🛑 “Classic” is not Vanilla

I’d probably take you up on that. Maybe they are RPers, but something tells me that this thread came from a different place entirely.


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Oh buzz off.

The Dream Police, they live inside of mah head!

I see Classic as an emulation of vanilla.

aside from that, the ‘Word-Police’ can screw right off.

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siren chirps

Do you know why I pulled this post over, sir?

Actually it’s not an emulation, it’s a adaptation of a 1.12.1 database to the modern client and server infrastructure.

I’ll let you off with a warning this time, try to post more carefully in the future.

True what made Vanilla good was the people more mature and respectful and always there to help. That’s not todays generation sorry.

Dude… you moron… I have not heard a SINGLE person EVER call classic vanilla… you are literally just talking out of your butt… who and where have you heard ANYONE say classic is vanilla… no one… ever… ever… at all… you’re dumb

Classic is Vanilla.

oh… right… ha ha… hahahahah… so funny dude. like… HILARIOUS dude… like… MAAADDDD funny dude… like insanely humorous dude… shut up

You’re getting me really heckin’ mad right now, brother.

I was scared this was a Transmog thread.

Or a p-server.

Which is a hell of a lot more Vanilla than Classic will ever be.

You’re not wrong, but I’m saying how I see it.

It’s like I’ll be booting up an emulator, which is a subjective take on the experience.

Er, I mean…go away word police!

Vanilla is a flavor

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Vanilla release date - Aug 27, 2019.

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(Blizzard Shows WoW Classic)

Random Naysayer: WoW Classic is not Vanilla! REEEEEEEEE

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But Classic Coke was Classic Coke and Vanilla Coke was Vanilla Coke.

“Literally”? That I’d love to see! Make sure to wear lipstick!

Yes my favorite flavor is Vanilla, but I also want chocolate drizzle, toasted almond bits, whipped cream, and a maraschino cherry on top in a waffle cone bowl. Still Vanilla ice cream. The additions just make it tastier. :icecream:

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