Classic Plus!

Imagine if nothing is announced at Blizzcon lol


I would laugh, and enjoy the sheer disappointment from the crowd. Cathartic – but if blizzard fails to deliver what the fan base wants, then I hope they feel as awkward and humiliated as possible, deservedly so.


That’s how I’m going into it. Expect nothing, and you won’t be disappointed. Besides, didn’t they say they were working on Classic Cata, or something? Kind of difficult to imagine them working on two projects for Classic WoW simultaneously. Not impossible, just unfeasible.

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They said they were going to announce another “season” by the end of the year so if it’s not at Blizzcon then I’ll wait until the end of the year.

I’m more concerned with what that season will be and if it will be fun or not. So that’s why I will be watching pretty intently.

Yes, cata will probably be announced. There’s some shirt in the Blizzard store that hints at it. I played cata when it came out and did it all including pushing the raid content with a guild I ran. I have no interest in a repeat. Especially on those awful Wrath servers with that self-obsessed player base who I mostly can’t relate to on a human level. So that’s a big pass for me personally but for those who want it great.

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Whatever they announce, it will be half of what we expected.

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I don’t think they’ll announce Classic+ (even though I’d love it) but there’s no way they’re not announcing Cata. It’s something people want and Blizzard barely has to do any work to deliver it? I’d probably be concerned if they didn’t…

The playerbase just suddenly became rabid for classic+ with so little time for blizzcon. If they announce anything it’ll be so underthought and unprepared. I expect anyone hype for + from nothing is going to be disappointed even if it gets announced, cause there’ll be no flesh to it.

Just my thoughts, of course.

Well, if they learned anything from, ‘Diablo: Immortal,’ it’ll be that if nothing else they should at least acknowledge the demand and that something may be coming or not. Addressing it is the better option.

“So yeah, that’ll be Classic Cata! We have more exciting plans for Classic. Nothing concrete yet, but we’ve been hearing players excited for a Classic+ experience and we’re looking not only at player feedback, but also into what may be possible with the old code. You’ll hear more when we know if we can do it or not.”

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I would laugh (and this is just morbid humour) if they say ‘‘we’ve heard your demand for classic+ and have a demo to play’’ and then bring up the dragonflight client

suddenly? people beem asking for and posting classic+ threads since the release of classic vanilla. i know, cause i’ve participated on many of them


nothing will be announced at Blizzcon.

ClassicPlus is a player-made concept.

if anything, WE should announce it TO THEM.

have we made up our mind what we’re designing yet for ClassicPlus?


I hope, really hope, if Classic+ is even an idea, that Blizzard doesn’t embark on this streamers fashion of no more levels… When leveling is and always was the core of the success of classic.
They probably want raids and more raids, for some rea$on… Not massive new world events, new dungeons and new bg’s, for a rea$on.
Raids are boring as f… Probably 80-90% of classic enjoyers, are people with jobs and family, that can’t afford to have a digital hobby, that demands an 8h/10h weekly scheduling.

Leveling+professions+pvp/bg’s+dungeons = Formula of wow classic success, that still endures.
Streamer$ want raids ofc… They will replace wow classic viewers in a week, for some weak new mmo/rpg garbage, but the faithful classic players will never come back, if Blizzard mess this one up.


no matter what is announced, people are going to be disappointed

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hehe! which is why they just need to listen to me.

so, here goes:

  • guild banks

  • dual spec

  • summoning stones

  • buff druids, pallies and rogues

  • remember to keep warriors super buff (this is real important)

  • karazhan crypts as a dungeon, etc.

  • quest line to discover the uncorrupted lightbringer, make it harder to obtain than thunderfury and so over the top powerful, that its a jaw dropping moment when you see someone with it. this is the secret sauce of vanilla.

