"Classic" gives the opportunity for Cataclysm to be a fantastic expansion

Never said I would never play it… this is a wishlist, not a threat in any way shape or form.

The issue with hard cata heroics was RDF. Hard content + random group = cluster. People expected to just Zerg them like late wrath heroics and, since it’s a pug, communication was often non-existent or met with “you’re not my supervisor” type of rebuttals.

Your wish is everything but Cataclysm.

You don’t want to play Cataclysm when you

And that’s fine. I’m sure Wrath legacy servers will remain open. And those who want, such as myself, will go on to play Cata.

You don’t advocate for Cata to be scrapped, and I won’t ask for Wrath era not to exist. K? Why can’t we both be happy?

That wasn’t so much the problem as that Cata heroics were designed around 2-3 CC but RDF would form groups with 1 or none. Obviously that didn’t work out well and it was a design Wrath specifically moved away from because regardless of RDF it’s bad design.

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My wishlist preserve tons of cataclysm content… I mean Google it and you will see. To name a few examples: new dungeons, new raids, new zones, new class abilities, new talent trees, updated professions, etc etc.

I guess my wishlist could be rephrased as: give us the content from Cataclysm while preserving as much « Classic » design philosophy as possible.

Classic Cat is coming.

Y’all answered that survey back in July (?) .

There was an RDF question and you folks got distracted.

Things have a lot of variables when plans are further out in the 5yp—DF success holds MoP’s

“Classic:” would be world revamp. It would be transmog. It would be everything that has happened previously.

What you want is not classic. You want Classic+. Not even SoM. But +.

Like I said, I meant to preserve a « Classic » or « old school » design philosophy. I understand that we disagree, some people prefer a more modern approach to design philosophy for mmorpg, but that’s not my case.

Yeah, so you don’t want “Cataclysm Classic”. You want Cata+ or SoM or something.
I want to replay it all as it was, perhaps will some minor tuning changes as we have them in Wrath now too.

Transmog can be removed in the same manner as RDF, as its a stand alone thing. (but I’d hate it w/o it personally, so perhaps a toggle on/off would be good for PVP or have it disabled in arenas completely)

For demo warlock to bring its buff like in Wrath, it means adding new spells to Cata and affecting class balance. It’s like adding warlock brez to Wrath as on retail.

As for stats, you want to basically have blizzard to rebalance every single item in the game.
No world Revamp also would mean no flying, as current world is not meant for flying with all these blank textures at different angles. This changes the game completely.

I know my wishlist is unrealistic and not happening. Blizzard seems to invests the very minimal amount of money possibly imaginable to have a « viable » product. I simply shared it in a spirit of discussing around our wishes for cataclysm. I’m just a bit sad for the « classic » design approach to end, but it is what it is!

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The Cata dungeon difficulty was fine at the start, the problem was, you really couldn’t random pug them, or barely.

And also, raids were opened, and a 3h dungeon without loot didn’t help you get ready.

I am quite sure if they have been release today, they would simply put them as a mythic difficulty and put the nerfed version as heroic.

But then starts the ilvl inflation that makes it impossible to “play the expansion, not the patch/phase”

And also… the whole idea of classic was to be in the old Azeroth again… going to the new Azeroth which is the same as retail would just be… weird. You enter Timewalking territory then.

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They’re not going to release a Cata Classic because no one wants it.

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Let me rephrase that for you: « I believe they might not even release a cata classic because I’m not sure there is a big enough population that would be playing it. »

That’s what I just said, lol.

Read both posts again. They are similar, but very different in how it is said.

You bored or something? lol

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