Classic Plus!

That’s my expectation. Guess we’ll see how in/out of touch they are with the players come November.


There is a rumor that Blizzcon is gonna be terrible and there will be a huge fumble. I can’t wait.

A former Blizzard Dev said he’s disappointed based on what he’s heard.

WOW phone game incoming?

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So it could go either way, and I would love it.

The Classic related announcement is just Cataclysm, and everyone in the room is audibly disappointed, while no mention around the 1.15 version of Classic Era despite being loaded on to the Vendor 4 platform distributor. If this is the case, I want another super uncomfortable and embarrasing new PR blunder “Don’t you guys have phones?” moment so the dev team gets the message. If the WoW team is truly this dense and incompetent in their game direction, I want them to be laughed off the stage.

The alternative is we do get something related to Classic Era that isn’t Cataclysm version 4.01.

So, either hype or we need more popcorn for drama.


My subscriptions expire in 1.5 months so I’m donzo if they don’t announce SOM2.

GG no Re.

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I was treating hardcore just to practice leveling a character or two to 30 since I stopped playing around TBC classic’s launch. Basically a big waiting room for any news.

My sub expires in a couple weeks, and if there isn’t anything related to classic era fresh, I’m out. No point in sticking around if there isn’t anything here.

Yeah HC is a joke. I was only playing to waste my time until my subscriptions expire and because I like vanilla and HC servers are the closest to a FRESH that we have.

Imagine releasing a game mode where people can PERMANENTLY die to bugs in the game like falling through the world texture, falling through a bridge, dying to elevators, or dying to DCs.

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the first two i can get behind but why buff rogues?

The only way to get Classic+ is to have some third-party cabal reverse-engineer Classic with the most popular desired changes in place. Then fast forward several years while it gets popular enough for Blizzard’s panties to get in a bunch over it. Then they’ll meet with said cabal, take another year or so and then provide an official version.

Hey, don’t laugh! That’s not only how we got Classic to begin with, but also Classic Hardcore. :stuck_out_tongue:

turtle wow you are thinking of turtle wow


just give us fresh vanilla servers. The magic formula is already there, and blizz’s history of making changes leaves much to be desired.

There is 0.000000000000001% chance wow token ever sees the version that kept wow afloat while retail expansions bombed the last 3 expacs. NO WAY they would ever do that.

They will more than likley announce vaguely what they’re working on for classics future and say “soon”…

I would be fresh classic doesn’t see the light for another 8 months.

I saw that video clip as well and the way the egos have been at blizz for the last 10 years I could def see a “don’t you guys have phones” repeat.

This could be an actual thing. Cata is horrible for the majority of us playing right now and they sent out emails to get feedback on it. But look at dragonfart. The last couple of expansions have been dog water and they keep churning em out.

Imagine believing its actually hardcore even though you can clearly read that when you die you can resurrect your character on another server. Rip. I get that it is indeed a fresh pve server but come on broseph. Who fell for this?

Best case classic plus, new retro raids, talent reform (making meme specs great again), dual spec, and maybe heroic raids like what was in som1.

Worst case wrath will be moved to cata and everyone goes to tbc/wrath private servers. Except I will in that case just stay in vanilla.

well some of the tbc talents were spectacular, such as shadowstep, so was wotlk fan of knives

All you will get is an SoM2 Announcement, Classic+ is not coming, on a very outside chance it will be SoM-TBC or maybe 1% a fresh realm announcement.

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Last big Blizzcon announcement was Diablo 4 and they released a poorly designed game.

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Diablo 4 had too many people working on marketing, design, random media, artwork, MTX, as opposed to actually making a game that is fun to play.

They sold an IP to a bunch of people who held nostalgia for Diablo 1 and 2, and got nothing in return.

…do they?

I feel like this is the assumed default disposition simply because it comes after Wrath and the natural assumption is the same as when when people expected TBCC, and then WOTLKC…but Cata? I don’t know fam.

I’m not going to say there aren’t people out there who are hyped at the idea of basically reliving the entire timeline all over again beyond WOTLK, but I’d honestly argue that the target demographic is likely to be a lot smaller than those who were eagerly awaiting Classic 2019, or even TBCC/WOTLKC.

At the end of the day there are people among us who wouldn’t mind a redo of Mists, or a redo of WoD even. I’m sure there are people who would even do a replay of Legion, and this isn’t to downplay Legion as an expansion, it was a popular time for the game.

Thing is, people out there would probably play any era server of any expansion, but when it comes to determining what people are legitimately hyped for the way they were for Classic 2019?

Sorry, but I really don’t think people give that much of a **** about Cata, generally. While it’s the assumed “safe route” we all expect Blizzard to take, sure, I wouldn’t go so far as to actually say it’s some kind of widely desired thing, more like it’s just expected because that’s the way the wind is blowing.


I don’t want it and you don’t want it, but judging by the buzz surrounding it there’s a fair amount of people who do. Speaking objectively there were some actually good things in Cata, specifically in terms of content difficulty and approachability. I can understand people’s desire to play it.

Also, a main source of disproval for Cata is how much it embraced group automation in terms of continuance of the dungeon finder from WotLK and the introduction of the raid finder. Lots of folks felt that contributed to the social downfall of WoW.

However, as we’ve seen through the WotLK progression, there was enough vocal support that the dungeon finder was brought back to WotLK even after Blizzard said they intended to not do that.

So again, you don’t want Cata, I don’t want Cata, but I would be willing to bet at this point that if they released Cata then almost every single person who has fully embraced WotLK right now would transition over. Those who don’t want Cata are either biding their time or have simly moved back to Classic Era like I have.

I’m not saying my word is gospel here, but it seems like there’s enough demand for the modernization of WoW that Cata is a foregone conclusion. BlizzCon nears though, so we’ll see :smiley:

I’ve seen like 3 posters between this classic forums and WoTLK forums that actually have posted saying they are excited about something in cata. And 2 of them were just for pvp related things, not even the raids.

If I were trying to make myself excited about Cata I would look forward to…

  • The pre-raid gearing up phase through regular and heroic dungeons. I really liked the bump in difficulty and some of the mechanics were just really fun in a dungeon context. The downside is that it makes it less accessible to people and so I don’t really get to play with friends who don’t like hard stuff.
  • Firelands. I just really liked that raid and had a great time with my group. The first raid tier was also ok but Firelands just resonated more. I didn’t really dig Dragon Soul.
  • Exploring new classes… I played, and loved, a Resto Shaman in those days but played that for the entirety of the expansion (and in MoP too).

I don’t really want to play Cata and if it came out I’d probably take a pass, but it’s not all awful. I think it’s easy to hate on stuff but every expansion has had good moments. People really rag on BfA but I had a really great time playing it with friends, doing M+ and raids. Sure the Azerite system was terrible and the corrupted gear progression was OP, but I still had a pretty good time.

Ditto WoD. I hated Garrisons and most of that expansion just wasn’t for me. However, Blackrock Foundary is one of my absolute favourite raids and while I would never advocate for WoD: Classic, if it ever came out I 100% try to make time just to do that raid in a relevant setting again.

From Blizzard’s perspective, propping up an old version of the game gets easier and easier as they get closer to the Legion client so the cost to them is low. If people will play it (and there is reason to believe they will), then I suspect it’s coming.

Not me though, I’ll be chillin’ on Classic Era. I’ll probably only move at this point for SoM2 or Classic+ at this point :smiley: