And I countered all of them because you failed to use common sense.

No, it would not be a better solution to having Dual Spec as an Option for people after they hit level 60, to finally earn the Gold (which is a lot and was like 1k Gold originally)

because once you have it you can focus on other very expensive hobbies liek raiding or chanting our new PvP sets as you advance.


Oh so the convenience is the issue. Got it. So because I don’t have to waste 20 minutes of travel to pay a pointless cost of gold (mind you changing those specs still will cost gold anyway with dual spec) then use my addon that auto fills the spec for me anyway. It is somehow hurting the intentional time wasting mechanic of the game is what people have an issue with.
Why should I have to farm gold week after week just to pvp? I’m planning to tank so therefore if I want to tank and do open world content (reasonably well) and pvp I have to repsec 3 times a week. Still I’ll be respeccing at least once a week on one of those 2 depending on what I want to do that week.
Dual spec does not hurt the game at all. It only hurts you because you feel like games are still designed around 2004 where every mmo was a mindless tedious time sink with every single mechanic. If that didn’t change you’d still be losing levels every death even in pvp like the mmos before wow.
Stuff changes for a reason and games evolve

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Ok, that’s your opinion.

Wouldn’t lowering the cost also make it cheaper and easier for people to respec more often during the levelling journey, thereby allowing for more people to engage in various content, fixing the healer/tank shortage and all of that stuff?

If you can only get dual spec at 60, then it doesn’t really help anyone who wants to PvP or PvE or tank/heal while levelling.

It seems like dual spec if only available at level 60 wouldn’t help in any of those scenarios, and be a massive change, whereas lowering the cost would help at all points of the game, and be a much less invasive change.

How would dual spec directly affect you?


If you’re concerned about spending 20 minutes in a game, I’m not sure Classic Vanilla is the game for you just to be quite honest.

I don’t think that’s a good argument at all.

You think you have a good argument?

You just said it’s a good idea to waste 20 minutes of someone’s time for no logical reason.

I have no problem spending 20 minutes of my time in a game actually playing it rather than just flying to a city to be able to play the game after flying back to wherever I was trying to get to

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Huh? You must be totally new to Classic/Vanilla WoW… or a keyboard turner…

You can heal as a Paladin as you level in Tank Spec
You can Heal as a Druid as you level in Feral Spec
You can Heal as a Shaman in Enhancement Spec
and a Priest can heal any dungeons as Shadow

Just put on Int gear from your bank and go heal it… game’s from 2004, if you’re speccing healing low level you’re a gimp lol

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Restaurants should stop delivering food to people’s houses.

It’s a major change from how restaurants were first introduced in society where people would have to go to the restaurant to eat the food that they served.

It doesn’t affect me at all if somebody else orders food to their house but they should stop doing it because I think they should.


they cant even articulate how it affects them anymore after I debunked their whole reasoning post they keep spamming like it’s the answer to everything xD

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A lot of the arguments I’ve heard in this thread and others in favor of dual spec were that people felt like they couldn’t do those things, and dual spec was required to solve that problem.

But if you’re saying that’s not an issue, then I think we’ve circled back to maybe dual spec isn’t necessary at all.

DUDE that’s the perfect mirror to the situation. Imma yoink that one for future arguments on this in your honor

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Protest skip the dishes.


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It absolutely isn’t needed until level 60, where you’re raiding and PvPing etc.

I play Shaman and Paladin, and as I level I am Enhancement and Ret.
If they’re not putting a healing set with int gear in their bank as they level up they’re literally half-*** playing a multi-role class.


Bad player: “I don’t want dual spec because it will change the meta. We will be forced to raid in cookie cutter meta builds”

Common Sense: “99% of groups already force you into cookie cutter meta builds.”

Bad player: has a stroke


With Dual Spec, I could quest and do group content as a healer or tank.

Without Dual Spec, I can only quest and only do group content as a DPS.

This may have been the case in Vanilla, we even had hunter pets tank Uldaman for us.

But in 2024, with the community we are having, where we chain pull entire rooms up to the boss, this will not work.

Not having a specced heal or tank, is a huge downside in groups, where most don´t even buy the CC abilities anymore, despite their class trainer offering them.


That’s the thing.

These grey parsers are against big pulls. They want 1 mob at a time.

Not a selling feature; SOD is trash.

It is because we can say as a fact that dual spec had no negative impact on the game when it was added.

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