Classic Ranking and prepatch-Please Bluepost

Pretty sure blizz will let people continue ranking if they choose to remain in classic.

Yeah it sucks, you’ll see a buttload more HWL… but they need to keep classic PVP alive somehow, and if they removed the ability to rank, the participation would plummet.

bracket booster?

Jan-March brackets were 1.2-1.5M. Then in March-mid april 800-950k.

I used “ranked” because its past tense and i finished ranking those characters
Maybe if I clarify that its 3 different toons. What was “hard” about ranking in phase 2-5? I did it. what am i missing? did you struggle to find time to play? what was your server? Couldn’t get into premades? Sounds like you had a bad experience, and if your not ranking currently, what experience do you even have to talk about phase 6 ranking?

wtf is bracket boosting? I’ve never paid or seen anyone pay a dime to get “boosted”

Most sane servers have a ranking discord with proper planning and management, and bracket breakers are not too common.

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Yes a bracket booster. Imagine ranking 3 characters and you have no idea how brackets work. Im not talking about caps. Im talking about the gold or IRL money you are spending to have someone inflate your pool size.

and 1 million honor is not a lot for alliance. Weird flex dude. its phase 6 and youre farming AV.

People pay money to have a multiboxer or a bot expand their pool size, making more bracket slots. 330 people = 1 b1 slot.

I see, we did pool parties back in the early days but no one paid for that, we just put in work ourselves.

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As much as id love to continue this unexpected e-fight, Lets stay on the threads topic and hope for blue post

yeah some did pool parties. but i know for a fact grobbulus had a paid booster before during p3.

Funny, you get called out for inflation on pool size. “well lets hope for a blue post”

3 time ranker doesnt know how brackets work. you hate to see it

I’m not inflating the pool size, nor have i ever. Not sure why your coming at me with that at all. Yup i dont know how brackets work. Thanks for the info.

Good luck on your rank 10 bro. Flex that title in tbc

This toon is rank13.


Posting on your retail alt

All the rest of your conflict loving charged opinions

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another ranker crying about not getting 14. You had almost 2 years LOL

Post is just asking for clarification not yet made by blizzard. nobody in the thread is crying about getting or not getting a rank

Its already been answered? They are snapshotting when servers go down. You dont get your rank

That actually doesn’t answer whether they’ll do the honor calculations for the week before that or not.

How does your rank get updated when TBC has no rank? They snapshotting once servers go down. And the ranking update doesnt happen at that time.

Vanilla pre patch had ranks update.

They never even gave a 2 week notice like arena season.

Theyre rushing the game out and even lol streamers are surprised. Blizzard is as responsible to their customers as they are their share holders.

From the actual thread

" * Includes your inventory, items in the bank, items in the mailbox, and friends list"

honor isnt specified at all

Im asking this question for a large group of people, not myself. Ill take the blunt of random e-peoples flame though, no problem

… Ranks update at noon. Server goes down at 10am. Do the math.

Just understand the ranking system and your question is answered.