Classic is nerfed on beta

Actually, if the pre-1.12 knowledge gap was about what was stored on client, you could pull out an old install CD set and just pull that data. There’s no shortage of people on these forums who kept theirs and would happily lend them.

TBH though, they said they were going full 1.12 with no further changes beyond what’s mandatory to make it function on modern systems, with modern architectures. That means 1.12 AV, and anyone moaning about it is barking up exactly the same tree as anyone still asking for transmog carryover.

Yeah, we’ve had a huge thread on this since the announcement months ago.
It’s funny seeing peoples actual reaction to how bad 1.12 AV is when they see it in person with their own eyes, though.

I tried to warn people :frowning:


For the sake of overall authenticity, i think we need a happy medium version. But, the majority of people here don’t seem to care much for the overall experience.


I can recall a grand total of 0 requests for 1.12 WoW.

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And Brack in fact said he wished for people to discuss what versions of vanilla elements we desired most.

and then ignored the whole lot and went with the path of least resistance… er…“clarity” for themselves.


least resistance and cheapest route.

Doing actual content progress via patches like pservers would have been actual work that cost actual money.


AV is not in the game at launch. Far from it.

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Point of note: 1.12 AV is actually 1.11 AV. From v1.5-1.7 AV actually received improvements and buffs. When MoHs were implemented in 1.8, suddenly they scrambled to begin dismantling AV so that it would take less and less time to play. From v1.8-1.11, the original PVPVE game was obliterated.



Troll post is troll post

Yeah its easy to say but 1.12 is only representitive of 1.12 and is not a very good representation of what Vanilla was for the majority of its life cycle.

Selecting 1.12 classes; I get it.

Selecting 1.12 PvP and PvP was a huge mistake.

Earlier WoW was superior to 1.12 in a lot of ways, and unfortunately gives a very watered down experience. Essentially its Vanilla on ultra easy mode.


She/He/Zhim is trolling you. I would have thought you recognized their avatar and posting by now, Mogar. I am disappointed in you a little.

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So much so that your knowledge is based on your rank of… oh wait, you do not have a vanilla rank.

You did not play vanilla, and if you did you did 0 PVP.


AV was changed so that honor farmers could get MoHs faster. Full Stop.

There was backlash in vanilla to the changes. It was ignored.


Unfortunately the forums did not discuss valuable things like what versions of what content is best (BECAUSE THEY HAVE ALL THE DATA).

Instead they endlessly nagged for dumb crap like Transmog or Adding modern graphics; stuff that will simply never happen.

The few threads that discussed content were drown by kids who in most cases just didnt play enough actual vanilla to know any better.

As a result 1.12 was according to the forums “the version”.

Unfortunately a franken patch would have actually provided people with a proper “Vanilla Experience”

I can only hope they dont make the same mistake with TBC because 2.4 is the sane as 1.12 its a catch up EZ mode version.

Dont worry this warning will fall again on deaf ears.


This is terrible. This is pretty much BC AV…NOT CLASSIC AV. This makes me sad :frowning:


It didn’t really register until you see it…I was like WTF…this is not right. I know we are stuck with this pile now…just makes me a little less hyped.


Oh for sure you experienced something different.
Your legacy pvp achievements only go back to 2009.

1.12 as-is.


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After seeing how AV turned out…I am concerned that we are not going to get the true classic experience…I should have done more research.



Explains why AV felt easier at some points. Because it was.