"Classic is too easy"

Are you serious ? I think it’s the opposite : only few players won’t reach C’thun while the average will be cleaning Naxxramas when available
It’s gonna take more time but even casual will do it.

We have : knowledge/more players who use raids addons/better network & computer specs.
It’s gonna be enought for a lot of players to clean the raid content.

Maybe on an extremely long timeline, when it’s at the point where all the progression guilds have finished with everything, are amusing themselves with competitive speed clears, and are selling boss kills (for the gear) to people like what happens on retail.

We have a playerbase that is obsessed with being able to queue and not interact with people and just down content. They don’t want to hang with 10-20 people let alone 40 and consistently push back against the idea of a schedule.

If those people steer clear of Vanilla enitrely then it’s fine, but if they play the game it could go either way. it’ll also be interesting for that base to see how they feel about a game that doesn’t just let them waltz into raids very easily.

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I think you overestimate the average player. And fully HALF of the population is even worse than that. Like I said, there are probably very few average and below average players on this forum, because those players don’t take the time to research things and read about them. That’s why they are average to below average.

Leveling 12-15 as druid in Darkshore was not easy during the stress test. Died plenty of times. Many quests are group quests, potentially, but cause of layering type of technologies on server 12 PVE, I was not able to see that many people around at all. Like 3 of them outside of Auberdine throughout my whole 12-15 lvl up process.

For what it’s worth, the open world content “feels” right for me. I was doing my thing on my shaman, killing those strange Zhevra that don’t actually have hooves at level 13, and got jumped by a level 15 raptor that came a bit too close. I was at about half health at the time, and ended up having to run for it. If this was modern WoW, I A) wouldn’t have been at 50% health fighting anything in the first place, and B) would have had no problem fighting an additional mob (or two+) at a higher level.

Which is me.
I found the stress test alot easier outside of tagging woes than I did in 2006.I’ve grown as a player, I know what to look for,I know what I’m doing and I have a plan on the macro of leveling despite not knowing exactly where to go since I played alliance and am rolling horde.

If I could pull at a consistant rate on the stress test I would have hit level 10 in under 2.5 hours.

I loved that area “back in the day.” It was certainly hellish, but it was also a [censored]-tonne of fun!!!

Agreed, it was hellish in a good way.

I remember being terrified of Zalazane and his trolls in vanilla.

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Then reapply your makeup and get back out there, soldier!


At work I regularly see customers ‘remember’ something from literally 30 seconds ago. They get mad, swear on their mothers grave and tell you exactly how it happened without a shadow of a doubt. So we check the cameras and they remembered wrong…something from 30 seconds ago.


That is entirely not true. Same weapon types have different speeds in 1.12. there is some internal DPS normalization but I’m not remembering exactly.

Same. Three was a death sentence.

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They aren’t perfect but I still trust Blizzard devs more than private server setups.

Bookmarked for first week of September. If what I think will happen does happen, we should know how long it took the first wave to hit level 60 by then.

Private devs outright admit they make numbers up for most of the game. And some servers will even change numbers on the fly to try and make the server more “marketable.” Be that making it intentionally easier to bring in new players, or intentionally harder to appeal to an idealized WoW that never existed except in the heads of a few private devs.

They normalized instant attack damage, not auto attacks (white damage).

Example: Heroic Strike with a 2H mace would always do damage as if it were being used with a 3.3 weapon speed.

Thats kinda slow honestly. I remember hitting 20 in about 2 hours back on vanilla.

You’re definitely misremembering or at best you’re talking about a period after Blizzard nerfed leveling. That’s an average of 6 minutes per level.

Venruki’s initial classic beta reaction has him talking about how he’d been playing for 12 hours and was level 19. I can’t confirm if that was strictly that character and dedicated entirely to leveling, but it checks out based on the pace I was going at.

And while I did say I was messing around a bit it wasn’t like I was distracted by mining (no experience) or shenanigans in town and not leveling. I tried to take on a level 10 quest by myself at level 7 (bad idea) and I ran around a little bit more than I otherwise might have if I was just focused on leveling. Like I said if I had been more aggressive I might have gotten to level 9 or 10 in a best case scenario.

I looked it up earlier today. The attack power for instant attacks was normalized. So you get the same attack power bonus from a fast weapon and a slow weapon. Slower weapon top end damage still makes a sinister strike do more damage, but not as much as before 1.8 or 1.9.

This is largely correct, but just as a side note, Heroic Strike was not normalized because it wasn’t an instant attack; it was on-next-hit.