Classic Hardcore and Trading Restrictions

If im levelling solo, why exactly would i care how you got your bags?


good point

Someone stashing gold on an alt does not diminish from your HC experience

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They do around July 4 here, in the US.


How does gold inflation due to gold buying have any impact on making items have more value? Are you talking leveling or raiding?

From a leveling perspective, I don’t really assign value to gear I am using when I level, I find you can get almost everything through quests and while its not all perfect stats, you hardly need amazing gear to level in wow. For the things I buy, again it needs to be just good enough, so I often would look for the cheapest items available. I am not going to waste gold on gear that will likely be replaced in five levels and likely through a quested item. If I did could I potentially level faster? Sure but if want I can level pretty quickly, so its not a big deal. I also will be saving money for my epic riding.

Even in raiding I don’t really see a huge impact, but if I am raiding I typically only raid progression, and I don’t ever bother to gear up alts just so they have gear, and most will be in a mismatch of gear that they leveled in. I also don’t plan to really raid in HC, so will see zero value in any raid gear.

I don’t think there is any connection at all between RMT and bags, since you can generally get bags on the AH for about the same price as the materials, so I assume you simply find it rewarding to find bags then buy them.

For me I see feel absolutely zero reward in finding a bag, I would far rather not deal with the hassle of having to run to a vender every 10 minutes because the bags are full, or constantly have to delete relatively worthless items. I do see this as more of a personal thing as some people value different types of experiences.


U sound like a retail player that wants everything to be handed to them.

The success of no trading on BSB speaks for itself.

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Blizz decides what is hardcore, not what like-minded players like OP decided way back then.

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So I raided as progression doing all content before the nerfs. Have always been self sufficient in preparing for raids, never bother to twink any of my alts because leveling just doesn’t require it in wow, so there is no reason to waste gold doing it. As well as have never found it even remotely difficult to farm gold, yet this makes me sound like a retail player who wants things handed to me? Exactly why does my not agreeing with you give you this impression? What exactly do you think I want handed to me?

LOL and then you think the add-on’s restrictions have helped the BSB economy?

Guess what I have played on BSB since Classic started, it always had a solid economy while the content was current and it had an amazing community, as part of this it had an AH, trading and mail. I do think it struggled a bit once TBC launched, but that was more do to the low population than anything else.

In TBC, and now WOTLK while its has a smaller population having lost some of the people over time, it still has a great community, and still has a solid economy, and guess what it has an AH, trading and Mail, so your conclusions that somehow the add-ons restrictions somehow saved the economy, just doesn’t bear any truth. It’s also extremely easy to farm and be self sufficient on the server.

As for the population on the current BSB ERA server, the only thing I see now is that there is a number of people which have a far more toxic attitude that we didn’t typically see on the BSB server prior to the HC add-on community moving in, as for the economy however it didn’t need the add-on to be fine, and it would still be fine with trading, mail and the AH.

Hardcore is a community-invented mode that Blizz decided to adopt. The original community hardcore has no trading till 60 (and people were happy with it), which is a good enough reason to keep it as such.


First the add-on wasn’t even hardcore (appeal anyone) and no a lot of the people were not happy with it.

Hardcore mode is – by definition – what the community decided it to be with the rules outlined here. If the community decided that deaths are appealable then that’s what “hardcore” is, whether you like it or not. The fact that most of BSB server happily plays this community mode is a testament to its popularity.

P.S. Hardcore as a mode was there before the addon was even a thing. The addon just made it easier to monitor. Before the addon people had to record their whole run to be verified.


So I raided as progression doing all content before the nerfs.

last time you could call it “progression” was like 2004-2005 lol

Guess what I have played on BSB since Classic started, it always had a solid economy…

Non-related to the HC crowd

toxic attitude that we didn’t typically see on the BSB server prior to the HC add-on

I would agree even though I only played on BSB since like January of this year. There was a noticeable change in toxicity after the BIG surge of players/streamers in like April?

  • Because I love professions – all recipes and patterns – and professions are interdependent.
  • Because I play IronMan style and those white shoulders just NEVER drops until I’m far too high level for them to do any good.

All this ssf “hardcore” thing does is making this game turn into a singleplayer game with barely any social interaction in terms of questing nor trading or doing something meaningful.

You are playing an mmo and if you fear the trading of gold and goldbuying then maybe think twice as the problem here is your fellow community actually buying the gold off of bots and not the bots itself.

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If people want to not trade, they can start a guild of like-minded people. I personally want to be able to trade.


We play an MMO yes, but people can play it the way they want to. Just like you may be unable to progress solo, others may want to do it like that.

The HC community wanted the solo challange to 60, they don´t care about raiding or group content. All they want is the path to 60. We should respect that.

We do have Era realms, those that want to group can play there just fine, they don´t need HC realms.

Yes it is, and hardcore is a different mode. Besides that, if it’s optional, how does it hurt your gameplay.
This “it’s an MMO” argument that everyone use is pointless. The tag doesn’t indicate that you need to trade, it says nothing about trading. It just means there are many players playing online. That’s it.
Everyone wants to try out the new hardcore mode, but dammit, don’t change the game or anything! And while we’re at it, let’s make exceptions on deaths too … good grief
Yes, people are asking for that too. :roll_eyes:

Why, does that invalidate your gameplay in any way?
WoW is a competitive game, and people like to flex, it’s part of the fun. Stop being a cranky pants and lighten up a little. There should be a lot of fun flex achievements in the new mode, it gives players more to do.

Simply put, trading of profession materials/items is required to complete a number of leveling quests/questlines. I’ve listed the ones I’ve run into alliance side so far below.

There’s also the matter of Enchanting being the only profession unable to be skilled up while leveling due to needing the rods from blacksmithing.

Now if they were to limit trading to direct trading of crafting materials/crafted items and no AH I’m good with that.

Search for Incendicite - Wetlands - upper tens/Low 20s Mining ( for ore)
Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun - Stonetalon - Range - Low 20s - Alch (elix of Minor Fort x2)
Favor for Krazek - Stranglethorn - Mid 30s - mining (for Ore)
Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe - Ratchet - mid 30s (Robes of Arcana - Warlock Only)
Bartolo’s Yeti Fur Cloak - Hillsbrad Foothills - Mid 30s - LW (Hillman’s Cloak)
Jarl Needs a Blade - Dustwallow - Mid/upper 30s - BS - (Moonsteel Broadsword)
Coolant Heads Prevail - Badlands - Range - Low 40s - Alch (Frost Oil)
Stone is Sturdier Than Cloth - Badlands - Low 40s - BS - (Patterned Bronze Bracers)
A Short Incubation - Thousand Needles - Range - Mid Upper 40s - Alch (Elix of Fort x2)
Chasing A-ME-01 - Ungoro - Upper 40s/low 50s - Engineering (Mithril Casing)
Fragments of the Past - Eastern plaguelands - Upper 50s - Mining and Enchanting (Enchanted Thorium Bars)
Fire Plume Forged - Ungoro - Mid/Upper 50s - Mining - (Thorium Bars - For the Sholomance Key)
That’s Asking A Lot - Eastern Plagulands - Upper 50s (Requries Mining, Blacksmith, and Engineering items).


Anyone that has a couple brain cells firing will mail excess items and gold to bank alt. The game will allow that and they’d be a fool not to use it.

It’s going to be open trading, this is known. They’re asking for the no trading to be a supported option.

I know, but I couldn’t help including the minimum that I’d accept into my response to the original statement of why trading should be limited to level 60.

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