"Classic is too easy"

That’s a massive exaggeration. Even the most dedicated players are going to be spending weeks just getting to max level and attunements will take a while. You said it yourself, Vanilla was a time investment, not necessarily overly difficult as in complex. However, difficulty can come in many forms. There’s a difference between needing to hit a button within a .01 second window and needing to hit 10 buttons in a specific order. The former is difficult because the precision needed is so strict while the latter is complex which makes it difficult.

But I will say that I personally believe the PvE content will get consumed rather quickly, especially by the high end players. Even the more casual groups will be able to get through more than they used to. But I think that after the initial PvE content there will be a decent shift as certain walls are hit due to the unforgiving nature of Vanilla. I’ve refreshed my memory and AQ40 was a pain due to NR gear requirements, same with Naxx for tank and frost resist gear.

I also don’t think you’re giving Blizzard enough credit on the patch cycle. They’re attempting to recreate the way Vanilla played out. Is there an added benefit of increasing classic’s lifespan? Sure, I guess, but I don’t think that’s the main drive there.

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They are fixing this, however it should also be noted that this only effects classes with instant weapon attack abilities: hunter, rogue, warrior. No other class relies on weapon-based instant attacks. This means casters, druids, paladins, and shamans will experience no change either way, as they do not have instant weapon-based attacks like mortal strike. Theirs are either spells or based on auto-attacks.

to say “everything” is easier is hyperbole.

Also, instant weapon attacks are normalized in vanilla, just not with the legion formula. The three classes affected by this are hitting harder than they should, but not by absurd amounts.

That’s a lot of coefficients. The difficult part is finding old sources for every spell/ability coefficient and testing for differences. The closest thing is finding videos or screenshots around 1.12, replicating that persons gear and buffs, and attacking the same mobs. Very specific circumstances for a wide number of spells.

Largely depends on a few factors when it comes down to “being easy”. Some classes just struggle more then others. However, all the classes usually can overcome stuff in different ways, especially how you play while leveling. I have no issues when it comes to mods aggro ranges, this just seems like a player’s awareness to there surroundings. This, is a personal problem.

The weapon speed bug is probably exactly why it feels easier.

Dear OP.

Classic isn’t easy…it’s you that different.

What I mean by that is that both you (and I would suspect many of us) played Classic back in the day. And we’ve been playing WoW ever since(again most of us). You already KNOW what to expect, you KNOW about pulling too many mobs…and you KNOW how to play your class.

Even with retail WoW players trying Classic for the first time because they missed it the first time around it will be easier for them. Nothing can bring that experience back to us all, not even Blizzard Devs. No insult intended at all, just speaking the truth.

I’m super excited to re-visit Classic. Been doing the testing and everything. Unless you are literally brand new to playing WoW, Classic will be hard for the rest of us, it will obviously be easier.

Classic IS hard, we are the ones that make it easier, not the game. :slight_smile:

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Do people really believe that? :rofl: If they really wanted to release classic like how vanilla played out, they would have started with 1.0.x and do it over the same two year period.

With modern day addons and optimized leveling routes, I think we’ll see the first wave of level 60s in a few days, certainly in less than a week. Classic will be the cakewalk that vanilla was, only at an accelerated pace.

The legendary Death and Taxes guild getting rather far on pre-nerf C’thun in spite of…

Keyboard turning/clicking.
No sunders.
Serpent stings on boss.
Not many consumables.
No world buffs.
And to top it all off, a holy paladin using T2(which isn’t good for healing), with a thunderfury.

This isn’t to crap on them, as they were excellent players at the time, but in hindsight they could’ve been a whole lot better. Now, if these were among the apex players of the time, imagine the scrublord-fest that was the average player.

There are many other old vanilla raid videos out there with similar hard-to-watch shenanigans, yet they still often kill the boss.


For a Warrior, I recommend you pick up Engineering and use the best bombs you can craft to blow up packs of enemies.

