Classic looks

The reason I played OSRS instead of the new RS is because of the old graphics. The reason I play Pokémon Emerald or Platinum is because of the old graphics as opposed to White or X.

Old graphics are often a lot nicer and a lot less DOPAMINE INDUCINGGGG

I have a 4:3 Monitor just to play classic wow when it comes out.

That’s how dedicated I am.


Give me old models and animation why in the flying fudge do the new animations make my tauren bounce around and flail his arms around like a rtard. Give me flat footed running.


Even if the game looked like bfa “kids” wouldnt play it cuz its too slow and grindy…if your argument was true, kids would be playing Total War games not Fortnite. Classic isnt meant to bring a new audience, its for the ppl that left years ago.


I disagree. As they said at the Classic panel at Blizzcon. It is for the old players, as well as the new young generation of players, in their words… Do you really think Blizzard will do this solely to please us, veterans? of course not. I also disagree with the poster who said that the kids wouldn’t play it because it is too grindy… Grindy or not, it takes skill from lvl 1. Hell, it takes skill to tank an heal Deadmines… Everybody likes a challenge, the old and the young… In retail there is NO chellenge at all from 1-120. The kids will love Classic thus, but will have serious difficulty overcoming the outdatedness of the original game… I work with young people, and have two teenage kids at home… I know how they think… They like to be kept on their toes, but they are all about looks as well… Visual appeal is the first thing to tick off… And they cant be from 2004! What I find really sad is that all other gaming legacy projects actually put in a lot of work to update visuals. Here, people push for the reverse process, where the updated visuals are readily available…

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Not every kid is a gamer tho. There is a big difference between a gamer and those who enjoy the occasional video game.

Gamers really care about the game play while the other can be easily turned off or attracted by graphics.

That’s why certain games regardless of their graphics are super popular while others with vastly superior graphics may flop completely even after massive investment into the game by the developer.

It 100% comes down to game play for the gamer. Some gamers preference simple graphics because there are actual performance gains to be had because of simplistic graphics.


Gotta say I don’t care about the graphics either way. But, top notch pun name, Platewinslet.

Have u even seen anny of the Demo footage?

Probably not…

Lol client models, more specifically their animations, are so horrible.


Just imagine yourself trying out WoW Classic for the first time in your life in 2019 and you are greeted with the character selection screen from 2004. Cmon guys, google out some WoW Vanilla images… I agree with you generally. It all boils down to the gameplay, but the old 1.12.1 is so horribly outdated, the models are so unforgivably ugly that the first box simply doesnt tick… Gameplay comes later. The car has to look good, then drive well… Its literally rough cardboard cut outs…

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Thats the marketing team talking, very similar to when game companies say: “The most ambitious game we have ever made!” Dont forget, WoW had over 11 million players at its peak, blizz would be more than happy to have even half of that back, ie the “veterans.” Moreover if Activision Blizzard really believed that it was also for the “new young generation of players” they would have referred to it in the earnings call as a major release. More than likely its just a done and dusted project, not their answer to something like battle royal games.

They will do what they will do. These are only my two cents. I want the game to be hard and challenging as it was back in the day, NO changes in that respect. But I would like it to greet us in its full modern glory!!! Be as it may. Thank you works team for ressing this jewel, in any form!!!


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I don’t care for the new models, especially their facial features.
Most of the new combat animations are just ok, nothing earth shattering that I can’t live without.
The running animations on the majority of races are too bouncy and very distracting. I’d hate to see that for 40 levels!
I could live with the older models getting a bit of smoothing out, maybe make them appear more 3D but that’s about it.

I understand that everyone has their opinions and that some people really love the new art (I am one of them; I think the new art is incredible in context). But I’m sorry, this statement (the part that I bolded and italicized) is just objectively untrue with the exception of some of the critter models.

The irony is that minecraft is (as vanilla was) successful IN SPITE of the graphics not being too polished. Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>fancy graphics.

I imagine OP’s “teenage kid’s” heads would explode if she suggested they play chess, or worse; checkers.


Oh, and…

I don’t have to google the images, I’ve played recently on a computer with decent cpu/gpu capabilities to be able to turn everything up to Ultra. Googling screenshots taken in 2005/2006 will almost never get you very good quality.

I could actually care less what the menu looks like so long as it’s decently intuitive and I can understand what’s going on without the need for a shop manual.

Dead serious, this is the major problem with a great number of UI’s in a countless number of programs and webpages.

This is actually something BLIZZARD does very well, their UI’s are typically decent, although I would point out that their modern web page and customer service components are far less than intuitive, and I do feel this is done intentionally to reduce the number of people who would like to use the customer service.

Given that they’re obviously moving over to AI with nearly everything… Who cares if the customer support channels are getting blitzkrieg’d by customers with questions.

You dont need a decent computer to run Vanilla on ultra. The crap one with integrated Gpu would run it on ultra without a sweat. I may have exaggerated a bit when I said 1.12.1 is like Minecraft, but it is not far off either. I play Vanilla on a 2k monitor and if you zoom in on a toon or Npc it looks awful… Even the environment is pretty shabby compared to retail… Take a look at a tree in Elwyn forest, for example… What I am saying, if it is impossible to bring it to retail quailty, than at least bring it to MOP quality with a toggle. MOP got a lot of visuals updated, both the environment and models. What is good about char. models in MOP was that they were the old models, but in their latest iteration… They obviously increased the polygon number over the years and polished and streamlined the movement… I was looking at some Demo videos and I was under the impression that the models were from the MOP, which is great, and I wouldn’t touch it… They brought the toggle for the environment, I hope they will sort the rest out and give us a classic WoW not a Vanilla WoW… Some people are already crying and asking why pay for a 14 year old game… Well, if they do it properly, it will be a new game… Like I said, touch NOTHING but the visuals. Those who want it to look like 1.12.1 can move the slider to 1.