"Classic" gives the opportunity for Cataclysm to be a fantastic expansion

Gonna say yes to this.

9.2.5 to 9.3 fixed alot of things. For some…a bit too late though. at this point I was on a a classic kick way more really.

those ripcords…came too late. I dabbled in the pvp and that was about it. But just a few alts. My alt army diminished here really.

I appreciate your 20IQ reply, but I think I’m going to stick to Cataclysm. Thanks though.
You don’t have to play. But don’t be a complete karen and try to take it away from others. Don’t you have anyone to love IRL that you’r so cringy?

Yeah I agree. If those were in the game right off the bat, SL, actually, would have been great. Including some balancing changes, like Outlaw Flurry from 5 to 8. (I was OL main for keys)

It 100% comes out.

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Almost certainly. When have they sent out a survey about an expansion and not gone through with it?

And I can’t wait.

I want Classic servers to catch up to retail one day where we can transfer off to retail with what we have earned.

People who want to stay in a certain xpac period are more than welcome to stay.

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Blizz didn’t even leave 1 TBC server.

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Yea that sucks. Surely, at some point there will be legacy servers for certain xpacs. But who knows. There are so many different playstyles and players. I myself want classic to be the “catch up” mechanic to retail for players who would want to transfer over with what has been earned over the years/

lol. oof. /10char

LOL. I definitely would never deliberately contradict myself knowing full well there’s a loser completely obsessed with me who spends hours every day sifting through my posts looking for any inconsistencies. :rofl:

I mean….if you can’t toy with your stalker, then what fun are they? What I find really hilarious is that evidently he actually thinks I care what he, or anyone, thinks of me. I left that junior high silliness behind 30 years ago.

Unfortunately my sub runs out again today. Should I resub just to keep posting here? It is pretty good entertainment.

I do find it funny that you contradict yourself a lot.

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Takes me seconds to use the forum functions to keyword search to show people you’re consistently, constantly lying about nearly everything. I’m not some uneducated 40 something year old who doesn’t know how to use the internet. Seconds, it takes seconds to show your hypocrisy.

Before you call someone a loser, look in the mirror. You resubbed solely to complain about one or two topics over the span of 3,000 posts in 7 months. You’ve made 15 posts a day whining about a game you pay to not play.

Don’t resub. If I was the stalker you keep claiming I am, I’d want you to stick around. I don’t, trust me, I don’t. Leave and take your lies to some other medium.

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Cawatacleesm buwust expeext!! Dwagun hawt, waruld hawt, Aleexswawasa Pawger! Cawatacleesm wauld bee pawger tuwu retuwn tu cwassic! uwu

Let me push a question to you friend, do you… want to swim to the dungeon unda da sea every time you wanna run it? No? That’s what I thought. The lack of RDF will force players to run through every zone cataclysm has to offer especially vashj’ir which I’m sure most players avoided.


i came back briefly to Retail end of Panda. I was like WTF did they do to the old world?!!!

No thanks.

You might have enjoyed the challenge but most other players did not. For those of us who mainly do/did PUG’S they were awful. It was enough reason that I quit and didnt’ come back until mid MOP.

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I preferred the classic defias as enemies start to humans.

one of the nice things of original wow. Part of me goes if varian only would have paid the dude this would have gone much better. A fair days pay for a fair days work. all he was asking for…

I like older night elf land too tbh. you mighty hero of the alliance are here to face the dreaded horde.

after, you know, you spend most of your time fighting twilight hammer, angry elementals, butt loads of naga and mad ghost elves.

They just weren’t particularly fun, CC fests suck which is why blizzard moved away from them in wrath. And it was entirely possible to make hard dungeons that were fun, the ICC heroics were fine. That RDF would routinely make groups that didn’t have enough CC just made everything worse.

Catalysm comes without the catalysm.

You mean warmane, where the static lorderon servers is the ground where characters from the yearly seasonal server get dumped before the next season? Yeah, that supports my point, the only purpose era servers is a dumping ground.

i will never forgive what they did to malefic shoulders with the rogue legendary daggers in cataclysm.