  1. Strength buff from scroll or potion
  2. Armor buff from scroll or potion
  3. Thunder Clap on cool down
  4. When enemies are stunned from TC, toss the bomb
  5. Tab target cycle to Rend each enemy
  6. Drink a health potion if you get low

I did all these and it made pulling groups of 3 somewhat trivial, although I did have to pay careful attention to what I was doing.

i leveled a horde and ali to 15 wit a average of 3 hours and 3 mins each… i died 2 times classic has never been hard, people could play it keyboard tuirning and back pedaling \

As a caster i dont think its any harder or easier than i remember it being.

Try melee if you can

Dear Nbkpicard,

Try reading the post.


What would perfectly emulate Vanilla would involve a massive mindwipe on the world. There’s a difference between what you can do and what you can’t do. Sans the mind wipe I sincerely doubt they have the ability to recreate Vanilla as it first launched. They’ve already sacrificed a few aspects of it, such as allowing loot trading in raids and using the last iteration of itemization so warriors didn’t have spirit on their tier.

I don’t disagree that there’s certainly an advantage to Blizzard staggering content so players can’t go through it ASAP. I mean it would probably only take the top players the better part of a year to get through it if they did, which is what a typical raid tier lasts us nowadays.

We’ll see.

I think it was about 2-3 weeks back in Vanilla. I played on a few fresh servers and checked in on top leveled players. I could see less than two weeks and maybe less than a week. Lots of streamers will be playing a ton so it could very well happen for those guys. A good indicator would just be what private servers have succeeded in doing.

It’s been awhile, but I remember there was a few UD quests that sent you along the path of wandering mobs.

Was pretty annoying. Not as bad as mine diving in human areas. Get swarmed by respawns pretty easy in there.

For those who’ll say that raids are gonna be easy, i would like to see you doing those raids without addons and world buff.

Then you’ll see why that they aren’t “so easy”

After the numbers change I will

Well body you are completely wrong, and have no idea what you talkking about! you can’t clear content that is actually gear check, GL in BWL with blues and greens from … oh wait you need to farm rep aka:

"Reaching revered status with the Hydraxian Waterlords allowed players to obtain the Eternal Quintessence"
This is used to dowse the runes in Molten Core around each boss
You can only summon Majordomo Executus once you dowsed all the runes
Majordomo summons Ragnaros and don’t forget you need **

resist gear

** in order to clear MC first and get some decent gear noob.

Not to mention all your 40 members of your raid need to be attuned for any of those raids you talking trash

To fully equip your dedicated 40 man team you need more than just 1 run in MC with 2 pieces drop for 40 man expecting something…

Surely many people will also go for Legendaries but can they? … they are not so trivial to get to be honest and will require a lot of “dedication” you will spend quite some time and will need the full help your entire guild if you want to accomplish some of them … and many aspects that people don’t even know what it is.

you are not taking into consideration money isn’t free in vanilla and you need a lot of mats and farming in order to get serious.

You don’t know what you’re talking about you never been in classic and you think classic and retail are the same game and same pace… BS

I don’t really know what your point is. People are going to use addons at the very least and top guilds will use the world buffs (I’m not even sure which buffs they are referring to, but I have heard they are pretty helpful).

It’s not so much that old raids were easy, but that they were geared for a playerset that’s inherently different today so us going back to that with our different skillset and increased technology seems like it would put us at a huge advantage. Time will tell on that. I expect some slowdown on the later content when Blizzard tuned stuff harder.

I had to take certain paths to get to certain towers. Tried to run to the tower SW of Brill and had to circle all the way around to leash the mobs back and reset my health. The path from Brill to that tower was just too dense.

The average player is not much better today. They’re barely literate. They don’t frequent gaming forums. They’re not reading this thread right now. They don’t read up on wtf to do. They just jump in and start pressing buttons. And they are probably more spoiled and less hardened than the average gamer 15 years ago because most games these days have easy modes and are much more forgiving overall than they were back then.

Classic is going to be just fine. Yeah, the best players are going to find it fairly easy, but they will still have to deal with Classic’s progression-slowing gear checks. And they will still have to find 39 other people to play with who don’t suck, which is no easy task. But the average player will never see C’thun. And most below average players will never see Ragnaros.

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Edit: On a serious note I really hope Classic thrives despite the massive walling it does to the “average” player and shows that the way Blizzard has designed the game today (partitioning of content for every type of player) is not the only way to make a successful game.

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