Classic Oceanic Servers

Rogue is easily playable at 200ms in vanilla, at around 300+ it gets very difficult

ā€œyou need to be behind your target to cast thatā€ feelsbadman


Iā€™m on that same train my dude


I think theyā€™re going to have OCE servers but OCE servers will be tied into the US battlegroup or at least have US realms on their battlegroup.

This was bloodlust.

(Can find more on WoWWiki)

Thatā€™s a problem because theyā€™re going to put in cross realm BGs which means one of the countries will have to play on a higher ping! Iā€™m sure NA players will complain if they have to place on Oce servers / ping!

They already do lol.

They hate playing with Frostmourne players in dungeons. Iā€™ve been kicked several times from dungeons because when Iā€™m the leader itā€™s a Sydney based instance run and they kick me lol.


If you take a look at the release date and times that blizzard posted in their first post on classic release (mark your calendars) there is a time set for A/NZ, I feel like this confirms that there will be servers for us. Also considering that all of their other games have OCE servers there really isnā€™t a reason why we wouldnā€™t get any for classic. I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Keen to see everyone in classic :smiley:


Iā€™m solidly located in the US, but tossing in a like and support post for my fellow gamers down under.

After playing with 30-50ms for so long I could never do 200-300ms againā€¦


Iā€™ve done a double-take on the launch times and theyā€™ve listed Australia which is a good sign, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s just out of decency or if theyā€™re actually going to throw a server or two in for us.

Would really love some confirmation ASAP just for peace of mind. A big part of why I want to get into Classic is for the world PvP experiences and I really donā€™t want to be held back by 250-300ms all the time.


I hope there are! Please Blizzard, let us know!

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I hope they do tooā€¦ donā€™t get me wrong I loved Black Rock & then Jubeiā€™Thos but locale servers on day 1 would fix a really old omission.

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Please give us Oceanic servers with and OCE exclusive battlegroup so we arenā€™t lagged into submission every time we join a BG (simce cross realm BGs are confirmed).


If they donā€™t launch at least a few theyā€™re shooting themselves in the foot. Thatā€™s not a small market, Oceania.

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+1 to this. It ruins BGā€™s on Retail to always be matched with US realms and being forced to play on 250ms for the whole game. With BGā€™s being such a huge part of Classic it would be a huge turn away if they decide to stick us with US realmsā€¦


As a player from Sydney who played during classic. please give us OCE servers!

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Which is funny because they will stay in an OCE instance server anyway.

Thankfully whenever I do dungeons, I basically carry them as a tank.

Prot warriors are heavily armored dps, change my mind!

Yuuuuup. Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about

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Iā€™m hoping for at least one PvE and PvP Oceanic server.

Chinglish confirmed on his stream that there would be OCE servers. Considering heā€™s had contact with Blizz devs in the past, Iā€™m sorta inclined to believe him.


There really shouldnā€™t be a lot of servers. Yes thereā€™s a lot of hype for Classic, but servers with sparse populations are going to be bad because few people will be able to fill 40man raids.

1 NA PvP Server
1 NA PvE Server

1 OC PvP Server
1 OC PvE Server

Something like the above for the different locales.