Classic Hunter: The Retry Timer

Blizzard please fix this!

please fix this

Agree 100%, EXTREMELY frustrating. Please fix this blizzā€¦

Says the guy who agrees with the Black Lotus changes lol. What a joke.

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Please fix, Blizzard! Bumping for blizz to seeā€¦

I agree that this should be fixed. Not much justification for keeping as described.

I rarely post on my main, but Iā€™ll tip my hat to supporting this. Iā€™ve dealt with having to do work arounds for this and other issues that plague the hunter class since actual vanilla because I mained hunter all the way to legion (when they removed hunters as a playable class and replaced it with a joke) when I stopped playing retail.

Iā€™ve been here for the stealth nerfs, the bugs, the clunky design flaws exc. And while I love classic hunter far more than the dumpster fire that is retail hunter, I would be more than happy to see some of the inconsistent mechanics fixed like this, Feign death, exc.

On a side note it always makes me cringe when I see a hunter having trouble keeping one mob in a trap without resist issuesā€¦ Lol. Multi trapping and extended trapping is something that should be considered a basic for hunters.

This is alfavhunter for my normal forum use, putting this here to see replies.

Edit: I also chose this character name to reference how hunters were treated compared to other classes throughout WoW.

The black lotus changes are made to accommodate to the larger server sizes. The current pop to lotus ratio is closer to vanilla now than before the changes.

Hunters sucked in vanilla, they should suck in Classic too.

#NoChanges. If you donā€™t like hunter, reroll, go to retail, or quit.

In before ā€œwe have investigated ourselves and thereā€™s no problemā€.

But seriously, fix this and/or let hunters get AP buffs.

Very well described and hard for Blizzard to ignore.

They should fix this.

Very well documented and explained issue, WatchYourSixx. Thank you for taking the time to research, document and submit this request. Iā€™m also asking for this to be addressed by Blizzard.

Thank you.

PLease fix

This man speaks the truth! I hate this so much! Difference between 700 dps and 550!

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help us please blizzard :frowning:

We arenā€™t saying make hunters great dps. But fix the bugs that harm gameplay.

Feign death still isnā€™t fixed and the only thing breaking it is the artificial spell batching. It didnā€™t have the issue it has now in actual vanilla because the artificial spell batching is very different from what vanilla had. When combined with actual internet and computer speeds and how those have changed.

The .5 second delay was from that older days because of slower internet and computer speeds as a way to try to make it smoother on the system.

Now combine the .5 second delay AND the artificial spell batching and you can get delays of .5-.8 seconds which IS a change from vanilla.

Because the .5 second delay isnā€™t just the delay, itā€™s compounding with the delay from the artificial spell batching recognizing the hunter is not moving and trying to auto attack and then starts the .5 second delay.

Fixing this wonā€™t make hunter dps increase to dps warrior levels, it might close the gap by 5-10% or so, but nothing major.

Bottom line is the artificial spell batching screwed hunters over a lot and we want the issues it is causing fixed or at least bandaided.

Changing the delay auto attacks have from .5 to .3 would be the best way to make it more vanilla like right now because of the artificial spell batching already adding an average of .2-.3 second delay to it. Heck removing the auto shot delay would still result in an average of .2-.3 second delay because of the artificial spell batching alone.

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Spell batching is not artificial. It was a part of vanilla. If you donā€™t like spell batching, itā€™s way shorter on retail, I suggest you switch to there.

The spell batching we have in classic is considerably different from how it worked in vanilla. Thatā€™s why I called it artificial spell batching.

They tried to recreate it. And in some cases, they were successful, in a lot of others thoughā€¦ Not do much. This is in part due to faster speeds on everything and them trying to force the system to slow down, instead of how it was back them, of limiting the speed because the system itself couldnā€™t handle it.

They tried to mimic spell batching from vanilla, and they managed to make a distorted reflection of it.

yes please!

What Iā€™m talking about has nothing to do with spell batching, itā€™s purely a thing for Auto Shot as far as I know. Unfortunately I canā€™t realistically compare it to anything for someone who doesnā€™t play a hunter to really understand. However, a good comparison would be say trying to cast a frostbolt. Letā€™s say you are moving right when you try to cast it, then you immediately stop and press it again, but have to wait 0.5 sec before it starts casting. Or letā€™s say youā€™re kiting a mob and you stop to cast rank 1 frostbolt, but for some arbitrary reason you have to wait up to 0.5 sec because it was coded that way.

The game being unresponsive when that time can be the difference of you getting an extra hit in before a mob can hit you, or getting an extra hit in on a player and killing them while you live with 100 health, all of that just feels awful and doesnā€™t feel like something that should have a place in this game. I was fine with it affecting just kiting but after months of discovering more things and realizing itā€™s the retry timer at fault for making auto shot feel awful often times, hopefully it can be realized that itā€™s more of a nuance/annoyance to have to deal with constantly than it is keeping ā€œtrueā€ to vanilla.