"Classic" excitement explained from an older gamer's perspective

They’ve invested nothing. They are pretty much just re-releasing old content lmao.

This was already done, for free, with people who played on their private servers.

This is a mini game attachment to their live game, something that is free to play lol.

How you’re going on about this is so adorable.

It’s like you’ve just read for the first time a game review of vanilla in the past.

Is that you marty ?!?!

Glad your hyped. But youre clearly over reacting.

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Well you know. Two years of time during which they had to pay the people making Classic a possibility.
Kind of sounds like an investment to me, but maybe i forgot the definition.

Literally boot up version 1 on their hard drive ???
Wym it takes 2 years of paid work?


They already stated that the 1.12 client they started with wasn’t shippable.
Could be bull, but either way, getting the classic experience on the modern wow architecture is probably infinitely better anyways.
Anyone play private servers? Big yikes for stability and bugs.

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Is your argument that new players and noobs won’t enjoy classic because there will be experienced veterans playing the game?

Do you understand how absurd that sounds when the comparison would be BFA, which is (allegedly) on its dying legs populated by nothing but multi-expansion veterans?

The absence of a server community is absolutely game breaking. This game had a higher population in 2005 when e-sports weren’t popular and playing online games in general came with a negative stigma. Wonder why wow’s so dead right now when Esports, and Online Games have never been more popular? It’s almost like nobody wants to play in this toxic, lifeless, robotic game.


what is actually going to be HARDER in vanilla? I hear this word used all the time and then it turns out shít is just as easy if not easier but takes 10x longer

Spoken like a true knowledgeable person in the software field. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Software development time is everything to a software company. It doesn’t matter if it’s old content, it still has to be re-engineered to function correctly today. The way you talk about this tells you know absolutely nothing about software business, development and engineering. No surprise there.

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This mindset is why so many situational spells got pruned. PvP was always different from PvE because you’d consistently find niche uses for these spells.

There is actually a large amount of value you’re missing out on imo.

I also will point out I had very little interest in Classic until recently


Probably the most incorrect statement. The plan to regurgitate facets of Vanilla WoW while being able to program and reinvent the authentic factors of the game (from a development standpoint) isn’t nothing. Also I believe taking several months (2 years to be exact) from the announcement of Classic WoW to accentuate its return in the near future and you say “They’ve invested nothing”. Not to discourage you in person, but if you have actually tried to do something yourself or participated on a substantial project that took time and effort, you would really know the significance behind developing a refined version of a 14+ year old game to its maximum authenticity.

Can you try to act any more condescending? You should be aware of the excitement that Classic has enticed, and still your attempts to diminish one’s enthusiasm seems a bit too futile. I’m curious to understand what your ultimate motive is by discouraging the hype that surrounds Classic.


Classes having more depth tbh, that’s really one of the major things I’d point out

I never thought we’d get to the point where Classic looks like an expansion more than the current one but here we are.

Still, I’m holding out for WoTLK. But it’s just funny that the past actually has so many improvements in ways that it’s easy to forget, especially when it comes to the value of your character.


You’re right, it’s not even the finished game yet. Only level 30 watching people kill rares to get bis level 30 gear has 140k+ viewers.

Imagine the viewers when MC and such come out.

Thanks for proving my point!


This guy had a botched lobotomy bro leave him alone.

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WotLK was the most skill capped expansion in the history of this game. If it wasn’t for raid gear ruining some things in PvP it could almost be considered perfect. The gearing system was awesome with upgrades being tiered and I specifically remember blue geared players being at the top of the ladder sometimes (remember this is when gear mattered a lot). That means the skill cap was so much higher that even though gear was super important you could overcome it.

I really don’t care what anyone says about DK’s at the start the xpac or anything. WotLK was the greatest xpac to ever exist for PvP with regards to class complexity and skill cap in PvP. If only they could take WotLK talents/specs and mash them with a WoD/WotLK hybrid gearing system for next xpac.

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Hunter was pretty d0pe in BC.

You aren’t excited for that first?

For me, it’s the fact that they are willing to explore their older designs.

Cause god knows how terrible classes have been this expansion.

Just say it Dill, classes were better designed in the past.

I’ll leave this here.

No disengage till WoTLK, crab intervenes in WoTLK, Chimera Shot, etc.

WoTLK is peak MM hunter, but I’m still fine playing Classic and stuff

Also TBC hunter is still pretty much a dampener, WoTLK was actually a lot faster paced which I prefer. Mana draining people I feel is kinda boring honestly. I prefer fast games the most.

I have said that :man_shrugging:

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viper sting against disc priest was the ultimate cheese

i think lock had a channeled drain as well.

I remember a hunter named Megatf that was the “best” hunter in TBC because he would play 30 minute 2v2 matches with a Resto Druid just mana draining people and los’ing.