  • cheaper mounts

  • each class gets an additional spec that incorporates shapeshifts, such as a necro lock spec with a banshee/lich shapeshift, undead pets. etc. some ideas The Great Shapeshift

  • limited transmogs

  • player housing

  • new profession - architect

  • playable ogres for horde

  • playable tbc high elves for alliance. blue trimmed silvermoon. quest to change faction if you want to be blood elf instead. if you go blood elf, silvermoon converts to red trim blood elf city, but only blood elves or horde see it red trim, alliance and high elves see it blue. if you want to raid it pvp, you get the option to select to see the zone as the opposite faction. maybe have a zidori type npc that lets you do this. or perhaps the option to go blood elf doesnt happen till arthas invasion and high elves have to flee to sw, then the blue trim silvermoon is gone, replaced by red trim blood elf capital.

  • if blood elf thing happens, alliance will need 1 more playable race - maybe ethereals.

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Will still have the new season to look forward to. I wonder though if the two are one and the same. Classic+ as the theme for the next season and what not…

Debatable, maybe.

  • dual spec


  • summoning stones

Yeah that’s fine.

  • buff druids, pallies and rogues

Too vague

  • remember to keep warriors super buff (this is real important)


  • karazhan crypts as a dungeon, etc.

Most people want vanilla Kara/crypts, so agreed.

  • quest line to discover the uncorrupted lightbringer, make it harder to obtain than thunderfury and so over the top powerful, that its a jaw dropping moment when you see someone with it. this is the secret sauce of vanilla.

No Vertical Power Creep
Finished quest even for the lightbrininger, sure.

  • cheaper mounts

Absolutely not.

  • each class gets an additional spec that incorporates shapeshifts, such as a necro lock spec with a banshee/lich shapeshift, undead pets. etc. some ideas The Great Shapeshift


  • limited transmogs

How so? Color Dyes for armor? Only certain item slots?
Personally, no.

  • player housing

Low priority, but sure w/e.

  • new profession - architect

I agree with new professions, but not so much architect (wat?)

  • playable ogres for horde


  • playable tbc high elves for alliance. blue trimmed silvermoon. quest to change faction if you want to be blood elf instead. if you go blood elf, silvermoon converts to red trim blood elf city, but only blood elves or horde see it red trim, alliance and high elves see it blue. if you want to raid it pvp, you get the option to select to see the zone as the opposite faction. maybe have a zidori type npc that lets you do this. or perhaps the option to go blood elf doesnt happen till arthas invasion and high elves have to flee to sw, then the blue trim silvermoon is gone, replaced by red trim blood elf capital.


  • if blood elf thing happens, alliance will need 1 more playable race - maybe ethereals.

Laughably, No.


u must be insufferable irl i feel bad for friends and family. hopefully u dont have any

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Why would they have a blizzcon and announce nothing at all??

Or do you mean nothing about Classic ?
Or do you mean nothing about wows future

Late response here, but Classic era is 1.X, and there was an initial push of a 1.15 build (current hardcore is 1.14.X) back in March, and then a recent build update and push to Vendor 4 last week, which is the distributor Blizzard uses for Blizzcon.

We don’t have any actual info on what build 1.15 Classic Era contains. It could be at worse “we added WoW Token to Classic, because fqU”, or it could be as mundane as some bug patch fix. That of course is 7 months seems like a lot time to add something like a WoW Token to Vanilla, and would be more of an insult for that to be ‘THE’ Classic WoW related Blizzcon Announcement (imo). The only other speculation is that minor changes generally DO NOT require major patch version upates to Vanilla. For reference 1.13 was Classic Launch, and 1.14 was Hardcore/SoM. So its not out of the question that the Classic Era player base is speculating what a new major release version patch of Classic Era would even be.

The only other information we have is that there is some announcement related to Classic (not specifically Vanilla Era) at Blizzcon, and that several developer positions have been filled, aside the return of Chris Metzen.

Edit: Also, that the Blizzcon Announcement is specifically “Not a Season of Mastery II”, whatever that means, if there is some sort of fresh, or (more aptly) why the player base is speculating the start of “Classic +”.

Could be copium for at least a fresh server, or even initial starts of Classic + content.

Wage your bets!


The most id expect about Classic+ is some kind of logo, something that would take 5-10 mins in Photoshop.

No definitive details, they would tease it at best.

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