Classic Servers Feel Dead

It’s been 29 days since this was posted. I started playing classic 2 days ago. In that time, I’ve seen a grand total of 1 person. I gave him Mage food and then he logged out. I even picked one of the most populated servers to play on as well with 80k+ on it. So one (or two) of three things have happened; Classic doesn’t have an influx of new players after the initial boom. People are simply way ahead of me and I’ll see all these supposedly existing 80k+ players later when I catch up (also a symptom of point 1). Or there are significantly less people playing now than there were 29 days ago, which would mean that “Vanilla is better” truly was just nostalgia and people already got bored of it.

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Name of server and time of day? I find that very hard to believe and see groups of all level ranges constantly spamming on Kromcrush horde.

I play on Incendius and log at this time of the day for be a bit more alone to farm

i am on mankrik and there are groups enough forming for 50+ content

a few here and there for rfc’s and wc’s- though many are just the same group “lf tank” and the same ones keeps spamming

very few in between these

it is what it is

i never had any great expectations of classic and unless one can catch up to the blob of players it really feels like a single player game

These servers are more packed than I ever saw actual vanilla. I see activity in zones at this point that even vanilla didn’t see.

Oh and let’s not forget that we have layering now and server populations are far greater than they allowed in actual vanilla.

Fail troll is fail.

Server - Grobbulus.
I’m a night shifter, so I play early morning into the afternoon (5 am-ish CST to 11 am-ish CST)

I’m not sure if there’s a better server for when I play but that’s when and where I play. I’m certainly enjoying myself, it’s just kinda lonely.

I’m on grob too and I’ve noticed mornings are really bad on this server. Must have a high ratio of employed working class people. Which I see as a good thing.

I’m merely just checking auctions and stuff in the morning before work anyways. Sometimes I’ll have time for a dungeon run or something but yea, it’s kinda dead in the AM on Grob compared to other US classic servers. Even Sunday mornings I’ve noticed.

Maybe you …

1- low pop realm
2- low faction o that realm ( Horde / Ally )

Thunderfury was busy a month ago. Now, Barrens feels like retail. /who is coming up with 20 people max. I’ve fallen off the grinding to 60 wave taking my time to level and now I’m mostly alone.

And only 10 people of my guild play regularly now.

Im on Grob. Plenty of groups at 60, and my alt is lv18. Had 0 problems forming my own RFC groups and see tons of people leveling in the Barrens. This is WITH layering. No problems detected, though when i log before work to run my auctioneer addon the Org population seems lower than usual. Not a suprise though.

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I’m on Smolderweb (H) and didn’t start when classic dropped. I had trouble finding satyrs in Ashenvale last night to kill - there were a few people killing them all. I’ve had no problems finding groups for any instance (RFC, WC, SFK, BFD) that I’m leveled for so far. I’ve grouped up with people doing the same quests in the wild and seen all sorts of folks running around. Smolderweb is not layered either. I have an alt on incendius (A) and think their auction house is a bit bigger/more active (I use auctioneer and it has more pages over there) but that’s all I can really see.

Maybe it’s an alliance thing? It seems classic is much more biased toward horde for some reason.

I notice Grobbulus is very quiet in the mornings. Makes sense, though!

You made a poor decision to level slow and casually. That’s the only difference.

Also, the whole Blizzard mess this month has given a lot of the flaky people that are always flaky the excuse to leave without admitting they were wrong about wanting Classic.

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Bigglesworth is still very active.

There were several lowbie groups running RFC or WC, there were two MCs and an Ony pug in LFG last night. Lots of people still running Strat/Scholo/UBRS, etc. People still questing everywhere I went, from EPL to Winterspring and everywhere in between…

Dead? Maybe on your server, but not mine.

My guess is that everyone is bracketed out now a days based on their leveling speed. Early on it was an ant hill with players because everyone was equal or close to - now theres a large chunk of 60s, 50s, 40s etc.


I mean, it doesnt matter. Get this: people play this game for more reasons than to charge to 60. Most realms are just fine population-wise, and have a decent spread of levels. The people complaining on here are the vocal minority who love to hear themselves whine.

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Dead? tell that to the army of peeps in every zone stealing my Furlbogs.

What are you on about? My realm (Bloodsail Buccaneers) is packed full of players, and I love it.

Except people are being dumb now and charging for tanking, reserving loot, “cleaving” all dungeons instead of just the ones that are efficient, and just general other dumb stuff.

I think you meant…

“Is my server dead?”

I have to fight for quest mobs even on my lunch break on my server, and its even WORSE at night. I think your server is just dead or dying.