The “trolls” include one of the guys on the Classic dev team itself. Where did you get your contrary information?
(In actuality, Omar’s quote was something like “we have 1.12 and a little farther back” - paraphrased)
The “trolls” include one of the guys on the Classic dev team itself. Where did you get your contrary information?
(In actuality, Omar’s quote was something like “we have 1.12 and a little farther back” - paraphrased)
Agreed, But bringing up something that’s not going to exist is equally if not more stupid.
They’re not changing any data points from the 1.12 version, this includes threat.
Accept that it’s something that is indeed on the table, it very well could become “LIVE” because it’s that key to the game play and how the game is suppose to be played.
Going with RAW 1.12 like some people would like is just not authentic… Additionally they are not doing this at all because they are indeed releasing content in patch phase like the original game to mirror the progression.
Those patch events are not a raw 1.12 experience, so it’s a fact that they’re moving forward with something that is not a literalist interpretation of 1.12 data.
I have no problem with 1.12 coming out first if that’s the way they want to do it. But furthering it and adding 16 debuffs and lumping ZG and BWL into a patch, when there won’t even be BGs until BWL is really going to undermine the value of PvP gear and the grind, and it’s going to completely trivialize anything pre-raid for the majority of good players.
Agreed they definitely need to re think their strategy, because the presented template is nice and all, but it’s missing the mark when it comes to authenticity.
Except at the end of the day you’re not doing anything more than delaying the inevitable for a matter of months.
Except that it does not matter if they use OG threat the whole time and never update that component.
Sure there will be an easier time of raids like MC Ony and BWL, but not by the massive margin that is given by 1.11 threat mechanics.
Except we already know that they’re using 1.12, all they’re doing is time gating some content.
Except we already know that they’re using 1.12,
Actually you don’t know that for a fact, and the fact is the 1.12 data is not a done deal at this point, it’s merely a design parameter right now.
They could very well and easily use early AV and early threat management with out disrupting the overall game data.
Except we already know that they’re using 1.12, all they’re doing is time gating some content.
Except they really aren’t You could describe Classic as 1.13 if you were being really fair about it. If it was 1.12, everything would be released all at once with no regard for what was going to happen gear wise.
Actually you don’t know that for a fact, and the fact is the 1.12 data is not a done deal at this point, it’s merely a design parameter right now.
A quote from Ion that I’ll paraphrase.
“it’s not our job to mess with the data from 1.12, we’re using it as is”
From blizzcon 2018.
EDIT: youtube blizzcon 2018 classic panel, a slide is at 31:33.It says on the slide “deliver an authentic experience” which could frankly mean anything but when coupled with “not changing any data” means in my mind they’re producing an authentic 1.12 experience which is still within the classic parameters.
Ion also said at Blizzcon 2018, they don’t want to mess with the 1.12 data if they don’t have to. That doesn’t mean they can’t, won’t, or haven’t already.
“we don’t wanna mess with the 1.12 data, we don’t wanna mess with balance” Direct quote from 37:23.
Changing how the threat works, changing game balance.
“We don’t wanna mess with the 1.12 data” literally what I said was said. Thank you.
Changing threat back to a version of threat from earlier in vanilla doesn’t really change the balance of the game. It increases the difficulty of raiding and dungeons, but overall balance isn’t affected.
But it’s not 1.12 you say. Classic isn’t 1.12. It’s 7.3.5 stripped down to pre-BC and 1.12 data thrown at it.
Ignoring entirely that they are using content from older patches…
You cannot have the content events with out older data.
Ignoring entirely that they are using content from older patches…
You cannot have the content events with out older data.
Gating the content is not the same as using older data, there’s no reason to think that something like say the AQ event wouldn’t happen exactly as it did on servers that were released after the original AQ release patch. Or for that matter than any content will be any different than in 1.12.
“We don’t wanna mess with the 1.12 data” literally what I said was said. Thank you.
Changing threat back to a version of threat from earlier in vanilla doesn’t really change the balance of the game.
Contradicting yourself isn’t a strong argument.
Fury warriors,Hunters and warlocks will strongly disagree with you there.
Low threat ceiling and hunters rein supreme thanks to being able to go ham, after FD’ign twice the odds of them pulling off a tank are literally nill.
With a higher threat ceiling warlocks and warriors have carte blanche to go nuts.
The balance effects of this? warriors go up, locks go up,hunters poor scaling pushes them down.
You change the way threat works in 1.12, you mess with balance.
Ignoring entirely that they are using content from older patches…
They’re not changing the data, they’re just not adding it all at once. Dungeon/raid progression is a strong part of WoW but without the building blocks like threat the entire structure falls to pieces.
Pieces like the bloodvine set if available at launch would turn everything upto AQ into a complete joke and would likely make everythign earlier than BWL completely pointless.
You and dawnspirit are basically arguing that your vision of classic is that they should be releasing the entire thing in staggered patches with balance changes and progressive itemisation along the way.
I admire that, but it’s unrealistic for them to dedicate even more dev time on changing things massively,
It’s easier for them to take the basic building blocks of 1.12, stagger content to stop people burning through it in under 4 months and then just not touch it.
Changing threat back to a version of threat from earlier in vanilla doesn’t really change the balance of the game. It increases the difficulty of raiding and dungeons, but overall balance isn’t affected.
As somebody who has argued for reverting threat more than most around here, and done a lot of math about late Vanilla threat: It changes the balance quite a bit. That’s honestly half the point of doing it.
It hits DPS without threat dumps pretty hard because now their DPS output is limited to what threat output the tank has.
Part of what we argued with it is that it would put a damper on Fury Warriors running away with the damage meters like they do on private servers, because they have no threat dump ability.
Part of what we argued with it is that it would put a damper on Fury Warriors running away with the damage meters like they do on private servers, because they have no threat dump ability.
In essence it restores the natural order of things in raid, and game. Overall it’s a more positive experience for everyone rather than the stereotypical private server experience that anyone can already have.