Classic is helping me stay sober

Im 16 days sober today. From 750ml of vodka and at least a sixer a day to nothing.

This game has been a tremendous help to me through this challenging time.

Thanks WoW.


Keep it up, you’re worth it.


Remember to anyone trying to go sober, it’s very dangerous, make sure you have help for the first few days.

You can die going cold turkey on alcohol.


This is important knowledge. I was drunk for 8 years and foolishly went cold turkey with no help. Hallucinations came and went for the 1st 3 days. It was dangerous.


Awesome job! Keep it up!


Yea, not surprised, your brain is overstimulated without the alcohol blocking receptors

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Brother, is that you?
Also gz.

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Congrats! You got this!

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If memory serves, what you experienced is referred to as the DT’s. They can be pretty rough for some folks going cold turkey.

Raiding and playing with this player base is causing me to drink.


Well if you would take the game a little less seriously you wouldn’t have those problems.

Idk I really love drinking.

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proud of u

Congrats man. Keep it going!

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Thoughts and prayers that your struggles get easier, It takes an amazing amount of courage to fight addiction, you cant cure it, you can only defeat it. Its a demon labled as a disease and its a lifetime commitment to battle an unending craving, godspeed in your quest and know that were rooting for you to, once and for all, severe the head of the dragon and find contentment.

Congratulations on 16 days! :slight_smile:

Congrats on 16 days, keep it up! I have to take “one day at a time” to heart and is has worked so far for me.

Alcohol killed too many of my friends and family members.

Keep it up!

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Congratulations. Remember keto, fasting, and exercise, these are the things to do for optimum health. Some people do 1 or 2, but all 3 is best.

You’re just moving from one drug to another.