Classic Servers Feel Dead

I know, right? So much competition for mobs and resources. See so many people out (my side and opposing) that occasionally a little emptiness would be nice.

I’m fighting people for spawns and getting spammed with no message invites…

You’re on the lowest populated server by a LOOOONNNG shot. Try rerolling on a realm with a queue and talk to me about immersion.

Side note about that, layering is very noticeable. Going to a low level zone that was mad packed when I was there (Brill to buy my mount) was dead at 5PM CST. That was a bit of a concern on one of the highest populated servers imo.

sounds like the OP is a russian bot on the FOX news forums. Server and pops are very health thank you!

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I was in Ironforge last night with a fair amount of people in it, was in a raid group for Onyxia and needed someone to craft something for me, we went to meet at the flightmaster but couldn’t see each other.

The servers are far from empty but they would be a lot better off without layering that’s for sure

Yep, troll confirmed.


Come on, you’re better than that. Don’t get baited by the obvious troll.

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I’m on a “Medium” population server and the LFG chat is incredibly lively. Stop with the “WAHH CLASSIC IS DEAD” doomsaying, OP.

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There are so many people on Herod that trying to get to the Auctioneer in Org is like a puzzle game

Some of us like it less crowded. What I wouldn’t give to be able to do some quests without having to wait in line like at a stupid amusement park. The overcrowding even WITH layers is obnoxious.

I was leveling my alt during the weekend and no one was doing the elite quests in Redridge. No one, on a full pop realm. Surely the wave hasn’t subsided in just three weeks? Must be the sharding, er, layering.


Heartseeker is a new server that people are transferring to as a relief to overcrowded servers elsewhere - it’s just getting started and you are pronouncing it dead lol.

And FWIW Heartseeker was hopping and lively last night at 3AM Alliance side. I was fighting to tag mobs in Darkshire. People (other than you) seem to like the server so far, and it’s pretty close to balanced faction-wise.

I’m suspecting this is a troll post from a disgruntled retail cheerleader.

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Same with Bigglesworth. It’s fantastic. There are people EVERY-WHERE

Oh, OP is trolling. DUH lol my bad folks

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I am not seeing my realm as dead, I see people every where.

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You sure you’re not playing retail? I’m on a medium pop server and it’s always packed full of people. I still find it hard to quest in some zones because of competition.

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nearly 4M subs added in august, China alone has 4M on their classic realms.

nearly every realm is packed, you’re probably just playing on super off peak hours or are trolling.

Edit: Dude is on Heartseeker, literally a brand new realm. He’s a troll, move along.


I mean, I literally made a warrior yesterday at night and saw lots of people still. Just because it’s not as bad as launch doesn’t mean It’s dead by any means. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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That’s probably a Heartseeker problem. Not a Classic problem.

I am on Herod and feel the same way…

It’s the layering that is making it feel dead. They need to start removing layers period at this point. Starter zones are literally empty now.