CLASSIC FRESH on Deviate Delight Era (NA)! Come start anew

Project Fresh Server

This project has been amazing thus far and it’s only been a few days. The purpose of this is to hopefully get Blizzard to notice that a lot of the community is longing for brand new fresh servers as opposed to funnelling everyone to the over-saturated Whitemane server.

Why Deviate Delight and why fresh servers?

Well, Deviate Delight is the perfect place because this server is not connected to any others and prior to us arriving - it was DEAD. We can make this server what we want. No GDKP raid groups, no inflated Auction House, new guilds, and new friends.

While the Horde is absolutely pumping; 20+ people on consistently, more during night time of course – the Alliance is getting kicked off and a new community guild was established today.

Myself personally, have already made several new friends within this project and have been having a blast. Groups are constantly forming, conversations are consistently happening in-game and on discord, and memories are already being made.

I urge you all to join us if you are looking for something new and fresh with good people!


Gotta love how delusional you are RPing with 15 people. Wake up to yourself

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Not sure if this will work for the new DD Era discord since links don’t: https: // discord gg /Y6JGzubz

We’re here for the fresh on Deviate Delight!!

  • Alliance have now also formed their own community guild “Refresh” and are actively recruiting new members.
  • community discord has been expanded to separate horde and alliance sections.
  • the community is continuing to grow at an accelerated pace. Still relatively small, but growing and very active.

Discord (Remove the spaces): https: // discord gg /Y6JGzubz


It has been a blast! Total fresh like feeling.

Have been here on Deviate Delight for the fresh start from The beginning and it’s been nothing short of amazing. It’s not perfect but it’s all we’ve got. It definitely feels fresh though and I think/encourage others to give it a shot if they want a fresh server feeling.

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Since we’re still small in population, world pvp should be extra cool since we’ll all kinda know each other through the discord. Let the rivalry begin (aka down with the horde)!
Also: Come join the alliance, we give out free starter bags and wands.

I am having so much fun on the Alliance!

Hey man, I’m starting a character on Grobb on Alliance. It’s completely fresh and I’d love to have some friends along the way for the journey. What times are you on, I’d love a guild invite.

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There are generally people online all day long. Just /who for the guild Refresh and ask any of their members to invite you. They’re growing fast now that people know that Alliance has a guild to organize everyone.

Shameless bump:
Join Refresh on the Alliance!

Come experience world pvp in a whole new way, guild vs guild. The Alliance needs you!

  • Unlike even Grob, there are no transfers in to DD
    – Aside from the small handful of bots that ignore everyone anyway, everyone is starting fresh from level 1
  • No gdkp
    – DD has free transfers off to Whitemane. Try it out, if you don’t wanna stay there’s an easy way back to fully naxx geared gdkp world :wink:
  • Awesome group of people helping each other out
  • Free bags for new players (and wands for casters)
  • Battlegrounds
    – Since we all get to know each other through the community discord: https: // discord gg /Y6JGzubz (remove the spaces), instead of bot riddled battlegrounds, every one of them will pretty much be pre-made vs pre-made against people you’ve met in discord and made friends with
  • Biggest plus: We’re not the horde! ;p

Seriously though if you’re bored and want to try something completely different, come on over. We’re still really small but growing daily. The guild is open invite at the moment so most anyone in Refresh can give you an invite.


Back in my day, we only had 5-6, and no computers to play it with. just paper, books, and stuff… WoW was never better!

bumping post

Best of luck with the project.

UPDATE: Having a great time with this. Rolled Alliance on Deviate Delight, because I could see that the Horde might get a bit bored without someone to kill them. Lol.
Alliance is now 70 strong (including some alts), we peaked at 17 online so far. Gained 4 new members today.
Horde is even bigger, I can see that they usually have several online in Voice Chat on the Discord Server. The Discord server admin is the guildmaster for both sides and is doing an incredible job with a group of veterans supporting his work. We’re now at a point where both sides have an average sized guild, by ‘normal’ server standards.

I’d really encourage people to get in on this and see how it goes. If nothing else, it’s a fun experiment. However, best case scenario, we have a server that is sustainable into the future.
Sure, we can’t rule out the eventual invasion of negative behaviour again, but for now it’s great and if you want that challenge of a smaller (but closer) community, come join Horde, or Alliance. Keeping in mind that Horde is where the bulk of the community is, and looks much healthier, we’d be happy to have you regardless of allegiance.

If you’re looking for a fresh economy, this is as close as it will ever be until Blizzard do fresh servers. Be a part of a server where you can make a difference, instead of becoming a number, who is pressured to grind gold to get anywhere.

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The part I dont understand about this is there are already guilds that are re-progressing ect. which is the same thing your doing. The main problem I am having on the populated servers are doing honor and rep from BG, the PVE stuff is easy, I can level myself, and finding a group can take a bit but I dont have to group to level. Its pretty easy to find a guild and actually do content rather than just buy the gear. so I dont understand what problem rolling on a low pop server is solving.

Not trying to be a jerk but honestly trying to understand.


This is cool

You’re missing the point entirely… we’re not a guild trying to re-progress through the content.

We’re a community of players trying to repopulated a server…

We started out as 5, we are now at almost 300 and still growing. With this continuing, people will realize that this is very similar to FRESH and the population could snowball into a very popular server option for people.


Bump - been playing on DD since Alodar kicked it off and it’s been growing amazingly every day and people are really enjoying the simple act of logging in without having to do ANYTHING or have any addons to NOT SEE spam/ads/boosts/gDKPs/etc. and just start playing the game normally or how you want.

There’s no specter of established guilds or economy that can magic wand your mounts and gear - so its as close to feeling fresh as we’re going to get.

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