[Classic Fresh] - KILL Edgemaster's

Yeah I get that - but like you really don’t need them. And for 99% of the guilds outside of the former guild like Apes, they don’t need it.

On Herod my guild was in the top 10 and we didn’t use them and we pumped just fine. To pretend that the content is made even remotely harder by not using them is nonsense (not saying you’re doing that).

well, sorry to break it to you but there’s a green quest shoulders that gives +hit and it’s on the pre BiS list for optional so :woman_shrugging:

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There is no problem. You have no knowledge. Hand waving isn’t of any value here.

I think that little details like this added to the charm of vanilla and are why it makes playing it through more than once fun. You have to learn a lot of the little quirks like this which better prepares you for the next play through. Although, being a melee player, I wouldn’t be upset if they did remove it.

Here’s a fun thought for Classic+. Take the stat allocations from all the non-raid items between level 45 and 60, per armor type and slot, and randomize them. Every “season”, let players discover where the best stat allocations are and what BiS is all over again! :smiley:


This whole tread shows why blizz was hesitant to release classic. Classic was meant for the old and peaceful not the young and full of ….um?

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wrong, it was suppose to be on other items. It was factored into balance by the original team, stop being short sighted and spewing nonsense.

Hypocrite, that is exactly what you’re doing in your ignorance. You are ignorant to original game design with +weapon skill, then claim other people are just waiving an opinion, and everyone’s opinions are just whatever. When in fact some opinions are worth more than others, since mine is based on actually game design of original content and since yours is truly based on ignorance it should be discarded like the rubbish that it is.

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All in all, I or most of us, didn’t know that glancing blow was a thing in original vanilla. I thought that “extra” hit made it more likely to hit, not hit “harder”.


Rather than just argue, if you have some information please link it. That would be much better than pretending to know something and telling others they don’t, but you do.

You’re lazy and requesting to be spoonfed when you can find this on wowhead on your own since you have sufficient evidence it existed (ie. Edgemaster’s)

Your ignorance is your own, not anyone else’s to fix.

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I’m not lazy. You make assumptions and call people names. But you’ve made no valid points.

If you’d like to have a conversation, then please bring something worthy of conversation. As it is, you are simply trolling without offering anything of value.

The value I’m offering to our “conversation” is calling you out for what you’re doing, but that’s already obvious to anyone who can read.

scroll up, you’re ignorant, and yes, lazy, the information is readily available and you deny its existence. I’ve made plenty of valid points, but you, in your ignorance, cannot see them. This is on you, not the people of the forums.

Tidal Charm is the same thing.

Or Horned Viking Helmet for non-Engineers.

I don’t get this stuff; you can obtain all these items and enjoy them for what they are: “quirky lower level items that have a place in endgame”.

Edgemasters is just another item; sure it’s BIS for non-Orcs/Humans, but that doesn’t mean it should be removed.

Classic design is what it is.

The biggest problem if any is feral druids farming pummelers. That’s an actual issue that affects druid gameplay (having to spend a ton of time farming a low-level on-use item with 3 charges). That’s the one that should be targeted for changes.


Or, just roll the right race for warriors (Human or Orc) and you wont have to worry about Edgemasters. Then when you find them you can sell them for big gold!

It matters because the entire purpose of any rpg is to constanly improve your character through level and gear. When every possible item you recieve after a level 44 piece is worse, then it is a design flaw.

Why isnt this an obvious answer? I guess if we had all recieved bis at level one we should all just be happy that we have full bis for the rest of the game.


I agree that it’s really not a big deal and it has a certain charm to it, but if we’re doing “classic+” then this kind of stuff is the low hanging fruit that should be changed.


hold it, the horned Viking Helmet is for Horde only, ally can’t get it. Horde bias confirmed in loot.


You’re merely arguing about my stating my personal preference, and calling me ignorant, while posturing as if you know something.

If you’d like to “win” a conversation, maybe try having one.

Exactly this.

I agree they should adjust pummeler, but right now we’re talking about +weapon skill.

I honestly don’t think the developers realized the error in BiS racials because everything else they did was very flavorful and fun. I doubt the player base wants to see a full raid logs of human warrior, human rogue, orc warrior, orc hunter (pvp), and troll hunter (pve). etc.

Full green/blue/epics of +Weapon skill from 20 to 60 would positively impact the game. How rad would it be to actually have a Lv.60 (not Lv.44) item with correct stats, and +weapon skill on it be BiS? and a whole new way to match race+class, and gearing.

Wrong. You, not me, have stated your ignorance to facts, ie. Edgemaster’s exists, and all the other +weapon skill items do indeed exist, you’re just too lazy to find this information.

You simply aren’t adding anything to the conversation, except how to debate and win, and that’s short sighted and trolling. You’re not worth talking to any more so this is the last time I’ll acknowledge you since you’re only here to derail.

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Wouldn’t it actually be troll hunter, for the bow skill racial?

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