Classic TBC benefit for WoW Classic

Most likely solution is they’ll just clone the servers, then merge the Classic ones if the population drops low enough. I’m pretty sure they won’t force anybody to do anything.


Mr. Bias is back… on every TBC related thread lol
Don’t dare mention Classic + with him around! He will come for ya!

Those people are still paying them right now. That’s not extra money. It’s extra work.

And that money disappears after naxx. How many times have you had to be kicked out of a museum because you just had to keep looking at the exhibits longer?

Naxx will likely be released by mid January.

This means TBC beta will likely be summer 2021 and release winder2021 or early 2022.

A year of naxx will see subs drop off as people get their gear, have it on farm, burn out from no new content, exc. TBC release will bring subs back, regardless of how they release it at that point (fresh, character copies, or a mix of both, exc)

TBC will come unless somehow actiblizzard has to declare bankruptcy. It’s a multi million dollar profit guaranteed with minimal investment into it at this point. The only real question is on how to time it to maximize profitability. Aka, when they start losing subs from naxx on farm for to long.