Classic LFG Addon reconsidered

I don’t think people understand. The addon should be titled a “chat filter” tool and not an LFG tool. It’s a chat filter, not an LFG tool. It just so happens to filter through only the LFG/LFMs in chat so you don’t see the trade spam. Really… that’s not an LFG tool… it’s a chat filter.

Wrong game.

It’s getting to the point where we need to advance a t least to wolk population of tanks. As classic only has warriors that can tank. Also help tbwt will brought a dungeon finder to help with not finding groups.

I just don’t get the need for it. I main a tank, my wife is a healer, I build friendships through helping others and enjoy doing so.

I never have to “spam” channels or have anything “visually rearranged” to get groups. Seems to be a problem exclusive to DPS classes and those types of people who have trouble forming friendships or being civil, that “special” player type that can be found in Refail in abundance.

Here’s a free tip - I suggest you find a guild, form friendships and maybe even roll a tank or healer. Much easier to have groups just happen naturally, rather than having to go through all that spam, addon or not.

Just because nobody wants to group with you doesn’t mean there should be a LFG tool.

ummmm…because I’d rather see a gui than a wall of text?

I’ve had 0 problems finding groups in trade or general chats in major cities.

Many of you it seems, need to take reading compreshension classes. Do some of you even read what the addon does before you comment? It doesnt even have a function to automatocally make a group and says so DIRECTLY IN THE “FEATURES INCLUDED” section.


We don’t. It didn’t help then. It didn’t change anything in MOP with monks. Nothing changed in Legion with adding DH. It is still the same in BFA.

Warriors are one of the most popular classes in the game(in classic). It isn’t that there aren’t enough tanks. It’s that we don’t tank for poggers. When we want to run anything, we ask in guild and instantly have a group formed.

Additionally, Paladins, Druids, Voidwalkers, Warlocks, and hunter pets are all capable of tanking during the leveling process and 60 dungeons.

My guild literally used hunter cat to tank onyxia in vanilla a few times as a joke just to see if we could. It worked lmao.

You do realize WoLK is the first expansion that paladins and druids where actually able to tank and not be meme specs right?