Classic is Overtuned

Bro, I don’t care what a streamer does, or if they wipe. Y’all got to learn the Classic community doesn’t care what a streamer does.

Hell, turn the difficulty up some more! Make my day!

You must be trolling. We always ran ubrs as a 10 man in vanilla. Lbrs is 5. Ubrs is most definitely 10.

I dont think bosses are undertuned. Did people actually wipe on low level dungeon bosses? Thinking back, pretty much every wipe was because of accidentally pulling extra trash.

I’m sorry if you guys were trash tier back then, but most players did it in a 5 man. Maybe now you won’t suck so much.

I don’t agree with the OP one bit, but those players were super twinked.

Don’t underestimate sheer stats.

Edit: Just realized how old this post is. Nevermind.

No, don’t overtune or undertune it.

AsmonGold and Esfand and Mcconnel were able to do SM (with Herod in it, the oen that whirlwind) at lvl 30 when the adds were level 39 … if you think that is overtune for you … you are hella wrong.

It was originally made for 10-15 i think and they tuned it down to 5-10.


I’m not going to say UBRS was impossible to do as a 5 man back in the day, even in blue gear.

I just don’t see why anyone would have bothered to do so on any kind of regular basis(aside from “for the challenge”). Those clears would have to take a very long time to do, and the boss encounters would have to be a total bear at points.

UBRS was designed to be 10 manned from the day it was implemented, so somebody going in with 5 players in non-epic gear is simply asking for pain. It’s like clearing MC with roughly 25 players instead of 40 at level 60. Is it possible? Sure, did most people do that? No, they did not.

You’re either remembering a PServer anomaly, or remembering things incorrectly. 5 Man UBRS in blues was not “a common occurence” while Vanilla was live for Retail.

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Maybe if you didn’t play on a server full of braindead morons and played on Illidan-US, you would know that most did it as a 5 man.

Yup. you sure got me there, I played on a realm so brain dead we had a world first kill happen on it during Vanilla. It even was the birthplace for vodka. I note that Illidan claims exactly zero world firsts during Vanilla.

How many Vanilla world first guilds did Illidan even have? How many players did you know that were playing in guilds that were even ranked at the world/regional level? I knew many.

The only way UBRS would be getting run at any kind of “reasonable speed” as a five man is if it was being farmed by people in epics. And most players would run it as a 10 or 15 man just to minimize the risks(as death repairs are more costly) and to increase the speed of the run if they were going for a (gold) farming run. Not that UBRS was particularly good for that, usually the humanoids/undead in Strat/Scholo would have been preferred instead.

To be clear: The content was run as 10+ man because 10 man was the design spec, and because it allowed for a higher speed on the clear. It’s almost like you cannot conceive that high-end players might have crunched numbers to see what had the best risk/reward vs time payouts and went with that. 5 man UBRS in epics was doable, but “not worth the effort.” 5 man UBRS in blues in comparison is simply an exercise is masochism.

So, basically, if I understand this right…

All this drama I’ve been hearing of “omg level 30 player groups are clearing level 40 dungeons” is literally just a single dungeon run made by super-twinked players taking hours to finish it?

I mean that would be the same as complaining “omg world bosses are getting solo’d left and right!” when it was just a single case of a single paladin who reckbommed one after spending gazilions of hours building it up.

There was a horde group that did it too, IIRC. So it was two groups of players, but yeah, super-twinked groups in both cases with world class players present in both groups. (not that everybody in said groups are at the “world” tier of play)

Why do you watch streams you peasant?

All reports show that Beta is actually under tuned especially in the early zones, with mobs being weaker and dropping more loot, with shortened spawn times.

To be honest, the difficulty could stand to be turned up.

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Okay once again… you are completely wrong… ubrs was never meant to be a 5 man. Just because lbrs is tuned for 5 doesn’t mean ubrs is. Dude you’re wrong, just admit it

What are you talking about? Classic beta is super easy, level 40’s killing 62 elite bosses… level 40’s clearing 50+ dungeons, Elite mobs having the same damage and health as a non elite mob. What do you want to be able to kill level 62 elites at level 20? Classic’s already ruined by you casuals, back in 04-06 version level 40’s would of been 1 hit by 62 elites and skulled elites. . Now we got this bot version of vanilla that’s just as easy as retail, it actually makes me sick. I don’t remember 04-06 version being half this easy.

You people who never played Classic commenting crack me up.

UBRS used to be 15 man in its original form friend. So did Scholomance.

They were never 5 man dungeons. So if 5 people have cleared UBRS (I havnt paid attention to the beta so I dont burn out) then I would say it isnt hard enough.


Ive been avoidong beta so i dont burn out, but is it really that easy?

In original classic you couldnt take more than a few mobs at once; at level; unless you had raid tier gear. If level 40’s are killing max level elites then im gonna avoid it like the plague

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What game were you playing. It’s easy as crap to aoe farm a couple dozen mobs as a mage, or 8-12 at once as a pally. Warriors grind by killing 4 lower level mobs at once.

Hate to break it to you, but WoW was never a challenging game as far as MMO’s go. Even if you are looking at mostly dungeon content I did 1-60 during classic mostly in instances with just me and my ex wife on a warrior and priest. 5 mans were easily duo content.

5 man content didn’t get even moderately challenging until TBC Heroics.

It’s technically true, but it was 2 raid groups that were almost filled that barely killed Nathanos. A lot of them were twinked out as well including the tanks.

Someone is pipe dreaming.

At inception no one was 2 manning 5 man dungeons. are you high? ALl the dungeon runs I ever did you had to be spot on your awareness and use your available CC’s to limit pulls etc.

I cant remember ever 2 manning a 5 man dungeon until having much higher level raid epics… or it took a long long time and therefore wasnt worth the effort.

And - again , places like scholo and UBRS were never tuned for “5 man” content in the first place.

As far as levelling. My initial toon on a pvp server was a warlock. Hit 60, switched to alliance and played a pally. Not sure what game youw ere playing, but I never took 8-12 at level mobs at once. Again. Pipe dreams.

Show me some videos of non Naxx/AQ40 geared players 2 manning some of the end game dungeons in vanilla mate, in a time that it wouldve actually been worth it. Love to see em.