⭐ Classic is Definitely not Vanilla

Yeah, you’re right.

Still, I just can’t resist. Lack of logic on the scale I’m seeing in this thread triggers me.

Its not about memories, feelings nor emotions.

I challenge the dev team to use or find the earlier patch data to give us the best 1.13 patch possible.

There are still no valid arguments to my initial post in this thread.

Just a tag of war, quite fun to a degree though :joy:

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There is one, but you won’t pay it any mind because you’d rather believe Blizzard lies about everything than actually use critical thinking.

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Just walk away man lol. You can’t win an argument with someone that is using what amounts to ghosts as reasoning.

I can give you this, if it were to be true (in my hypothetical example) that all patch data except for 1.12 were gone, then I am willing to agree - dont change a thing!

My focus here though, once again, is not on the “how” but on the “what”.

Hence why it doesnt matter if its actually doable or not. That is for another thread.

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Here’s the problem though dude.

Every time someone posts a thread asking for Blizzard to retune things, that increases the likelihood that they will.

It also increases the likelihood that if they do, they’ll do it the same way pservers do it because they don’t have the actual data anymore due to overwriting it every patch.

I’d rather stop that nonsense before it starts. I got burned once in WoD with the flight bait-and-switch, I won’t be burned in Classic with people telling Blizzard to use inaccurate numbers just so they can stroke their e-peens again.


I hear you on that one.

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They will come out with another version of Classic called “Vanilla,” which will not have any of these nerfs and it will cost $5 a month.

But seriously, my guess is that they worry that it will be too hard, and people will just quit out of frustration. I think it’s fair to think that even the most seasoned of WoW players and the most hardcore ‘Vanilla’ players have become accustomed to ‘QoL’ features and easier fights and mechanics over the years (in many games and not just WoW), and there is probably a fear that some people will hate this experience.


They’ve already decided that and posted about it multiple times. if you think it’s up to Blizz, then you’ll accept their multiple posts explaining they’re going with 1.12 balance.

You should become a game designer if you unequivocally know what will be the most “fun for everyone.” You’d make the best games in the world!

Nice taking it out of context :grinning: You should be a reporter or a politician.

The MOST fun for everyone (there is an individual scale). ALSO refering to the community that actually asked for Vanilla - not average Joe.

Guess I have to spell it all out for you friend.


You do realize there’s virtually no chance that Blizzard is going to throw away their beta testing till this point and go back into the data to revert nerfs, right? Maybe there will be a Classic+ in the future and you can repost this thread.

I’m still not discussing the “how”, I’m only discussing the “what”.

This thread is not only relevant to Classic’s launch, it will stay relevant as long as Classic exists.

What is fair, and what is possible - is not for me to decide.


while not the ‘inital’ experience classic it does reflect the state of the game prior to the BC pre-patch. This is pretty much true to the base game blizzard had the client for (1.12) they don’t have the code, apparently, for the earlier builds and to port each patch over to the new infrastructure would be extremely time consuming and expensive even if they did. Their compromise was building 1.12 and releasing staggered content include itemization. I think this is about the best solution.

regarding a game lasting 3 months instead of 4 weeks, I don’t think they will be releasing all 6 phases in 4 weeks lol. They have not published any time table for phase releases but I suspect 2-4 months between phases so you looking at a 18-24 month release cycle just to open Naxx much less gear up and clear it. sure a handful of guilds will probably clear each phase in a couple days or maybe a week but the vast majority of the community won’t be clearing Naxx for at least 2 1/2 to 3 years from launch.

Thanks for your input Shorty.

blizzard had the client for (1.12) they don’t have the code, apparently, for the earlier builds

That might be the case, or not - we do not know. Hence why this thread is aimed towards the “what” not the “how”.

regarding a game lasting 3 months instead of 4 weeks, I don’t think they will be releasing all 6 phases in 4 weeks lol

This was just an example on my part taken totally out of context in terms of the presented timeline.

The point being, that the game will last longer, in any sense if the challenge is greater. The game will regardless offer us with a lesser challenge since its a re-release :slight_smile:

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Where can I find your post regarding damage on SM Cath?

A major question I have about these people zerging low level instances while drastically underlevelled is if warriors are holding aggro using Battle Shout. That was a borderline exploit that definitely existed in 1.12, but most warriors didn’t know about it. By now I’ll bet they all do, and Blizz is going to have to fix/nerf it pretty quick I would think.

I don’t know if it existed in earlier patches. In 1.12 Battle Shout gave threat for everybody it affected, including pets, and it didn’t matter if the person already had Battle Shout. So a warrior could just stand there spamming Battle Shout and hold aggro on infinite mobs forever. But enough about how my casual guild oneshot Nefarian.

Classic isn’t a live game like Retail, it’s a museum. Stop asking for changes.

“Warts and all.” This game design is a wart. Suck it up and deal with it like the rest of us.

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“Suck it up?” What is this, boot camp? We’re talking about a game.

Battle Shout spam was not intended to work. It clearly was not intended that warriors should ignore all their intended threat generation abilities in favor of spamming a party buff over and over. They just didn’t get around to fixing it in the vanilla timeframe.

One of the things I dislike the most about current dungeons is that tanks can hold threat on infinite mobs forever. In vanilla, they were not intended to be able to do so. A good tank could hold two and a great tank 3. Past that, no, the healer would pull.

Battle Shout spam makes things worse than retail. At least in retail the tank’s AOE threat abilities have to actually hit the mobs. I’m pretty sure with Battle Shout spam the threat happens if the mob can see all the people affected by the BS.


It was Ion Hazzikostas who proved that it was impossible to down C’Thun (by looking at the required raid DPS and healing). He was also the GM of Elitist Jerks.

Ion Hazzikostas is now the Game Director of World of Warcraft.

It’s safe to say that we won’t see un-nerfed C’Thun this time around.

It’s safe to say we will have un-altered 1.12 stats on bosses.

The rest is just speculation from Pserver specials.