Classic Servers Feel Dead

I’m on Heartseeker, and it’s usually a medium population during peak times. I’ve seen plenty folks in towns, hunkering down in inns, and questing.

I suspect you landed on an empty layer.

Org is always packed on my server, Arugal. UC and even TB have lots of people. Zeppelins are always full and questing still sucks with so many people fighting over spawns even at my level.

There all in another area, or out leveled you.

What are you talking about? even at the dead of night cities are still packed and the LFG channel is going by so fast i cant even read it.

My sever is extremely overpopulated.
Thousands of people packed everywhere.

You must be on a low pop server or a dead layer.

I will be honest. My server is so dense that it borders on over population. i dont see what you see


Agreed! I was just commenting to my many friends in discord how amazing it was to wait on a boat with a dozen people… then when it arrives a dozen come rushing off as we rush on.

The game is bustling with people in every zone I go to. LOVE IT!

I think though I know what happened to the OP… he forgot to change the drop down in the Battlenet launcher to Classic… he’s logging into BfA and we all know THAT is truly a dead game. Yeah, yeah… go into the AH ans see 20 people… but not ONE from your server.

OP also missed the memo that WoW subs tripled in August… TRIPLED.

I suspect this level of success is going to have an impact on the future of WoW… and of course…, guarantees a Classic TBC and Classic WotLK!

Long live CLASSIC!

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I wish I could like this more than once

Tanksie, dude, you’ve lost your gourd

whats with all these troll post? if having to wait hours to play because so many people are playing means dead than yes servers are very dead…lmfao

Have you tried asking for an invite to swap layers? Sometimes it helps.

Maybe you’re on the wrong server. Grobb is thriving.

Heck I am on one of the lowest population servers (Earthfury) and everyone town, city, and quest area seems packed. I never go more than 15 secs without seeing someone.

0/10 bad forum troll, bad

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This is the guy people are still taking seriously in this blatant troll thread:

Meh, matrimony is not only overrated, but also just another excuse to endlessly bicker. Not my cup of tea. :rofl:

Clearly a pathetic attempt at trolling. Flag and move along…

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Rushed to 60 in 4 days.

cleared mc next week…
ony died a few days later…

they rushed. they grinded and farmed mobs…
they got to the end of the race but didnt even run a mile.

peace out to those people.

me… im helping the thorium brother hood in the searing gorge.
and befriending the timbermaw furblogs.
most recently i have cleared out the tainted caves of mara and killed many of the steamwiddle pirates to air gadget.

I am enjoying the game and making friends…
and looking forward to spending day s of my life in BRD…

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Fine. I still like you.

After level 20 people start to spread out instead of all going for the same mobs. People dont sit around in cities until they are 60. Do a /who whatever level and its always at the 50 max on my server.

Actually, that sounds exactly like how Vanilla WoW played back in the day.

Most zones were almost completely empty while leveling. I remember seeing maybe 2 or 3 other players while out in a zone typically.

Stormwind was always dead. The main city in Vanilla for Alliance was Ironforge. But even then I rarely recall ever seeing more than 10 or 20 players present at a time.

Have not noticed this at all, and as a matter of fact it doesn’t matter if I switch to a different zone my lvl (im lvl 46) its the same crowded quest area. I tell myself as Im traveling to a place I don’t have a flight path to that its going to be sparce competition. See a few ppl on the way, but as soon as i get into the quest area its packed! I have to pull reds off mage pulls just make headway. Sorry mages but has to be done. Im on Atiesh server btw