Classic is Overtuned

OP is a troll and a idiot. Don’t even respond to him.

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they recreated spell batching, YOU are wrong. you are not the target audience and it shows 10x over.

Just giving you a forum alert so you don’t forget to link that footage.

Trust me, hes just seeking to irritate you. Ignore him and his posts.

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theyre not going to listen to one random who feels its too difficult. Everyone else is fine, a lot of people even say its too easy. Have fun yelling into the wind.

Just because you disagree with me doesn’t mean I’m a troll.

Cmon rat, i know you saw that last alert on the forums on the top left. Come back to this thread.

They are also running around with gear that 99.9% of 30s would never have because they have had two weeks to farm stuff at 30. Every warrior has the WW Axe at 30. Best blues in slot. Pots. All friends and run like a well oiled machine.

This is not going to happen at 30 when it goes live and I pick up 4 people in Ironforge.

That is how I see it.


very true, this thread doesnt even need to be entertained. For just sheer annoyance at the implication, Its pretty much given they wont change anything. /shrug.

We need Cata servers and for Blizzard to stop favoring the Alliance on retail, so what’s your point exactly?

Welcome to vanilla. The game scales differently. You have to keep in mind that no matter the twink gear, they will be missing an insane amount of attacks etc against elites 8-10 levels higher than them. They don’t have any hit rating. Thats why it took so long to clear the high instances.

In vanilla your level actually matters just as much as your gear. You can have the best gear possible for your level. You will still have an insanely hard time with any npc that is 10 levels higher than you.

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So because you couldn’t do something means other people can’t? Solid response.

Way to change your stance to

From calling people farm animals, idiots and buffons for disagreeing with you.


I do and I don’t.

Regardless of when this group started they all have some type of experience with Vanilla. The fact that they’ve been capped at 30 and just been farming BIS for that level also matters.

If we could redo their run with them in just quest greens I’m positive we’d see a difference. If all the factors were the same and we just switched out their team for completely new to WoW as a whole people it’d be completely different as well.

Did i think I could clear sm cath at 30 in Vanilla? No.

I’m like 100% positive that I could do it now with their same circumstances.

I heard they were resetting GY for the rares too and if they farmed that out I can tell you Staysafe got a nice helm,wand,necklace and pants and Asmon got a nice ring and great chest and the 1h mace and the same necklace for the stam the ring is also good for the hunter they had.

They didn’t just hit 30 and go do this dungeon. The geared up and progressed through SM as a whole.

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I don’t under what this thread is about?

The whole point of Classic is that it feels old af and is slow af. If you don’t like that, don’t play it. Simple.

That’s why Blizzard is doing both. A faster experience focused around several alts and more casual gameplay (in terms of time, not skill…it’s WoW, the skill gap isn’t something to praise) and a more ‘hardcore’ experience for those that like a longer term grind…even if it does have some features that have ages poorly (duh).

Overtuned? The game’s mechanics are almost identical to modern WoW, but everything just takes longer to do and there is more risk/reward. If you Classic is a super duper tryhard extreme edition game…you need to head back to Fortnite or Toontown. Seriously, the ‘hardcore’ does not mean the skill gap is insane, it means the time to achieve things is much longer.

You are talking about people like Asmongold and Towel-boy, both of them aren’t great gamers lol, they are just grinders. Of course they will struggle with even slightly harder content. Have you seen Asmongold play Dark Souls? Dude couldn’t kill a single boss without relying on chat.

Just spend the time to gear and the game is just as easy. Stop complaining and just play…or don’t! I know, crazy idea.

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200 hp, some spirit, and a 15-20% damage increase =/= 30s clearing 40 dungeon. These people don’t have crusader etc…

Would you be fine with a Herod damage comparison?

It would be something at least. You need to take into account that a level 30 is going to be taking more crits, getting parried more, and might have lower armor %. If you have footage of anything i’d like to see it. Thats all m8.

I mean, if anyone remember the centurions from the trash. Those things would rip tanks apart, more than 2 at a time was awful.

Here’s Herod’s cleave hitting a cat druid for 280 in 2006:

Here’s Herod’s cleave hitting Asmongold in prot stance with a shield for 238 (not a crush or crit, just a regular hit like the cat druid):



And lol @ the inevitable REEEEEEing from people like Cyberbully

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Look, I like Asmongold, Esfand, Preach ect as much as the next guy (Not Fanboy levels but I enjoy them, Asmon is actually a pretty smart, knowledgeable, friendly, and passionate dude. I get his streams give off a certain vibe and all, but he is actually pretty legit) but saying that they are “World First Quality Players” is a bit of an exaggeration. They are good players but they are absolutely NOT World First Players, not even Preach who constantly goes on about how he was in Method is a world first level of player. Sorry, but its just not true. They are good, but they are not that good. I would say many of them are above average though.

Its also interesting that you start your posts with–

Making it sound like its the player skill in question and then you literally change tune in the next sentence–

To now be an issue of “Well, those players are super twinked compared to your average player because people are feeding them gear!” Of course twink’s are going to be stronger than the average player, the game should not be balanced around the power of twinks and yet–

You think that it should be. No. It IS a reasonable level of difficulty comparable to Vanilla. Not only is the average player’s skill and understanding far greater than it was back then, we have more advantages now than ever before. If you are struggling now then its not the game, its you… (Well, unless something is obviously bugged but in general the game is fine) It does not need to be nerfed, it is absolutely fine.

Rise to the occasion and tackle adversity, stop asking that the bar be lowered for you. Classic exists for those who want the Vanilla-like experience, BFA exists for those who want a more single-player like action game with light mmo & rpg elements.