away from people that did get those things just so I can get it too waaaaaaayyyy after the fact.
This would have a negative impact on both games. People would start classic characters just to farm for cosmetics (which is effectively adding transmog to classic), and the current rare old items in retail would be devalued.
In a perfect world, it would be nice if items I equipped in Classic were somehow added to my Appearances on Retail.
However, it’s easy to foresee all of the negative consequences that would result from such a linking of the two games, so it’s best that Blizzard never go that route. They should keep a hard wall between the two games so that changes in one doesn’t ever negatively impact the other.