Check out - plenty happening there but blizzard doesn’t check those posts hence why I’m posting here.
There is no valid reason why there won’t be Oceanic servers. But what I want Blizzard to understand is we need confirmation because it’s causing nothing but negative feelings keeping us in the dark.
If their secrecy was a result of withholding bad news, the backlash will only be bigger the longer they wait. Early bad news at least gives me time to come to terms with my mistreatment. And early good news removes all the stress that not knowing is causing me.
It’s such a simple answer to give too (assuming the answer is yes). If the answer is no then it’s a very complicated answer to give. And the longer we go on without hearing simple good news makes me increasingly think it will be bad news.
bump, oceanic classic community is super keen and often overlooked
Imagine if there’s no oce servers.
Classic hype would be deadstopped for me and my friends.
Bumpity bump bump. We need Classic Oceanic servers - please make it happen Blizz.
Bumpitty bumpitty bang bang! Please Blizzard, let us know your plans for oceanic classic servers.
Bump for oce!
I don’t think we should be just bumping this thread like that. I am pretty sure the mods take a dim view of threads that just get bumped without substance.
We have plenty to discuss to keep the thread going. For instance:
I will be playing on a PvP server. Always have, always will.
Will PvP servers be the most prevalent servers now? I am pretty sure PvE were more popular in vanilla, but it does seem as if there is a larger groundswell of interest in PvP realms, especially on Oceanic discords and forums.
Will PvP servers be the most prevalent servers now?
Good point. I didn’t properly play Vanilla as I was only 12 and was just leveling characters to 30 then creating a new one. I believe I was on a PvE server but that’s just random.
I’m definitely going PvP and I know a lot of people from the Oce Classic Discord will be going PvP too. Still a few who prefer PvE but numbers seems to lean towards the PvP that I can see.
It would be a no-play decision for me if there was no Oceanic classic server. I’ve no desire to play with the 250+ms of the time before we got our server here, its just too much of a disadvantage for gaming in a classic environment.
Based on the classicwow subreddit survey with 19k votes, it was 71.2% PVP and 19.7% PVE. But reddit is heavily skewed toward PVP so it’s a terrible indication of what the split will actually be.
I’ll be rolling PVE. I don’t care about world PVP. I do my fighting on the battlegrounds like a real man. PVP players go on about missing out on the whole experience but it’s an experience in itself not to be forced into world PVP so that argument doesn’t stand.
I’m playing from southeast Asia. US has better connection than Oceanic.
Which part of Southeast Asia?
Stormrage and Illidan = 235ms
Frostmourne and Barthilas = 300ms
That’s interesting because Singaporeans get better connection on Oceanic servers. Different countries I know but you are neighbours.
Probably my current ISP. My old one might be better for Oceanic.
heavily skewed toward PVP so it’s a terrible indication of what the split will actually be.
It seems this is the way for all the forums and discords that I have popped into. Maybe it is just those that are super interested in following classic this far out are more skewed to PvP.
Not sure if that has anything to do with the actual death of world pvp in retail or not.
I am really looking forward to being on a PvP realm again. And this time doing it with the other anitpodean PvPers. I never got the chance in vanilla as I played on a US realm with hardly any Oceanics.
If Blizzard could confirm this that would be super duper helpful! Will definitely come back if I’m able to play with sub-150ms pings on classic. Yeah!
All I want is to be able to pvp with <50ms in classic. I loved old school pvp, but never have experienced it with low MS, I can only imagine how amazing that would be.
Common Blizz! We need to know!
Same. I got by with my mage but gave up on my rogue. I’d have to guess where to stand for backstab to work. Quite often it was several metres behind the target. I really want to play warrior this time around so without the lower latency Oceanic servers provide, will likely skip classic altogether.