🛑 “Classic” is not Vanilla


I liked that movie, but some of the acting in it was pretty bad. Funny video, but the person who made that should have edited out the racism. And you should have thought twice about posting it.

they did if you’d watch it

I heard the word. Didn’t sound like it was edited out.

i had same reaction.

vanilla classic. classic vanilla. vanilla. classic.
the first game. the og. the numero uno. the head cheese. the big kahuna.


there subtitles that doesn’t show any words that are racist. not sure which word you’re referring to. also, It is using TTS and replaced the words with Vanilla and corpse camping which is a way of griefing players by camping them.

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I’m gonna call things whatever I want to call them. Try and stop me!

Are you a doctor? No? Then stop diagnosing people as “autistic” and “retarded”.

I have autism loser, piss off.

Stop calling Vanilla “Classic” <

Well you are WRONG. ‘Classic’ Rock and Roll refers to a time when rock n roll was the MAIN kind of music. Back in the day, the original, where it all started
 those are all terms to describe the ‘good old days’ yesteryear. You are simply trying establish a language and call it your own, but you CAN’T redefine the dictionary.

’ : a work of enduring excellence’
’ : a traditional event’

A classic football game, ancient times, traditional values

All of these things describe the very first release of WoW in 2004.

Now I remember and I ‘KNOW’ this is a FACT somewhere on this forum I know because I have been playing this game since November of 2004 (yes beta just before release) and about 1 month AFTER BC came out
 people referred to WoW (without the expansion) as VANILLA.

Now they are re-releasing a CLASSIC version which IS Vanilla how are you going to say you can’t call it the same thing??? Are you that confused by the fact that this GAME has a following and people WANT to remember the game as it was
 which was THEN and is NOW called a ‘CLASSIC’ as masterpiece, and time before modern

CLASSIC it is VANILLA. VANILLA refers to a type of item which has basically NO fluff, no pizzazz, no glitz, glamour just SIMPLE, exactly what WoW WAS in 2004-2006.

So it’s a re-release of a VANILLA version but the GAME is a CLASSIC because those days are GONE. You are simply not understand vernacular as it relates to everyday LANGUAGE and you have in your head that they 2 can’t be the same, but you are DEAD wrong.

If you lived 40 years ago and you did something
 your parents probably called those times ‘classic move’
 meaning it was BEFORE.

IF you played a game BEFORE any of the add-ons, improvements, on dial-up without the extras you would be playing a ‘VANILLA’ version which years LATER we NOW call

say it with me

You don’t get to define what language we use you are obviously not a literary writer or a rhodes scholar
 But maybe if you attend college ask a professor of Literature someone that can expound upon the TRUE meaning of words and compare what it means to BE Vanilla and what we call a differentiation in history vs modern

I guarantee you they will say for WoW VANILLA and CLASSIC describe the SAME GAME!

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And now it’s “loser”. It’s odd, because you make some valid points, but then you mix them up with the insults. If you are truly autistic, you give the rest of the spectrum a bad name with that behavior. Throwing the word around as an insult is an insult to all the wonderful autistic people out there, most of whom are nice, caring people. Maybe some day you will grow up and become one of them.

hi. how’re you?

if he is autistic, surely there’s nothing he can do about it (other than consult with dr. neubrander and be put on methyl b-12 injections hehe), so yelling at him for being autistic is probably not going to address the underlying issue. unless it has helped you?

rather, directly pointing out the error is more conducive, as i am suggesting for you, particularly, if you suffer as he does. gentle. afffirmative. suggestions.

or am i wrong?

Technically Vanilla wasn’t Vanilla. It was just wow. It didn’t say Vanilla on the box. Vanilla was coined by players, not Blizzard.


All I know is if I don’t get role-playing GMs assisting me with my problems by floating down on a shimmering moonbeam , it’s Classic, not Vanilla.


In the words of that weird alien dude Obi-Wan talks to in Episode 3:

“There’s no controversy here
unless you’ve brought it with you!”

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Cake I respect the heck of you, even though I picture you as an actual cake (chocolate of course) that can somehow work at keyboard. Blizzard should add the token and get rid of the gold farmers. The game just isn’t going to be 100% authentic no matter what we do, and I’m not going to lose my job to get my epic this time around.

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I called it “Classic” for years before Blizzard’s announcement. I now call it “Vanilla” to make a distinction, but I still slip up sometimes. Just never liked the way it sounds.

I bet 3 gold the people crying about terminology and trying to tell people how to talk and what to say are role players. lololol

Seems like a lot of arguing over semantics here. Vanilla was Vanilla, Classic is also Vanilla.

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Shots fired.