So you keep saying…
Thanks for your reply.
I didn’t take the time to fully answer your post earlier, mostly due to the fact that (in my opinion) all the answers to your statements/questions can be found in the initial post to the thread.
But isn’t this what forums are for… here goes
If you read the initial post you would have noticed that dungeons is just one example of an area in the game that Blizzard can look over. I also mention raids, Bg’s (AV) etc. I merely chose dungeons as a concrete primary example to get my point across.
Vanillas original game design approach (obviously since used in the past) affects all aspects of the game. And in my suggestion where there is a reference to an earlier patch, we should go back and look to revert nerfs that fit into the current 1.12 patch. Not only for dungeons, but for the game as a whole - once again.
For me it’s rather self explanatory on how these reverted nerfs will guide the game towards a better player experience. There are many different components that contribute to a gaming experience, challenge/difficulty/effort/complexity (subjective, as most other things) being a few of them.
A challenge creates a sense of meaning and when overcome, a sense of accomplishment - nothing new under the sun…
If we take dungeons as an example (once again). If your group were to enter a dungeon and steamroll it without any consideration to tactics and whatnot. That will most likely not result in a satisfying gaming experience. The satisfaction of completing that dungeon will most likely be on the short side in comparison to the alternative.
By tactics i mean;
- Complete disregard to gear (i.e tanking with a two hander without consequence)
- No need to CC
- No need to manage threat
The list goes on…
There will be groups of players (gear/group setups/individual player skill), regardless of what we can do within the actual current patch history, that will be able to (even with reverted nerfs on patch 1.12) more or less mindlessly plow through the dungeon, but that is not the point at hand.
Macro, my initial post refers to increasing the challenge/difficulty/effort/complexity (dynamic variables) of the game.
Micro, make the Zul’Farrak Dead Heroes in ZF elites again (they are non elites in 1.12). That will most likely not take long, it will most likely not demand a huge amount of resources on Blizzards behalf. Is there really a true downside to this?
Will in fact changes (as described above) secure the experience (that I’m referring to in my initial post) for all players at all times? Well the answer is, regardless of context, no. But we have improved the prerequisites for the game to succeed. Every little step counts, regardless of how small, it will still take us closer to the initial game design philosophy of Blizzard back in 2005 (links to this in my initial post above), and it’s that philosophy that made the game we all came to love. Nothing else.
The more nerfs that we can revert - that fit, nerfs that is is fair and reasonable in terms of time invested/output and compatibility with patch 1.12 will again create better prerequisites for a quality WoW vanilla gaming experience.
Now why is that again?
WoW Vanilla’s success was mostly due to it’s game design in terms of creating a social experience.
How social is retail today? Been speaking to many of your fellow players during your last daily HC’s, daily group quests or even M+? Created any meaningful friendships lately? Gee… I wonder why…
By reverting nerfs that creates incentive for us players to;
- Coordinate
- Communicate
- Cooperate…
Will help us create a better game.
The philosophy of Instant gratification, nerfed content, everything to everyone at any time (more or less) without any real demand when it comes to effort. This is what made retail what it is today.
Time spent versus reward with a strong underlying incentives (more or less demanding) for players working together is key.
So again, all reverted nerfs that helps us in achieving a more meaningful social experience will help the game succed - simple as that. This is a fact, not my opinion.
The more challenging, the more unforgiving we can make WoW Classic (input only from earlier patches), the better for everyone - in the long run.
Many of the nerfs will (when looked at as an isolated change) of course be within the margin of “it will not matter/it might matter, so why do it”.
As a principle though, even if only one nerf were to be reverted, i.e the Zul’Farrak Dead Heroes in ZF retuned to Elites, will still be better then not doing anything at all. It will still, regardless of how small, be a step in the right direction. So why should we (with that as an argument) say, “let’s do nothing” instead?
And once again, I don’t think either of us should value the effort needed implement any of this principles to WoW Classic, leave that to Blizzard.
The point of the thread is to disucss the “what”, not the “how” - again leave that to the professionals.