"Classic is too easy"

And I just have to say…wat?

I got to level 8 this time as a warrior, last time I only hit 5. It took me a bit over 2 hours, maybe if I was a bit more aggressive I could have hit 9 but I was messing around a bit. I do remember that the average timeline I used back in the day was 2 hours to level 10.

I admit 1-5 is largely a walk in the park. The aggro range is small and you can pull 2 or even 3 mobs and be fine. I had to reset a 3 pack once because I pulled a rare spider, but otherwise very smooth sailing.

After I left the starting area (UD for the record) everything ramped up. Large aggro radius and already a BLEEP you if you pull an extra mob. I died no less than three times trying to be a bit bold and reset a lot of packs when I got a second mob. Just pulling at 3/4th health was risky unless it was a human that would try to flee. The dodges and parries along were aggravating and I could especially feel it when a mob was two levels higher than me. I much preferred same level or 1 lower.

Maybe it’s just because I was a warrior and they are infamous for leveling woes, but it felt pretty similarly to what I remember and I’m far more seasoned of a player than I ever was back then. The mage I grouped with, while very mana dependent, was a powerhouse by comparison, however it’s not like he could pull everything and be fine. Meanwhile I stayed sword/board as I felt it was better than a 2H so early on because of how much damage I was taking.

I don’t know what y’all are smoking about classic being easy. Maybe starter area is easier than it used to be on launch. I remember they made a pass at the starting zone experience at some point and maybe that is what we are seeing but after you leave that starting area it ramps up immensely.


If I pulled 2 mobs at lvl 10 it was a real struggle on my rouge.


They are running with 1.12 quest exp rewards so you level a bit faster doing quests. As for warriors they are good levelers but they need a lot of mental fortitude as your only active killing strat till 40 is hamstring/bleed then kite till auto attack is back up. Also if you have a starting zone all to yourself or you are ahead of the pack you can get to lvl 6 in under 30 mins.

If I pulled 2 mobs at lvl 10 it was a real struggle on my rouge.

What was it like on your blue ?

Sorry couldn’t help myself… :wink:


Echo Isles was as hellish as I remember it.

Maybe its her, maybe maybaleen!

Stress test seemed spot on to me.

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OMG…15 years and you still spell ROUGE ???


“bleu” ***


I was somewhere around there, but it slowed down a lot thereafter. Then the server shutdown started up. Still I tried to do a bit more questing, but really my huge issue was that trying to get to where I wanted to was a total PITA since I kept pulling multiple mobs at once. It’s…doable, but it’d be far easier to just group up with 1-2 people and knock the quests out.

had some kid go on a rant today how Classic is too hard (he claimed he was a wrath baby) and called classic beta “******* awful, it’s too hard to level what’s the point when it takes months”

The point is, people will find a way to complain about the dumbest things.


Man both retail and classic leveling is dumb easy.
The only thing I have found “hard” in wow is playing against good pvpers, and putting together large raids.
Not running them mind you… but getting enough mouthbreathers together and on the same page is as frustrating as hearding a pack or drunken cats .

Told you nothing changed lol

Back then it took 2 hours to lvl because we didn’t know how to lvl and what quests were gonna give us x2 than normal. The lvling experience feels the exact same to me as I remember it.

Eh, I remember leveling a lot of low level toons and that was really what I saw, even when I knew what I was doing in the game. I’m sure the very first toon I played took like 5-10 hours to get around level 10 or so just because I was walking around like a chicken with my head cut off.

That two hour(ish) window held very true for me, I think I was always trying to beat that or something because I’d usually do it in about 2.5 hours or something.

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When an 11yr old who can barely see over the desk is dying to low level mobs, they remember it as hard, when they’re 26. A 26 yr old remembering it at 41 is a bit more likely to be accurate.

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Everything is easier… they normalized the weapon speeds… like in Legion…

So I looked at weapons…

2h: everything is 3.6

1h: everything is 2.6

Dagger: 1.8

I hope this get reversed…

Quest reward I got was a 2H at 3.3 speed, found a 2H later at 3.2 speed. Not sure if you’re talking about items later on in the game, but I definitely saw non-3.6 2Hs while playing on the stress test. Didn’t look at 1H speeds though.

Also weapon speeds got normalized a long long long time ago. It wasn’t normalized in legion lol.

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Woups. I miss understood this post then!

Vanilla WoW was more about time investment. Not much skill was involved. Example: see rank 14 Grand Marshals/High Warlords. lol

Even the pve content was more about slogging through attunements, farming resist gear and mats for potions and enchants.

Classic will be no different.

Why do you think Blizzard is staggering the releases of vanilla content in classic? If they didn’t do that, people with skills honed by 15 years of WoW would blast through the entire classic WoW content in a matter of weeks.

Yes, it was reported in the beta forum.
Blue acknowledged the bug and said they had a fix and were testing it.

Now someone needs to go off and test AP and SP coefficients to see if they are at vanilla numbers.