Classic Hunter: The Retry Timer

Honestly just a complete garbage thing to say.

Imagine being such a shallow and bitter person that you actively lobby for continuing to punish an entire class over having a janky penalty for starting their auto attack swing.

It’s not like Hunters are asking for their talents to be revamped or the class to be entirely reworked from the ground up. They don’t even aggressively lobby on these boards to have the existing world buffs revamped so they can benefit from them (despite AQ40 and Naxx widening the damage disparity).

There’s something to be said for preserving the spirit of Vanilla.
It’s another matter entirely to argue out of spite (which is what you are doing) while cowering behind #Nochanges, as if you actually care about the community at large.


Yes, auto shot was toggled on. You can use my WA at to see the exactly when the timer is firing. You will notice it won’t show up during any non-channeled spell casts.

Based on the evidence I have seen, the delay between Aimed Shot finishing cast and Auto Shot starting is not related to the retry timer for three reason:

  1. The associated event that we believe indicates the retry timer is running does not occur during non-channeled spells,
  2. Not everyone who uses the macro (or manually toggles auto off) sees the cast gap disappear, and
  3. I have performed a perfect, 0ms gap rotation with Rhok while leaving auto shot on the entire time.

Interestingly, if you cast Hearthstone while auto is toggled on in Retail, the timer does fire. But not in classic.

Very frustrating please fix

Please fix this!

Real talk though. Whatever reason the retry timer existed back then has long gone past.

Retry should not have been retried.

Fix this and reduce leeway and spell batching.

While we’re at it let’s make world buffs more useful for casters and have it give them + spell damage and + healing. Because reasons.

This has been a thorn in my side for the longest time. I notice this a lot in PVE when mobs are moved around by tanks, forcing me to move, killing my DPS. Please fix this Blizzard…

Or how about we remove all world buffs period. This game is way too easy with world buffs. Either remove them or significantly buff the content. Though removing them is the better option than buffing the content, getting world buffs sucks and is time consuming but its needed if you want to do good damage comparatively to others.


Imagine if Blizz added a 500ms swing delay to melee auto attacks to emulate bad internet. That checked every 500ms if you were in range. And they removed leeway so that you had to stay in melee range for half a second to get an autoattack off.

That’s what it’s like playing a hunter right now.


But thats a bigger change then adding hunters to the DM AP buff. Like the ony Buff it just says AP and yet hunters benefit from it.

This has to be one of the most frustrating things to deal with during my time playing Classic. I understand the timer and the reasoning for it for movement, but the way it has been implemented has had negative underlying effects to the rest of our abilities and deeply impacts our normal game play. An auto-shot doesn’t feel too automatic when you are constantly having to spam the button hoping that the auto attack will go off.

Keep the timer for movement if you must, but it is vital that you finally fix the issues underlining these concerns as they can often make playing our class a miserable experience.

Most of us were already aware of some of the issues of the Hunter class would face going into classic and we still went down this path. I don’t think we were prepared for the additional problems that would come on top of those, issues that were seemingly put into Classic not based on sound or logical game design.

Please fix these unwarranted issues we have been facing and we can put this behind us once and for all.


I’ll have to give your weakaura a try and compare it to an eventtrace, but I can promise you that it does happen even during Aimed Shot. I have a specific check for this in a modified WST that causes the shot timer to add 0.5 every time that event triggers and during aimed cast without a macro, if you aren’t using rhokdelar you will get the event and cause the shot timer to spazz out at least one or two times. With rhokdelar you get the event if hasted.
It is possible with rhokdelar to get 0 delay without the macro, but that’s because of the timing of rhokdelar normally not affecting the delay unless hasted. The delay can and is eliminated by the use of the macro, it’s a stark difference between logs with the macro and logs without, even with rhokdelar.

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Much agreed. Thanks for posting

Great post Sixx, blizzard plz…

Please listen to this guy and fix this!

Please fix this I love the hunter class and this really does hurt the experience as I’ve improved and perform at a higher level.

Sixx speaks truth here. This really should be addressed. I know were going to get a whole bunch of #nochanges in this thread but Blizzard has already thrown that out the window anyway. So with that I suggest #Remove0.5Delay

Lets face it hunters need all the help we can get.

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I am with you hunter brother, blizzard please remove this dumb retry timer