Classic Servers Feel Dead

So you moved to a new server with a lower population and that somehow means all servers are dead. k


Have you tried /world chat? That place seems a lot busier than general and sometimes even trade chat.

I can’t go anywhere without a bunch of people killing the same mobs I need. Must be nice.

Solo questing as a prot warrior… lol good times.

… Then don’t level prot? You don’t need to be prot to tank dungeons, there’s no reason to level as prot unless you’re a masochist.


You paid for nothing, Classic is free to subscribers of Refail.

You let yourself down by not assessing the options and outcomes, Blizzard didn’t force you to transfer.

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Wow that was very insightful. Thanks for sharing.

You must feel very satisfied with yourself taking that time out of your day to share such deep thoughts.

You are just upset the exodus of your precious classic is underway.

I’m reading this while waiting in a 4k queue.

Nice try retail boi.


Me thinks you’ve eaten one too many Deviate Delights today.

Classic is booming. It’s the layering that makes zones look mostly empty. This is going to grow the economy faster however, because each layer has its own mobs and nodes. So thousands of players aren’t fighting over the same handful of zones. But if it’s not turned off at some point, eventually the economy is just going to inflate out of control.

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Just reroll on another server. Hearthseeker will eventually get more pop I think, but many people are sticking it out on their original server.

Quiet the opposite actually :smiley:

I eagerly await the tourists such as yourself departing promptly, so the rest of us can continue to enjoy Classic and the Classic forums without the Refailers panicking over the death of their game.


“your precious classic” is what a retail player would say.

What happened? The level 20-30 grind was just too much for you? I thought Classic was so easy.


What? I see people everywhere. Is this a low effort troll post?

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When they remove layering, you will be complaining there are too many people and you can’t complete a quest. You are in a low pop layer. Doesn’t mean everyone stopped playing.

It may be a side effect of your chosen race. :slight_smile:

I doubt that.

Same here. And we are on a page server. There were bunches of peeps in STV tonight.

OP, you are making it too easy. You need to pay attention to a true “troll”. Sit down boy! You aren’t ready for the big league.

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