CLASSIC FRESH on Deviate Delight Era (NA)! Come start anew

Cough cough, sup Moon

Some of us just moved to Faerelina, how is it on Deviate!
Did you get your mount?

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Last night we reached 75 people online at one timeā€¦ this time last week, we had 5 people online at one time.

Still very early in this player driven movementā€¦

Iā€™ve been having a good time! Check it outā€¦worst case go back to SOD

Update, Alliance side had 30 online at once yesterday. (Horde nearly 50)
Alliance guild population is over 150 now. the off-peak part of the day still never got below 5 online.
I have had flexible work and play from Australia, so Iā€™ve seen all the coming and going over the last few days and can say that this is very alive and well now. Weā€™re starting to get to a point where we are confident this might be sustainable.
Weā€™d love more to come over! Funnily enough, Alliance is lacking hunters at the moment (orc and troll racials have us beat, i guess) and could always use more healers and tanks. Honestly though, come and play whatever you want to. Play the class and the faction that will have you here for fun. Weā€™re a tight community and weā€™re very friendly. This is the opposite to the toxicity you will find in any other wow version/mode at the moment.
Come roll a level 1 character on Deviate Delight.


Ohh im Australian and need some chill aussies to play with. May come on over tomorrow.

Who i pm in game? May go horde this time as my HC is alliance. Maybe hunter too as i dont have one of those.

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Pigeoon on alliance side is AUS. If you come to our side, just message anyone in Refresh to get an invite. Whichever side you choose, welcome!

Also wanted to add, we checked /guildinfo on both sides today. Currently weā€™re sitting at about 60/40 for population balance in favor of horde (about the same as Grob WotLK). That by itself is already really good for wpvp balance but it would be good if we could push it even closer to 50/50.

There are other completely empty PVP servers that arenā€™t an RP server.

Non RP type servers get merged. Youā€™re back to square one.

RP-PVP is unique that itā€™s isolated compared to one in a cluster with all roads leading to Whitemane.

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I fully support this endeavor.

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I have a classic itch and this project interests me. Right now it seems horde have the higher pop but also started growing first. Iā€™m wondering if people expect this balance to hold as the project grows of if itā€™s expected to become more alliance leaning later? Iā€™m more interested in which faction will be the underdog after the initial surge.

The horde has a couple of twitch streamers that I think help pull people in addition to advertising on reddit and here. I think that may help keep them in the lead. I donā€™t think any streamers are on the alliance side atm.

Wohohh Hey dude
Thatā€™s awesome, I think thatā€™s honestly a great idea and definitely the move considering how everything is right now on Whitemane. I havenā€™t been able to play much lately but it was fun when I did.
I did man! It was a pretty cool thing to accomplish with everyone. You hit a point where you donā€™t even look at the bar anymore you just keep going.
Hope everyone is doing well over there and that vette is still crankin through gears. Tell Halt the slayer of druids and the King of the Mill I said hi.

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Bump this up for the insomniacs and oceanic. Come try it out.

Bumping this for the weekend. If anyone enjoys small servers and wants to help this tiny community grow in a fresh-ish environment, then I recommend checking this project out.

while you guys are leveling. I understand the horde is working with the alliance to build the community in their perspective factions but you guys are working together to build the server as well, how does this affect, if at all with pvp outside of BGā€™s? do you have a NAP (non-aggressive pact) while u build the server?

No non-aggressive pact at allā€¦ kill away. Red = dead if you so desire.

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Best part is community. Small but growing. Its knowing alot of the people you play with!

Both Horde and Alliance are about equal numbers wise now.

Play whatever faction you wish, whatever class you want. Youā€™ll find a open and welcoming community on both sides that will help you get started. Once you get invited to the guild on each server, join the discord and say hello.

Been leveling alliance and I gotta say, itā€™s been very nice playing without the hyper-spawns of the bigger servers. Very REFRESHing.