"Classic" gives the opportunity for Cataclysm to be a fantastic expansion

what did they do with the rogue legendaries its been a long tiem. did htey nerf them?

they replaced the malefic shoulder animations and stuck them on the rogue legendary daggers and replaced the warlock idle malefic shoulder animation with a stupid /roar and jump triggered wing animation.

oh, i didn’t know about that for warlocks. yeah that is lame. that should’ve never happened. that was part of the tier. no reason to ruin its appeal.

Thanks for giving insight to me on that.

I mostly PUGed them. /shrug

I think it’s stupid to have “Heroic” dungeons that you can faceroll. Wrath set the bar insanely low and people looked at that as the new normal. Personally I think people who don’t want a challenge should stick to normal mode stuff.

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Cata Classic waiting room is all Wrath is.

As long as the raids are divided into 10 and 25 with the same lockout and loot, there’s no chance I will play Cataclysm. It destroyed my guild back in the day and it’ll do the same to thousands of Classic guilds.

History repeats and I have next to no faith in the clueless Classic devs to be able to recognize which changes need to be made after the RDF fiasco. Aggrend is clueless, Brian is exceptionally clueless.

How exactly does Scerlet monastery queue affect your “norms”?
Meanwhile I can aim for Glad 2.4 rank in arenas and never say a word outside of my discord comms with ONE partner.

How does Slave Pens or Deadminwa via RDF “erode” social fabric of the game, but cross realm queue-from-anywhere PvP does not?

What tf is this double standard?

I think it’s time we remove cross realm PvP and force 50/50 servers. Straight up wake up tomorrow find half Bene players on another server with 50/50 split. You like that? Oh that’s be fun though.

The ICC heroics were hard and fun because they weren’t CC fests. The Cata heroics were hard, but only because they were CC fests, which actually didn’t make them hard it just meant you rolled with a CC heavy group and they were suddenly easy, but also boring because of that.

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I remember the mechanics often requiring you to move out of stuff on the ground. Grim Batol, I think it was? It was a decent example of a dungeon with some pretty punishing mechanics that didn’t have anything to do with CC as far as I can remember. I loved it.

A couple of them maybe but the majority of the trash was just a CC fest. Which was both boring and created the exact same situation that Wrath fixed which was turning some classes second class citizens because they didn’t have the good CC. It was like the aoe meta but significantly more toxic.

I agree with OP, Classic is the opportunity to make Cataclysm great. Here is my personal wishlist for it:

  1. No RDF / LFR
  2. No old-world revamp (or optional toggle)
  3. No simplification of class buffs - for me class identity and buff “unicity” is super cool. I always enjoyed that (for example) bringing a Demo Lock brings something unique to the raid.
  4. A complete revamp of Dragonsoul (not going to happen, but meh, worst raid in history of WoW)
  5. No transmog (or a possibility to toggle it off)
  6. No simplification of item stats (like removal of spell power / attack power / MP5)
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laughs in the last 3 years of classic

Oh you sweet summer child they don’t want to make it better they want to put in as little effort in making it work with their current games client and push it out the door. Making cata better isnt a goal.

I know… this thread is a discussion around that tho… we’re allowed to dream xD

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“bc classic waiting room is all vanilla is”
“wotlk classic waiting room is bc is”
“cata classic waiting room is all wrath is”
if you people hate classic so much WHY ARE YOU PLAYING?

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Oh, you’re talking about trash? I’m not particularly worried about how trash fights work either way. I guess it makes sense for trash fights to be faceroll-able, since, you know, trash.

My main concern in this area is for boss encounters that are actually difficult. Not necessarily just gear checks for any/all individual role(s), more just the idea of actually having to know a fight and pay attention to it. One of the very few things I really dislike about Wrath is that the boss mechanics in most of the 5-man content can be completely ignored.

I remember the Trial of the Champion introducing slightly higher difficulty which was a step in the right direction I suppose, but there was CC there. And then I actually really enjoyed the ICC 5-mans. Although those mostly seemed more difficult because they were gear checks, not really because of harder and more complex mechanics.

Aside from slightly disagreeing with you about Dragon Soul being the worst raid, and #2 being a bit unlikely to happen, I basically couldn’t agree with you more. Beautiful wishlist! :+1:

Right so the gearing differences between Cata and Wrath are another reason Cata heroics gave the impression of being harder. Wrath with a three tier gear/lockout system had a lot more gear available to trivialize heroics faster, and obviously heroics in a mix of 10/25 man gear make heroics much easier. The same was true in Cata it just wasn’t as easy to actually get the gear because of the raid changes, and relatively lower amount of gear you could get directly from heroics since there was only one tier or token that was shared with raids(with a weekly cap). I want to say they also dropped the potential for end dungeon bosses to drop raid quality gear.

So when you compare how fast you could out gear heroics in wrath vs Cata that also leads to the impression that cata heroics were harder.

Funny you’d say that, I remember I wasn’t actually raiding at the time, but I had the distinct impression (playing a mage at the time) that DPS didn’t feel satisfying because my stats sucked (like crit %, haste, mana regen, etc.) and that it felt impossible to get more gear. It’s actually one of the things that led me to trying out Shaman and finally finding my main Class after they ruined Holy Paladin for me during pre-patch.

Even without raiding, I wonder if that gearing problem is related. It could just be that Mage was more dependant on gear and scaled like Warriors always do. Early expansion would’ve felt awful.

Meh. They definitely were harder though. Even if you strip away the contributing factors. I liked them.

Sooo you basically don’t want Cata. You just want their raids with Wrath balancing >.<

I guess I won’t see you then. Unless, of course, you’re just a hypocrite idk. Because a lot of “I will never play Cata” folks are most certainly are playing Cata.

I really enjoyed doing the heroics at launch, in heroic gear, with my guild group and doing all of the achievements in the first couple of weeks. They were really not that bad without any raid gear at all. I think that random groups in the RDF were what made them feel bad to a lot of players who couldn’t complete them. That was a perfectly reasonable expectation to have for players who were just hitting a button to join a random group, and they were right to be annoyed when their random group would fail even with a 15% buff. However with having to form groups I think the original tuning should be given a chance to play out, it might feel much better balanced even with a pug that is actively put together by a leader. It will also be the only dungeon content available until the last phase of Cataclysm so it would be rather boring for it to be a snoozefest from day 1 like Wrath dungeons.