⭐ Classic is Definitely not Vanilla

Caelle, you’re a WoW player after my own heart. <3

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I told you what my evidence was. It’s a simple Google search away, too. The fact you won’t even pay any attention to it because it comes from Blizzard speaks volumes about what kind of person you are.

Hint: It’s not what you think.

There is no self serving purpose to that.

At the end of the day, all that will matter is if the game is good. If everything turns out to be face-roll then it wont be good, it will be a huge disapointment.

Its only your fears that is speaking, the fear of Blizzard messing it all up. I can actually appreciate that.

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NOBODY trusts Blizzard not to screw this up if they don’t stay the course they’re currently on, dude. Where have you been for the last few months?


We dont actually know everything they changed. They made multiple changes that simply dont show up in patch notes. Mage ignite changes being an example. There are multiple examples and a guy made a post about it showing video footage of changes, and absolutely no mention of it in the patch notes.

Beyond this we have video footage right now for SM Cath and Harod boss fights showing the fights are definitely different, but the only thing people noticed was the damage of specific abilities, they didn’t notice how much more often that damage was coming through and seemingly from different sources in the Vanilla version vs the Classic version. I made a write up of it and you can view it yourself right now, but no one has responded.

This kind of reminds me of when Dota 2 devs stated Crit damage was accurate when it was actually showing pure dmg, not actual damage taken. This went on for nearly 3 years before someone had the competence to check the actual HP numbers going down with armor equipped vs the damage displayed showing that the damage was indeed off upon closer inspection. This would have required a 1 minute demo to figure out, but it took 3 years.

Its actually bizarre how much people can miss.


As much as I enjoyed my time on Nost, I just never could shake the feeling that it wasn’t what I wanted. When I could log into the same spot every day, and I am not exaggerating, get 3-4 blues every single time ( I also had a friend doing the same thing so I know it wasn’t just me getting lucky ) I just wanted accuracy.

So it’s not as hard as I remember? Heck Nost wasn’t either for that matter because I knew what I was doing by then. I just want it to be accurate, and if it’s not what I like then may J. Allen Brack was right, and I’ve been a fool this entire time.

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I used to play on Kronos 1, I left for several reasons.

  1. It felt unfinished, like the people running it only cared about PVP and raiding and such and not about the actual world.

  2. The ever-present threat of my character being deleted or lost due to a permanent server shut down.

  3. The fact it was copyright infringement.

Okay, and what about all the players who also played on Nost and other clones and think Classic is too easy? What about all the players that remembered the game being harder and are concerned that it won’t be the same?

When you think back to Deadmines, what do you miss? Do you miss that VC had exactly 4.1k HP? Or do you miss the long nights where your group was challenged and engaged but got through it anyway and gave you a sense of accomplishment for finally getting that loot?

Maybe you just miss the specific HP/dmg values but most players miss the Vanilla Experience. I hope you can at least understand that.


Good input man, thanks. Very important stuff.

Kronos 1 was not overtuned compared to servers like Nost. It was easy, and many players didn’t enjoy it as a result.



That wasn’t one of the reasons I left. At all. I spelled out entirely why I left in my post. I enjoyed my time there.

Sure, but we don’t know how you would have reacted to a server like Nost that was overtuned to give a better experience, particularly in dungeons and raiding.

I’d hardly call being overtuned a “better experience.” Especially when there are elitists out there who’d probably make my life hell for even being remotely undergeared when going in for the first time.

Yep. A friend of mine tried Kronos waiting for Nost’s successor to happen. When he went into SFK as a Druid at level 13 and the party said it was fine and never dropped below 70% hp pulling the entire upper floor thats when we knew something was definitely off. That was 100% impossible on Nost. This wasn’t a case of 10 year forgotten memories, it was literally a month after Nost shut down.

He quit Kronos and never looked back after that experience. When a game becomes this easy the entire feeling of progression is made irrelevant. If you can never die, who cares how geared you are and why should I care to get said gear? You don’t, you just speed run to the end.


Elitists will do so, tuning or not. If it’s not about clearing, it’s about clearing faster.

And guess who are most likely to be the only people attracted to an artificially difficult version of WoW like you seem to be.

“artificially difficult”? I would argue that 1.12 with 15 years of knowledge under our belts is “artifically easy”. When people watch streamers run dungeons, they perceive it as being too easy, not too hard.

Perfectly stated. Defcamp and Melderon released a video about this recently where Melderon ran WC multiple times without anyone dying and without having to stop and drink a single time, basically casting 1 heal per pull. Apparently in Nost, he has to drink every 1-2 pulls and some of the fights are quite difficult. Meanwhile, his party members were in quest gear and some of them hadn’t played WoW in years.


Except it’s not artificial because it’s the actual numbers.

Nostalrius was artificially difficult because they didn’t have the actual data to work with so they just guesstimated everything.

Literally everything.

Difficulty is relative. I’m sure my mom who’s never played WoW would find even LFR quite difficult.

By your logic, the NBA is artificially difficult because the 3-point line is farther than in college.

My point is, it’s not about the actual numbers as much as its about how players experience the game.

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