CLASSIC FRESH on Deviate Delight Era (NA)! Come start anew

True sir, Alodar is a OG, remember canbeast sir muh friends

This sounds intriguing. Are most people rolling horde or alliance so far?

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Horde, but we’re like 24 hours in.

  • We now have a players trying to start up the alliance side as I was focusing mostly on Horde. Please talk to Hodori if you want to play Alliance.
  • A Discord has been set up to be used by both factions to help build up the community.

Just made a new character will be playing in free time between other games.

The number of people is growing. We’re small, but it takes time for community movements like this to start. Hardcore started with just a couple playing and streaming.

Come join in if you enjoy ‘FRESH’…you’ll find an extremely friendly group of people to play with.

Should start a new thread for Grobb. I am on there Ally side. Come quest with me guys!

Oh great the neofascist furries have control of the era movement; amazing. When are people gonna learn to stop giving Grobbulus people ownership of things. Lmao.

Relax… we’re on Deviate Delight.

Deviate Delight has been a much better option for the movement we have going as seen by how many people are coming to play and have fun. Been a blast and we see more and more each day!

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what guild are yall? horde right?

We are on the Horde side. I am still hoping that someone takes up the Alliance side to do the same thing as we know there have been people making fresh characters there but no leadership to organize them.

Could you post a discord link or is there someone on the alliance side I can whisper for it?

those guys somehow always rise to the top of the realm order…

I hopped on DD today, this idea is interesting. My only concerns are:

  • the community is still quite small for a mmorpg like wow. I hope more people will come.
  • I saw plenty of guildless 60 hunters. I don’t know what to say about this, but they looked out of the picture for fresh start to me.

Yeah I checked the store from DD and it does offer free transfers off to Whitemane so likely those 60s are bots farming resources. Not sure there’s anything that can/will be done about that. Seems to be an everywhere problem


Everywhere but retail.

It depends on your goals for the game but I would encourage you to try it out. I joined the Grobb-Squad and have actually been having more fun playing WoW than I have in a long time. They are a good group of folks and when I go out in the world I can actually do my professions. There is still botting on the server (lulz) but it’s fairly minimal and the real players succeed by supporting each other so everything is not monetized like it is on the main clusters.

The only real downside is dungeons for leveling are mostly non-existent unless you can find someone to do a carry and end-game dungeons are few and far between. But I have a dungeon character still on Pagle (Mankrik) for that so I can accept this.

I’ve only been playing there a few weeks but by and large it’s been a positive experience and feels a lot more like the WoW I remember from 2004-2006 than what I experienced in 2019-2021. What remains to be seen is whether or not Alodar and friends can build a comparable community or not, but if you like actually playing the game then you might find that a smaller community is better experience.

Anyway, I wish these folks the best!

We had over 50 people join the community guild on the horde side and it now sounds like people are starting to get organized on the alliance side as well.

These stupid forums won’t let me post the discord invite link though :frowning:

Don’t know how else to send you the link other than join the guild on the server or follow/watch me on twitch with the same name (Not trying to plug… just want people to be able to join in the fun)

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DD is goated. Come check us out.

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Horde has ‘We Want Fresh’ while Alliance started their ‘Refresh’. Both guilds help their members and the community is steadily growing. I’m playing on the Horde side and I have been running multiple dungeons daily now. Granted, we are starting up again and our runs range between RFC, WC, Deadmines and SFK but we are increasing our levels and roster daily. Guildies are crafting their goods and many put items up on AH at a reasonable price. It really feels like we are starting anew. Love the spirit, camaraderie and supportive bunch on DD. Come and join us if you would like to play the Classic Era without seeing chat bloated with gdkp’s! New and seasoned player friendly community :slight_smile:

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This project has been great so far. The Horde guild is very active with 15-20+ members online at all times of day now it seems. The Alliance guild was just established this evening and is recruiting!

Everyone has been super helpful and friendly, and there definitely is a nice community forming. The auction house is getting going, and multiple RFC and WC runs are happening daily. It really does seem like a fresh start. No GDKPs, boost spam, toxic people in LFG chat, etc. If you’re a true fan of Classic, I really would recommend checking this project out and joining us on Deviate Delight Era!

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