Garrisons have everything in common with a Player Housing system.
If the system had been better received by the playerbase, we would probably have seen a housing sub-zone. Like how FF14 does their housing; no direct way from the map, you need to teleport there
…maybe the area that’s south of Stormwind (shows as just a mountainous area on the world map).
…and North of Orgrimmar (again, shown as mountainous area).
Reference Map:
But…the playerbase basically rioted over it to the point that Blizzard has, by 'n large, abandoned the idea of true player interaction with the world.
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It’s a 100% relevant. I don’t go over to some random call of duty forums and start asking for changes to their game because I used to play a small amount years ago. Player housing is a personal space that you can customise. Garrisons were basically that. Everybody hated garrisons to the point it is a meme to this day.
Go post on the retail forums asking for changes there. You aren’t a classic player so your input is completely invalid.
And yet you will advocate for people not playing Classic if it means they (and you by extension) will get rewards in Classic to crossover to Retail.
You must be a Twister champ!
I said it doesn’t affect classic in any way if retailers get awards for playing classic so why does it matter. You just have some bizarre idea that someone is going to play classic, level up to 60, do one raid in which for some reason the guild gives them all the loot then they’ll quit lol. Very intelligent, not surprised you want player housing in classic lol.
Which is not what I said. I never specified raid loot. Could be an appearance that was deleted with the cataclysm. Not all of those were from raiding. Again you aren’t fully reading and comprehending someone’s post when you disagree with the premise. Not surprising.
And yet again, that does not affect anyone in classic so why does it matter to us? You must be a retailer if that matters to you. “REEEE noone should be able to have the same transmog I do!!!”. Transmog and player housing lol, I think you’re posting on the wrong forums buddy.
Aren’t you a little small to be shouldering those goal posts?
Again because I have a different opinion than you that apparently is causing you to get upset.
I don’t see Glinda about so to avoid the wait did you need a hug?
You seem upset that your retail game is being affected and that noone else wants player housing in classic. Maybe Glinda can give you a hug too. You can go visit Draenor on your retail account and play in your garrison if that’ll make you feel a little better about things!
Not supported by facts - just your opinion.
Also again evidence that you don’t read or fully comprehend before responding.
Played as past tense. I no longer play retail.
Cool your jets and let the thread which is about Classic+ not just player housing continue.
My apologies, Kneeshooter, for participating in his derail of the thread. I’ll keep it on topic from now on.
Wow, this seems to really be affecting you. A few garrison missions might help you relax.